tisdag 31 december 2019
Santa Claus i ett manipulerat gudaperspektiv
It's election time coming into 2850 when Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny battles out the voting compendium for the power to bring the Christmas giftbearing with the loser standing fall with the Easter egg duties.
Election time starts to grow immensively near with The Easter Bunny seemingly in the forefront with ships (at dry land) and residence buildings with Easter Bunny election slogans.
These ships could have been legislated for the Easter Bunny's election campaign if it wasn't for the fact that these ships (and residence buildings) unknowingly appears - at first hand; arbitrarily - every other two weeks except for friday's.
Surprisingly thue; these ships (and residence) buildings seems to stem from a varily of countries and soon enough the Easter Bunny declares that these ships (and residence buildings) are of unknown source not legitimized as from the Easter Bunny.
The source of these residence buildings (and ships) is soon revieled as from scientists (doctors; professors and the likes) working on a nearby science facility teleporting ships (and residence buildings) from foreign countries as for science reasons (and supporting the Easter Bunny thinking her Clausery will better suit their demand (feeling they can claim more Christmas gifts with the Easter Bunny proposed Christmas gifthunting)) (working shifts every two other weeks explaining the regularity of the ships (and residence buildings) conundrum).
And so Christmas draw nears with all the precautionary procedures from both the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus all surveys point for a landslide victory for the Easter Bunny.
But when election time approaches and the winner is about to be announced the surpricing outcome is Santa Claus for winner (!!).
Pointing at a location nearby (a rusty church) the winning team is sure to imply all doctors and scientists from another (larger) science facility (hijacking the voters count with multiple of votings per person in this enclosed environment) meaning the church is only masking as a church but instead holding branch as a voters collegium further declaring that it is moved by there from a nearby country (cloaking it for the reminder of the week (except for Sundays) by a Philadelphia experiment approach).
And so the new winner is announced as Santa Claus now breaching ground with every one other country included in his giftbearing (included as the country of origin from the residence houses and ships teleported over to his ground).
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
Easter Bunny was once again failing.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
söndag 29 december 2019
Peter Johansson, Barbro Westling - The Demolishment Of The Carl Larsson Farmyard [Knostvärlden]

Peter Johansson, Barbro Westling
The Demolishment Of The Carl Larsson Farmyard
conceptual land art, 2008
The idea of the demolished Carl Larsson Farmyard's location.
// Henrik VII
torsdag 26 december 2019
Santa Claus i ett regeringskonceptperspektiv
Sometimes along 2825 Santa Claus finds a halt in his sponsorship from the leftish government of the world. Having been tied to it for the last 50 years or so Santa Claus no longer needs the government support - having had a money tree grow on his frontyard he soon publicly outcries world leftish people as pigs living on government support.
Santa Claus now instead seek to support a right-field government to buy his estate for a good price. Now having Santa Claus as its front name the world government soon change to said right-field environment - as thue Santa Claus publicly outcries them as foxes (!).
Farmers (working for a new politic) then soon finds a way in breeding pigs with foxes into the pigfox - this would in time then change the communities of the world into a right and left environment.
Santa Claus soon sees the positive in such an environment and open publicly starts to support it - having to get discount for his most expensive Christmas presents.
But this environment soon sees to no good for Santa Claus as his elves all left as the right - left politic gave them status as refugees but still enabled them for government support.
Longing for a strong leader to successfully merge the right-field and left-field Santa soon started to support the Hitler party - with that the world got a strong leader (better than Stalin (!)) - and Santa got cool brown-clad action figures to supply the world's children.
And so the world was once again saved.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
onsdag 25 december 2019
Santa Claus i ett logistiskt reseperspektiv
As Santa Claus gets old (and grumpy) it [he] has all the well started to layering out the Christmas gift-bearing activity to his elfs; in particular; the head elf.
But this transaction, thue, could have been a lot smoother - Santa's [Claus'] head elf having missed out on important details in the Christmas gift-bearing because of a lack of time -- as it's hard to remember all details and even to get all details (in school (being close to (near) 3850)).
So, as Christmas grows upon us it's not raindeers that drive the sled - it's cows - and the sled is no sled - the sled is a subway train (being driven by cows (chaos)).
All this mess-up is, thue, soon fixed by Santa Claus who hook-up the head elf via a telepathic enhancer who transfers memory (about the gift-bearing) from Santa Claus to the head elf.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
The head elf was yet victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
tisdag 24 december 2019
Santa Claus i ett neo-dadaistiskt konstperspektiv
2430 - new time - new rules (of the artworld) - the artworld is on its decay with several key works no longer classified as art. It all started with a proposal leaving everyday people in charge of the art world institution with the s.c art jury duty.
One work that didn't go through (with this new panel) was 'Kvik Kitchen' (relational concept aesthetics) (2410) as the art panel no longer deemed a cool kitchen in line with the Declaration of Human Rights ('Everybody has a right to a cool kitchen'). 'Kvik Kitchen' was then transformed in line with the 'Home Decoration World'.
Furtheron; 'Mona Lisa' (spatialistic performance) ('Adolf Hitler') (2420) (with her boobs clearly on display); was then transformed in line with the 'Porn World'.
Further on; 'Damien Hirst's' The Physical Impossibility Of Death In The Mind Of Someone Living' was also declared anti-art as the tiger shark was deemed an endangered specie. This work was also transformed (('Shark') (ocean salt water surface catch) (2426) ('Fishing World')).
But a new climate was on its course as new jurymembers (far left; historicians; one outdated artist) lobbyied for a return of the above numbered pieces.
Firston; even if the kitchen of Kvik wasn't art, new proposals (within the art jury (historicians)) left 'Kvik Bath Room' ('Art World') (2430) as art. Secondly - the outdated artist painted a jacket on 'Mona Lisa' (intervention) ('Art World') (2430) - leaving the painting ones again as art - and thirdon; the art jury far left flank deemed (on an utilitarist point of view) the feelings of endangered tiger sharks undermined by the feelings of the original artist and so 'Hirst's' tiger shark in formaldehyde was also this piece once again art (('Beautiful Inside My Head Forever') ('Art World') (2430)).
And so the artworld was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
söndag 22 december 2019
Peter Johansson, Barbro Westling - The Demolishment Of The Carl Larsson Farmyard [Knostvärlden]

Peter Johansson, Barbro Westling
The Demolishment Of The Carl Larsson Farmyard
conceptual sculpture, 2008
The idea of the (anti)idea of the demolished Carl Larsson Farmyard.
// Henrik VII
söndag 15 december 2019
Peter Johansson, Barbro Westling - The Demolishment Of The Carl Larsson Farmyard [Knostvärlden]

Peter Johansson, Barbro Westling
The Demolishment Of The Carl Larsson Farmyard
conceptual architecture, 2008
The idea of both the demolished Carl Larsson Farmyard and the existing Carl Larsson Farmyard.
// Henrik VII
söndag 8 december 2019
Peter Johansson, Barbro Westling - The Demolishment Of The Carl Larsson Farmyard [Konstvärlden]

Peter Johansson, Barbro Westling
The Demolishment Of The Carl Larsson Farmyard
anti-architecture, 2008
The idea of the demolished Carl Larsson Farmyard.
// Henrik VII
söndag 24 november 2019
Damien Hirst - For The Love Of God [Artney World (Art World/Money Institution)]
torsdag 21 november 2019
Santa Claus i ett superfiktivt konceptperspektiv
In an alternate reality; 2691 is once again (once different) and the recent-hired Pool Keeper works next as Santa Claus' pool cleanser.
On daytime that is - nighttime he deliver his time as a spare-time superhero (semi-professional superhero ('-He is ... the Pool Keeper' (!)) (deliver his time against his master foe (the Pool Cleaner)) (who recently stole 'Mona Lisa' from Santa Claus' collection))).
Everything works (not that good) as the Pool Keeper have no tracks at all for the lost art piece - that is when he start investigate the recent (and not so recent) history of the painting (the stolen goods) 'Mona Lisa' and finds out that 'Mona Lisa' too was a superhero (ta-daa (!)).
Upon this discovery 'Mona Lisa's' (not so discunt) price moves up several hundred billions making it almost entirely difficult to sell (too bad for the Pool Cleaner).
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
The Pool Keeper was yet victorious.
The Pool Cleaner was yet defeated.
And so the artworld was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
torsdag 14 november 2019
Santa Claus i ett förhållandevist reseperspektiv
This is the tale about one boy and his Christmas memories of 4102; the boy, while snug in to a hiding place within the gift-bearing activity; experienced love between Santa Claus and his mother.
He had snug into the hidingplace to glean on a large package who was addressed to someone (noone in particular) when he saw Santa Claus kissing his mother and then open the large package and was founding a time-machine.
This is the tale about one boy and his Christmas memories of 4102; the boy, while snug in to a hiding place within the gift-bearing activity; experienced love between Santa Claus and his mother.
He had snug into the hidingplace to glean on a large package who was addressed to someone (noone in particular) when he saw Santa Claus kissing (w/ the tongue) his mother and then open the large package and was founding an alternate reality device.
This is the tale about one boy and his Christmas memories of 4102; the boy, while snug in to a hiding place within the gift-bearing activity; experienced love between Santa Claus and his mother.
He had snug into the hidingplace to glean on a large package who was addressed to someone (noone in particular) when he saw Santa Claus french kissing his mother (and then address (to his mother) Oh! Wow, you're really good!) and then open the large package and was founding a dimensional travel device.
This is the tale about one boy and his Christmas memories of 4102; the boy, while snug in to a hiding place within the gift-bearing activity; experienced love between Santa Claus and his mother.
He had snug into the hidingplace to glean on a large package who was addressed to someone (him in particular) when he saw Santa Claus in a long-lasting kiss with his mother.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
torsdag 7 november 2019
Santa Claus i ett site-konstperspektiv
Is it 4100 and Santa Claus have been kidnapped by Austrian torturers; his brain pattern some time before have been constriged as sending psychiatric Christmas gifts and that is exactly what the Austrians is in for.
The Austrians so continue to abuse Santa Claus and soon finds out a way of functioning in this brain gift-bearing and so is in control of the whole of the gift-bearing circus.
But when they send a 'My Little Pony' (art film)-brain pattern symbolification to Santa Claus' head elf they might have gone astray.
Santa Claus' head elf now attempt to posture his back-up (of Santa Claus' brain gift-bearing activity) and so soon finds out that something is wrong.
Running his brain script (for diagnosing potential gift-recievers as good or bad) he soon finds out that these Austrians are indeed very bad and on the naughtylist.
In doing this discovery Santa Claus is soon out of his dead-lock.
Santa Claus (and his head elf) was once again victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
söndag 3 november 2019
Monty Python - The Funniest Joke In The World

Monty Python
The Funniest Joke In The World
1 Giga Allen
sketch, 1969
The World's most deadliest joke transferes to be the most funniest joke of the World.
The Funniest Joke In The World [Krigsvärlden]

Monty Python
The Funniest Joke In The World
alternate warfare, 1969
The World's most funniest joke transferes to be the most deadliest joke of the World.
// Henrik II
måndag 28 oktober 2019
The Santa Quotient
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
söndag 27 oktober 2019
Sirous Namazi - Leaning Horizontal II (Athens)

Sirous Namazi
Leaning Horizontal II (Athens)
installation, 2018
Med inspiration från Olle Baertling och spatialism blir här matvaruinstitutionen (ICA) till bisociativ diskurs.
Leaning Horizontal II (Athens) [ICA-världen]

Sirous Namazi
Leaning Horizontal II (Athens)
supermarket shelf, 2018
Med inspiration från Olle Baertling och spatialism blir här matvaruinstitutionen (ICA) till bisociativ diskurs.
// Henrik III
torsdag 24 oktober 2019
När Är Det Humor (Part 7)
Jag vill i den här essän visa på modern prank/hidden camera-televiseringar (post-'Candid Camera') vilket jag gör genom först ett exempel på 'assisted pranks' (avant-garde humor) - senare ett exempel på 'directed pranks' (experimentell humor) - och till sist ett exempel på prank/performance (med gränsen mellan konst och humor).
Assisted Prank
Först och främst vill jag belysa humorserien 'Jackass' (2000) där vissa element var av typen prank/hidden camera men med mer utstuderad rekvisita än t.ex 'Candid Camera' där inslagen mer var av expressionistisk typ med subjektens reaktioner i fokus. Exempel på sådana pranks var t.ex ett inslag där en uppstoppad krokodil användes vid gathörn allt för subjekten att snubbla över när dem närmade sig gathörnet och ett annat prank som innefattade en babydocka (med kuvös) som lämnades kvar ovanpå objektets bil (efter ett besök på en bensinmack) men utan att subjekten på avstånd kunde skilja mellan babydocka och baby. Även här är subjektens reaktioner i fouks men inslagen är ändå betydligt mer avant-garde och använder sig av mer rekvisita än t.ex 'Candid Camera'. 'Jackass' hidden camera/pranks av den här typen väljer jag att kalla 'assisted prank'.
Directed Prank
Av typen (nästa steg i prank/hidden camera-evolutionen) esoterisk rekvisita/regisserade pranks ('directed prank') finner jag humorserien 'World Shut Your Mouth' (2005) med 'Dom Joly'. Här återfinns ett inslag med två busstopp där den ena är utrustad med fåtölj och alkoholhaltig dryck med garnitioner och den andra ett helt standardiserat busstopp. Här är tanken att inrusta en första klass-typifikation med busstopp som första led.
Något tidigare televiserad än ovanstående show vill jag upplysa svenska prank/hidden camera-serien 'Ursäkta röran! (Vi bygger om)' (2002). Med taglinen 'Ett wakeup-call för ett slumrande Sverige' fanns 'Fredrik Wikingsson' och 'Filip Hammar' med inslag som - dock kanske bara implicit - testade gränserna mellan humor (prank/hidden camera) och konst (performance). Här återfinns ett inslag (som exempel) med 'Emma Andersson' (kallat 'SM i nazireferens') där objekten - allt under förespeglingen av rutin-intervju - försöker referera nazisttermer - detta helt utan subjektets vetskap. Allt som allt refereras över 50 referenser i inslaget (som avslutas med en påa inför inslaget med 'Emma Andersson' i en t-shirt med texten 'Treblinka') som enligt objekten var skapat för att visa på (vissas) ignorans över ett historiskt mastodontiskt scheme.
// Niclas V & Niclas VII
måndag 21 oktober 2019
Santa Claus i ett teknologiskt konceptperspektiv
Christmas Tech Files
Year: pre-2000
Giftbearing Transportation: Flying Raindeers (Rudolph the Rednosed Raindeer (Head Raindeer))
Package Distribution: Not available
Note: -
(Year: 2100-2200
Giftbearing Transportation: Flying Delorean
Package Distribution: Elves
Note: -)
Year: 2400
Giftbearing Transportation: Mutated Raindeers (Unicorn and Raindeer Hybrid)
Package Distribution: Enables high-speed flying w/ geographical positional system
Note: -
Year: 3300
Giftbearing Transportation: Electrical Raindeers (Could tap into any electrical power source)
Package Distribution: Enables high-speed flying
Year: 4300
Giftbearing Transportation: Santa Claus sends brain wave packages
Package Distribution: Same as above
Note: Sensations only
Year: 5200
Giftbearing Transportation: Raindeers injected with nanosentinels (ultraspeed flying)
Package Distribution: Packages micro-scale
Note: -
Year: 6000
Giftbearing Transportation: Holographic copy of Santa Claus
Package Distribution: Santa Claus teleports packages
Note: -
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
söndag 20 oktober 2019
Sirous Namazi - Periphery
tisdag 15 oktober 2019
Santa Claus i ett ospecificerat reseperspektiv
Here we are again at 3725 with full frontal war going on in practically all land garnered by the Christmas giftbearing activity. Santa Claus tries to make use of his 764 pair of socks (instilled by his Great Grand Aunt (birthday present)) with his 'Make Socks No War' but fails as the war troops only needed underpants.
But soon some more prevalent land started to erupt within a neutral autonomy and Santa Claus could go use of his socks. With (t)his 'Get Socks No War' (conceptual intervention) these sacred lands could make a stand by taking off their army boots (and make no war).
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
And so the world was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
söndag 13 oktober 2019
Sirous Namazi - Periphery [Suprematism's konstvärld]

Sirous Namazi
sculpture, 2002
A manifestation of black circle and blue rectangle.
// Henrik II
Kazimir Malevich - Rectangle And Circle [Suprematism's konstvärld]

Kazimir Malevich
Rectangle And Circle
painting, 1915
Black circle and blue rectangle.
// Henrik II
måndag 7 oktober 2019
Santa Claus i ett nonsite-konstperspektiv
Christmas Files
Name: Ursula Vendellspiel
Matureness: Adult
Type: Hard
Object: Cornerstone
Nice/Naughty (1-10): 2
Niceness: -
Naughtyness: Throws up after eating her spinach
Name: Kid Masterfelt
Matureness: Kid
Type: Hard
Object: Model Railroad Track
Nice/Naughty (1-10): 6
Niceness: Often passes the ball (when in a game of soccer)
Naughtyness: Bites his sister
Name: Herbert Sanderson
Matureness: Kid
Type: Hard
Object: Cornerstone
Nice/Naughty (1-10): 2
Niceness: -
Naughtyness: Throws up after eating her spinach
Name: Margaret Guildmaster
Matureness: Kid
Type: Hard
Object: Car Track
Nice/Naughty (1-10): 7
Niceness: Eats breakfast 6 times a day
Naughtyness: Steals his sisters money (Monopoly)
Name: Werndell Heribertson
Matureness: Kid
Type: Soft
Object: Pillow
Nice/Naughty (1-10): 3
Niceness: Draws abstract (childrens) paintings
Naughtyness: Kills bugs and ants
Name: Walt Wellness
Matureness: Adult
Type: Hard
Object: Envelope (w/o money)
Nice/Naughty (1-10): 1
Niceness: -
Naughtyness: Sets fire to his bed
Name: Ricky Masterfish
Matureness: Adult
Type: Hard
Object: Aladdin Chocolate Box
Nice/Naughty (1-10): 2
Niceness: -
Naughtyness: Eats his wife
Name: Willy Redpace
Matureness: Kid
Type: Hard
Object: Kids rifle (w/ sound)
Nice/Naughty (1-10): 6
Niceness: Does some gardening
Naughtyness: Always watches television
Name: Walter Obiatson
Matureness: Kid
Type: Soft
Object: Teddybear
Nice/Naughty (1-10): 5
Niceness: Cleaning up the kitchen area
Naughtyness: His room is a mess
Name: Edward Kissingstone
Matureness: Adult
Type: Hard
Object: Time-machine
Nice/Naughty (1-10): 9
Niceness: Goes to church every sunday
Naughtyness: Calls his mate unorthodox
Name: Richard Fishbone
Matureness: Kid
Type: Soft
Object: Socks and underpants
Nice/Naughty (1-10): 2
Niceness: Does his evening prayer every night
Naughtyness: Calls his classmates dirty names
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
söndag 29 september 2019
Carl Michael von Hausswolf, Leif Elggren - Elgaland-Vargland

Carl Michael von Hausswolf, Leif Elggren
micronation, 1992
Konungarikena Elgaland-Vargaland är en mikronation vilken definieras av gränsytorna mellan nationer and is, as it translates into travelling into other forms - such as dream states - the manifestation of the six dimension.
Elgaland-Vargaland [Nationsvärlden]

Carl Michael von Hausswolf, Leif Elggren
micronation, kingdom, 1992
Konungarikena Elgaland-Vargaland är en mikronation vilken definieras av gränsytorna mellan nationer.
// Niclas VI & Henrik II
lördag 21 september 2019
Santa Claus i ett metanarrativt konceptperspektiv
So; Santa Claus lives on with his resident highly luxurous at the center (of the world) of the North Pole (2692) until one day things got a little different.
To start off - Santa Claus regathered 'Mona Lisa' from the gift-applicant (who died (!) - hence the retake).
To set it up - Santa Claus Pool Cleaner deeply wants the aforementioned painting and tries to break in (use his occupation-garnered keys (!)).
To reach the climax - the Pool Cleaner does actually break in and steals the painting and does use it as his love doll ('-she always smiles at me') (objectum sexuality).
This is when the 'Story Tellers' (conceptual relational) breaks into the story and strictly tells the Pool Cleaner that you can't have a Pool Cleaner like this in any story (!).
To solve it - the Pool Cleaner does use the painting [Mona Lisa] as a ransom for a switch of the painting and Mrs. Claus.
To round it off - the Pool Cleaner gets Mrs. Claus ('-yes, as his mate (!)') and Santa Claus gets the painting back.
Santa Claus (and the Pool Cleaner) was once again victorious.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
fredag 20 september 2019
När Är Det Humor (Part 6)
Jag ska i den här essän diskutera den moderna komedins begrepp horror comedy. Först visar jag på uppkomsten av begreppet för att sedan diskutera vidare (med exemplifiering ('Tim and Eric's Bed-time Stories')) för att till sist se om begreppet implicerar humorvärlden (eller kanske konstvärlden).
Termen horror comedy kan särpräglas bak till variete/sketch-serien 'Wonder Showzen' (2006) där en återkommande sketch visade tragiska scener (med bylinen not funny) och slapstick-inspirerade scener (med bylinen funny) växlandes mellan de två kategorierna tills det inte gick att särskilja på komiska scener och tragiska scener. Det förmenta steget till att utkristallisera termen horror comedy kom dock inte förrens 2014 iochmed ('Too Many Cooks') (infomerical (adult swim)). Här växlas scener inspirerade av golden age television-intros med temat matlagning för att progressivt växla till mordiska mad chefs med kockkniven som vapen.
Variationer (Tim and Eric's Bedtime Stories)
Med televiseringen av 'Time and Eric's Bedtime Stories' uppkom ett flertal varianter på temat - allt med Time and Eric's genuina stil - varmed några kan tolkas som surreal horror; surreal comedy; comic horror-drama; comic horror-science fiction; absurd horror och slapstick horror.
Horror + Comedy ≠ Horror & Comedy
Problemet med termen blir här att inte bara parodiera horror-video eller att bara göra horror-video med en absurd plot men att göra videon genuint skräckartad och rolig återkopplandes mellan dem två tillstånden för att definiera den till icke-skräck och icke-komedi men en horror comedy bara definierad till just det - en horror comedy.
Horror + Comedy = Horror Comedy
Som slutsats kan sägas att horror comedy inte är humortypifierad utan existerar som en dualitet endast gångbar som en faktorisering mellan de två (horror + comedy). Denna typifiering gäller även för en konstdiskurs där samma faktorisering gäller för att existentialisera begreppet (horror+comedy).
// Niclas VI & Niclas VII
lördag 14 september 2019
Santa Claus i ett utvecklingsstört reseperspektiv
It's a new year; we have come to 2375; but Santa Claus still lingers with money problem. Selling out Chistmas to Ivory Coast didn't reach the wanted effect and Santa Claus now finds a way in selling out Christmas to retarded snow bears.
Selling out Christmas to 'The United Nation of Snow Bears (North Pole)' seemed at first hand a good idea since the head snow bear had won 81 golds in the 'Snow Bear Paralympics'. Albeit; the head snow bear - and practically every other bear; didn't seem to know the difference with right and wrong (right and left) missing key points in interaction between gift-recipients and in navigation between said gift-recipients ('Even if you win (in the 'Snow Bear Paralympics') you're still retarded (and a snow bear)').
A worthwhile solution got itself presented with GPS-navigator chip included within the snow bears brains allowing them to find ways in greater areas. The interaction inbetween their "customers" didn't got solved although with some instances of snow bears eating some grand mothers for snacks inbetween the gift-bearing.
A solution to this then (at last) found a way with some breeding between (peaceful) brown bears in a Swedish Zoo and some snow bears. The brown snow bears then could conquer the world (in every way the Christmas gift-bearing) (with the assistance of Santa Claus).
And so Christmas was once again saved.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
lördag 7 september 2019
Santa Claus i ett hypermodernt konstperspektiv
Switzerland 4250 - The country of promise and fortune in a golden era - or atleast the Christmas fortune of one lucky boy who have eaten his spinach every day - and with it promise of whatever he wants for Christmas even if it ends up being a Swiss murder weapon (conceptual sculpture) - a chainsaw with a knife and some syringe in a needle (enough for killing a large goat (or a living person)).
But this guy (the Christmas recipient) isn't quite of the aggressive kind - until he gets his spinach solution with some arsenic - altough he survives his rage was supersceding. So it come to the situation that he became a serial killer preying on Christmas recipients killing them and hijacking their Christmas presents in the meantime.
Noone really reacted though until the mad serial killer threatened to blow up the whole of Switzerland and grabbing every Christmas present of all of the Swiss Christmas recipients in the process - only then Santa Claus reacted and took the role of Swiss saviour.
Although it didn't start of very well with Santa Claus cutting the wrong wire (on the mega large bomb planted by the mad Swiss serial killer (and serial bomber)) and so could only byline the inevident - the blow up of the whole of Switzerland.
Luckily though - as everyone had planned for Santa Claus to hail the situation - Santa Claus had bet on the other way around and could so eager with a very large bunch of cash (ahead of the blow up (by the mad Swiss serial killer (serial bomber))) - large enough to be able to finance the rebuilt of Switzerland and to hire mercenaries to hunt down the mad Swiss serial killer (serial bomber).
And so the mad Swiss serial killer (serial bomber) was yet a failure.
And so Switzerland was yet saved.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
fredag 23 augusti 2019
Mike Newell - 7 Weddings, 1 Divorce, 2 Funerals, 24 Baptisms, 14 Relationships, 18 Teenage Crises, 12 Mid-life Crises, 29 Adoptions, 171 Hostages, 219 Newly Builts And 207 Confirmations [Psykiatrivärlden]

Mike Newell
7 Weddings, 1 Divorce, 2 Funerals, 24 Baptisms, 14 Relationships, 18 Teenage Crises, 12 Mid-life Crises, 29 Adoptions, 171 Hostages, 219 Newly Builts And 207 Confirmations
psychosis, 2019
Alternate Reality Theft::Alternate Reality Theater
A (Philosopher's) Reality Training::Alternate Realistic Traits::Arreality Red Truce
Alternate Reality Theft::Alternate Reality Theory
A (Comedian's) Reality Training::Alter Realistic Traits::Arreality Reset Trigger
Alternate Reality Town::Alternate Reality Trigonometrics
A (Traveller's) Realistic Traits::Anywhere Reality Training::Arreality Roost Trigger
Alternate Reality Tistle::Alternate Reality Tornado (Marriage Plans)
A (Traveller's) Reality Training::Anybody's Realistic Traits::Arreality Red Trigger
Alternate Reality Trustee::Alternate Reality Tracey (Civil Wedding; w/o Wedding Ring)
A (Dimensional) Realistic Traits::A (Dimensional) Reality Training::Arreality Rotator Trigger
Alternate Reality Truth::Alternate Reality (O)mniverse (Teraverse) (Las Vegas Wedding; w Wedding Ring; w/o Of Promises)
A (Dimensional Traveller's) Reality Training::A (Dimensional Traveller's) Realistic Traits::A (Traveller Dimensional's) Realistic Traits::A (Traveller Dimensional's) Reality Training::Arreality Restplace Generic::Arreality Rivals Gandalf
Alternate Reality Truth::Alternate Reality Gigaverse (Mass Wedding)
Alternate Reality Theft::Alternate Reality Theater
An (Arsonist's) Realistic Traits::Alter Reality Training::Arreality Random Tyntax
Aggressive Relations Therapy
Aggressive Relations Therapy (Meta-Narrative)
A (Dimensional Traveller's) Reality Training::A (Dimensional Traveller's) Realistic Traits
A (Traveller Dimensional's) Realistic Traits::A (Traveller Dimensional's) Reality Training
Arreality Restplace Generic::Arreality Rivals Gandalf
Alternate Reality Truth's Clone::Alternate Reality Gigaverse
Arreality Reality (We)motion::Arreality Reality Position
Broken Relationships
Arreality Reality Notion::Arreality Reality Potion::Arreality Reality Motion
Arreality Reality Lotion::Arreality Reality Ho(r)tion::Arreality Reality Go(tion)
Arreality Reality To(tion)::Arreality Reality Do(tion)::Arreality Reality Soot(h)ion
Artists Reality Training::Anywhom Realistic Traits::Arreality Realisation Tomorrow
Anywhere Realistic Traits::Arrythmic Reality Training::Arreality Request Transfer
Attention Reality Training::Aclinical Realistic Traits::Arreality Repositional Treasure
Aquire Realistic Traits::Autistic Reality Training::Arreality Repost Timidness
Anhedonic Reality Training::A (Writer's) Realistic Traits::Arreality Retechnician Trace
An (Artist's) Realistic Traits::Adherent Reality Training::Arreality Reproduction To (Me)
A (Physicist's) Reality Training::A (Very) Realistic Trait(s)::Arreality Reconstitution Towards (Be)
A (Poker Player's) Realistic Traits::Alternate Reality Training::Arreality Risk (En)trapment
Teenage Crises
Eric Harris (Teenage Crisis)
John Ausonius (Mid-life Crisis (Fixed By Alcohol Abuse))
Ted Bundy (Mid-life Crisis)
Eric Harris (Dinner Time Crisis; Teenage Crisis)
Ted Bundy (Mid-life Crisis (Meta-Narrative))
John Ausonius (Teenage Crisis; Mid-life Crisis; Wedding Crisis; Emergency Crisis)
John Ausonius (Mid-life Crisis)
Ted Bundy (Mid-life Crisis (Married To Unknown Corpse))
Eric Harris (Dinner Time Crisis; Teenage Crisis)
John Ausonius (Mid-life Crisis (Fixed By Pet Monkey))
Eric Harris (Dinner Time Crisis; Teenage Crisis)
Ted Bundy (Mid-life Crisis; Teenage Crisis; Baptism Crisis)
Ted Bundy (Mid-life Crisis (Fixed By Foot Fetishism))
Eric Harris (Dinner Time Crisis; Teenage Crisis; Adoption Crisis)
John Ausonius (Mid-life Crisis)
Ted Bundy (Mid-life Crisis)
John Ausonius (Mid-life Crisis)
Eric Harris (Teenage Crisis)
Mid-life Crisis
Arreality Resistance Torture::(Ar)reality Resistance Try::Arreality Resistance Typo
Arreality Reflective Toxic::Arreality Reflective Timespan::Arreality Reflective Timescale
Arreality Reiteration Trust::Arreality Reiteration Trustee::Arreality Reiteration Together
Arreality Rightfully Thorough::Arreality Rightfully Tripled::Arreality Rightfully Tropical
Arreality Reconsidered Timewarp ) Arreality Remastered Timidness <\3 Arreality Remastered Throughout <\3 Arreality Remastered Trivial (Fake Two-egg Twin Adoption)
Arreality Remastered Timidness <+3 Arreality Remastered Throughout <+3 Arreality Remastered Trivial (Courthouse Adoption Verdict)
Arreality Resurrection To (Locate)::Arreality Resurrection To (Morning)::Arreality Resurrection To (Past Tense) (Adult Adoption)
Arreality Resurrection Riskphase::Arreality Resurrection Rectangular::Arreality Resurrection Resyntax (Alien Adoption)
Arreality Reconnecting Today::Arreality Reconnecting To (Whatever)::Arreality Reconnecting To (The Future) (Alien Abortion)
Arreality Reconnecting Transfer::Arreality Reconnecting To (Whomever)::Arreality Reconnecting To (The Past) (Alien Abducted)
Arreality Reconfigurating (S)tarCraft::Arreality Reconfigurating TarCraft::Arreality Reconfigurating (Craf)t (Alien Abortion)
Arreality Reconfigurating Ar(se)Craft::Arreality Reconfigurating Anti-Craft::Arreality Reconfigurating AntCraft (Alien Abducted)
Arreality Reconfigurating SevenCraft::Arreality Reconfigurating SvenCraft::Arreality Reconfigurating Sever(e)Craft (Alien Aborted)
Arreality Reconfigurating CryCraft::Arreality Reconfigurating FarCraft::Arreality Reconfigurating Star(Far)Cry (Adopted Alien)
Arreality Reconfigurating Yesterday::Arreality Reconfigurating Morningday::Arreality Reconfigurating Morrowday (Aborted Alien)
Arreality Reconfigurating A-day::Arreality Reconfigurating B-day::Arreality Reconfigurating C-day (Abducted Abortion)
Arreality Reconfigurating D-day::Arreality Reconfigurating E-day::Arreality Reconfigurating F-day (Aborted Abduction)
Arreality Reconfigurating D-day (Cont.)::Arreality Reconfigurating E-day (Cont.)::Arreality Reconfigurating F-day (Cont.) (Abducted Aborted Adoption)
Arreality Reconfigurating F-day::Arreality Reconfigurating Fluxus-day::Arreality Reconfigurating Fk-day (Aborted Abducted Adoption)
Arreality Reconfigurating Fluxus-day::Arreality Rewriting Fluxus-day::Arreality Reproducing Fluxus-day (Adopted Abducted Abortion)
Arreality Reproducing Yesterday::Arreality Reconfigurating Today::Arreality Rewriting Tomorrow (Adopted Aborted Abduction)
Arreality Recreated To (Morning)::Arreality Repositioning To (Morning)::Arreality Reconditioning To (Afternoon) (Abducted Adopted Abortion)
Arreality Reestablished To (Morning)::Arreality Reiterated To (Afternoon)::Arreality Rephased To (Evening) (Aborted Adopted Abduction)
Arreality Reenabled Tomorrow::Arreality Resynchronized Tomorrow::Arreality Resimulated Tomorrow (Addicted Abducted Aborted Adoption)
Arreality Refocused Today::Arreality Reshapened Today::Arreality Recirculated Today (Addicted Aborted Abducted Adoption)
Arreality Recycled Yesterday::Arreality Resurfaced Yesterday::Arreality Remoderated Yesterday (Addicted Adopted Abducted Abortion)
Arreality Recontemplated To (Yester)::Arreality Reawakened To (Yester)::Arreality Recontrolled To (Yester) (Addicted Adopted Aborted Abduction)
Arreality Rescheduled To (Now)::Arreality Resystemized To (Never)::Arreality Recharacteristified To (Forever) (Additive Abducted Aborted Adoption)
Arreality RePolk To (The Beginning)::Arreality ReYou To (The Bread)::Arreality ReStar To (The End) (Additive Aborted Abducted Adoption)
Arreality Resession (Sometimes)::Arreality Restable (Possible)::Arreality Reincarnated (Potential) (Additive Adopted Abducted Abortion)
Arreality Recataclysmical (Less)::Arreality Recatalystical (Less)::Arreality Resymbolification More(ning) (Additive Adopted Aborted Abduction)
Arreality Resession (More)::Arreality Reconfigurating (More)::Arreality Rewriting (More) (Adderall Abducted Aborted Adoption)
Arreality Reclassified Tomorrow::Arreality Remathematesized Today::Arreality Renuansed (Repowered) Today (Adderall Aborted Abducted Adoption)
Arreality ReTelevised Today::Arreality ReJuiced Today::Arreality ReGarfunkled Today (Adderall Adopted Abducted Abortion)
Arreality ReDiagnosed Yesterday (More)::Arreality ReJuiced Today (Much)::Arreality ReGarfunkled ToMorrow (Most) (Adderall Adopted Aborted Abduction)
Arreality ReProduction Failure::Arreality ReBodyfication Fault::Arreality ReSicktronification False
Arreality ReTry Truth::Arreality ReTouch Try::Arreality ReLabeled True
Arreality ReNonFunction Yesterday (True)::Arreality ReNonClarified Today (False)::Arreality ReConquest Tomorrow (False True)
Arreality ReRemember Today (True)::Arreality RePostulate Tomorrow (True)::Arreality ReBeverage (Tomorrow) (True)
Arreality ReConscience Today (Almost True)::Arreality ReYou Today (Almost True)::Arreality ReYew Today (Almost True)
Arreality ReGeography Today (Some True)(f)::Arreality ReDisposition (To)Day (Hard True)::Arreality ReMegalomania (Every) Tri-Days (Fact True)(fl)
Arreality ReT Day::Arreality ReW Evening::Arreality ReS Night
Arreality ReTi Day::Arreality ReTis Day::Arreality ReTo Day
Arreality ReQuanta Days(fl)::Arreality ReMission Deus::Arreality ReSoft Douche
(Ar)reality ReStructure Long::(Ar)reality ReFluos Short::(Ar)reality ReHack Medium Long
A(r)reality ReTy Yours::A(r)reality ReTy Mine::A(r)reality ReTy Ours
A(r)reality ReTagYou Yours::A(r)reality ReTrackYou Mine::A(r)reality ReTraceYou Ours
A(r)reality ReTranqYou Yours::A(r)reality ReTrackYou Mine(f)::A(r)reality ReTrickYou Ours
(A)reality ReLive You::(A)reality ReSpect You::(A)reality ReTime You
Arreality ReTe Forgotten Day::Arreality Re Forgotten Day::Arreality ReTo Forgotten Day
Arreality ReBorderline In Days(f)::Arreality ReGo T(w)(o)(-)Day(s)::Arreality ReForward To Day(f)
Arreality ReText::Arreality ReDerivate(f)::Arreality ReTweak(f)
Arreality ReX Day::Arreality ReXy Day::Arreality ReXyz(abc) Day(F)
Arreality ReReality::A(r)reality ReReality::(Ar)reality ReReality(F)
Arreality ReConstant False::Arreality ReManagement Not False::Arreality ReHolding Not Not False
Arreality ReConstitution Never::Arreality ReFabrication Never (True)::Arreality ReLegislation (ReNever) Always
Arreality RePositioning X::Arreality RePositioning Y::Arreality RePositioning W(Z)
Arreality ReTop::Arreality ReTock::Arreality ReSet
Arreality ReHang::Arreality ReClose::Arreality ReSubmit
Arreality ReSuper::Arreality ReGang::Arreality ReGone
Arreality None::Arreality ReNo::Arreality ReNon
Arreality Noone::Arreality Someone::Arreality ReSome
Arreality ReSlow::Arreality ReSlough::Arreality ReSl
Arreality ReRe::Arreality ReSee::Arreality ReTee
Arreality ReSeen::Arreality ReScene::Arreality ReScent
Arreality ReJustification::Arreality ReRetroPublication::Arreality ReJuxtaPositional
Arreality ReQuarter::Arreality ReQvarts::Arreality ReKvarts
Arreality ReForward::Arreality ReFromWhere::Arreality ReForWhom
Arreality ReReSolar::Arreality ReReSol::Arreality ReReSolaris
Arreality ReJustified::Arreality RePublication::Arreality RePositional
Arreality ReReality::Arreality Re(Reality)::Arreality (ReReality)
Arreality ReMatches (Before)::Arreality ReGame(Play) (After)::Arreality ReMember(Ship) (Now)
Arreality Super::Arreality ReSuperFiction::Arreality ReSupraFiction
Arreality (Re)(Force)::Arreality Re(Force)::Arreality (ReForce)
Arreality ReSuperStitious Yesterday::Arreality ReSuperFaction Today::Arreality ReSuperFiction Tomorrow
Arreality ReSuperImposed::Arreality ReSuperFiction (Never)::Arreality ReSuperConstant
Arreality ReSuperFiction (Never Again)::Arreality SuperStrength::Arreality ReSuperStrength
Arreality Coke::Arreality ReCoke::Arreality ReReCoke
Arreality ReLevel::Arreality ReLevl::Arreality ReLe
Arreality NoLe::Arreality NöLe::Arreality NoLevel
Arreality NoSeaLevel::Arreality ReSeedLevel::Arreality ReSeerLevel
Arreality LastLevel::Arreality RePastLevel::Arreality MastLevel
Arreality Arrealities (Today)::(Re)Arreality (Re)Arreality (Tomorrow)::Arreality Arreality(s) (Next Week)
Arreality TY::Arreality TW::Arreality TQ
Arreality WI::Arreality WQ::Arreality W(C)Z
Arreality Irreality::Arreality Irreality (*2) (Tomorrow)::Arreality Irreality (*2) (The Day After Tomorrow)
Arreality Yrreality (Today)::Arreality Yrreality (Next Week)::Arreality Yrreality (Next Month)
Arreality ()::Arreality (N)::Arreality (N/A)
Arreality Anders (Force)::Arreality Mikael (Force)::Arreality Edvin (Force)
((A)(r))reality Henrik I::((A)(r))reality Henrik III::((A)(r))reality Henrik V
A((r)(r))eality Hr::A((r)(r))eality Hen::A((r)(r))eality Rik
((A)r)reality He::((A)r)reality (((S)(h))e)::((A)r)reality (He((r))(e))
Newly Builts
Inter-Dimensional Quake Store (Serial Psycho)::Inter-Dimensional Quake Filing (Serial Psycho)::Inter-Dimensional Functional Supply (Enter the Matrix)
Inter-Dimensional Circular Design (Enter the Matrix)::Inter-Dimensional Circular Supply (Enter the Matrix)::Professor Xavier's Summer House (Enter the Matrix)
Arson Land (Enter the Matrix)::Arson Country (Enter the Matrix)::Arson Kingdom (Enter the Matrix)
Inter-Dimensional Functional Adherent (Enter the Matrix)::Inter-Dimensional Functional Coherent (Enter the Matrix)::Inter-Dimensional Functional Superherent (Enter the Matrix)
Rape County (Enter the Matrix)::Rape Arsenal (Enter the Matrix)::Rape Training Facility (Enter the Matrix)
Inter-Dimensional Script Initializer (Serial Psycho)::Inter-Dimensional Journey GUI (Serial Psycho)::Inter-Dimensional Functional Mechanics (Serial Pyscho)
Inter-Dimensional Questification (Serial Psycho)::Inter-Dimensional Area Designator (Serial Psycho)::Inter-Dimensional Problem Desk (Serial Psycho)
Inter-Dimensional Script Functional (Serial Psycho)::Inter-Dimensional Assembling (Serial Psycho)::Inter-Dimensional Help Desk (Serial Psycho)
Inter-Dimensional Filing Cabinet (Serial Psycho) (False)::Center For Inter-Dimensional Studies (Serial Psycho) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Script Acknowledge (Serial Psycho) (True/False)
Inter-Dimensional Functional Overlay (Serial Psycho) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Coaching (Serial Psycho) (False)::Inter-Dimensional Journey Ghost (Serial Psycho) (True/False)
Inter-Dimensional Functional Variant (Serial Psycho) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Arson (Serial Psycho/The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Supply Desk (Serial Psycho) (False) Inter-Dimensional Functional Variation (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True Xor False)::Inter-Dimensional (Serial Psycho/The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Support Desk (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (False)
Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants Headquarter (Serial Psycho) (False)::Inter-Dimensional Journey Check (Serial Psycho) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Journey Pass (The Time-Travelling Arsonist/Serial Psycho) (True/False)
Inter-Dimensional Functional Hibitor (The Time-Travelling Arsonist)::Inter-Dimensional Journey Address (The Time-Travelling Arsonist)::Inter-Dimensional Metameta-Narrative (The Time-Travelling Arsonist)
Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants Headquarter (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)::Potion Supply Store (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)::Center For Inter-Dimensional Studies Library (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)
Inter-Dimensional Functional Supply (Enter the Matrix) (True)::Inter-Dimensional (Art) Exhibition (Enter the Matrix) (False)::Inter-Dimensional Battle Field (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)
Center For Inter-Dimensional Studies Library (Enter the Matrix) (True)::Center For Dimensional Studies Library (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)::Center For (Dimensional) Studies Library (Enter the Matrix) (False)
Inter-Dimensional Functional Variance (Enter the Matrix) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Time-Travelling Supplies (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)::Null Time Zone (Enter the Matrix) (False)
Independant House Of West End (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::Independant House Of Right End (Serial Psycho) (True)::Independant House Of Middle Lane (Serial Psycho) (False)
Inter-Dimemsional Writing Theory (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Poem Theory (Serial Psycho) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Poker Theory (Serial Psycho) (False)
Inter-Dimensional Art Theory (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Philosophical Theory (Serial Psycho) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Psychiatric Theory (Serial Psycho) (False)
Team Invisibles --> Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants (Serial Psycho) (True)::Team Invisibles --> Common People (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::Team Invisibles --> Hellions (Serial Psycho) (False)
University Architecture (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::Petrol Station Architecture (Serial Psycho) (True)::Poker Architecture (Serial Psycho) (False)
Poker Interceptor (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::Poker Legislator (Serial Psycho) (True)::Poker Absolute (Serial Psycho) (False)
On Willys (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True/False)::On Netto (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True)::On Money (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (False)
On Mona (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True/False)::On Linda (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True)::On Sara (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (False)
Poker Enigma (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (False)::Poker Building (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True)::Poker Structure (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True/False)
Professor Xavier's Summer House (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (False)::Potion Supply Store (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Poem Theory (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True)
Poker Shack (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True/False)::Time-Travelling Supply Store (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Poker Theory (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (False)
Inter-Dimensional Functional Supply (The Hunt For The Force) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Supply Store (The Hunt For The Force) (True)::AmmuNation (The Hunt For The Force) (False) Hostage Platform (The Hunt For The Force) (True)::Hostage ReAssemble (The Hunt For The Force) (True/False)::Hostage Tweet (The Hunt For The Force) (False)
Inter-Dimensional Self-ExCommunicating Supply (The Hunt For The Force) (True)::Potion Supply Store (The Hunt For The Force) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Writing Theory (The Hunt For The Force) (False)
Inter-Dimensional Art Theory (The Hunt For The Force) (True)::Potion Supply Store (The Hunt For The Force) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Functional Supply (The Hunt For The Force) (False)
Inter-Dimensional Poker Theory (The Hunt For The Force) (False)::Potion Supply Store (The Quest For Longevity) (True/False)::Haven (The Hunt For The Force) (True)
Inter-Dimensional Art Theory (The Quest For Longevity) (False)::Inter-Dimensional Art Writing (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (False)::Inter-Dimensional Art Philosophy (The Quest For Longevity) (False)
Potion Supply Store (The Quest For Longevity) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Poker Theory (The Quest For Longevity) (True/True)::Inter-Dimensional Art Writing (The Quest For Longevity) (True)
Inter-Dimensional Poker (1) (The Quest For Longevity) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Poker (2) (The Quest For Longevity) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Art Writing (The Quest For Longevity) (False)
Inter-Dimensional Poker (3) (The Quest For Longevity) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Travelling Pills (The Quest For Longevity) (False)::Inter-Dimensional Art Writing (The Quest For Longevity) (True/False)
Inter-Dimensional Poker (4-5) (The Quest For Longevity) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Criss-Cross (The Quest For Longevity) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Writing (The Quest For Longevity) (False)
Inter-Dimensional Poker (6) (The Hunt For Henrik) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Writing (The Hunt For Henrik) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Poker (7) (The Hunt For Henrik) (False)
Potion Supply Store (The Hunt For Henrik) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional TMNT (1987) (The Hunt For Henrik) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional TMNT (2003) (The Hunt For Henrik) (True/False)
Inter-Dimensional Garment Factory (The Hunt For Henrik) (True)::Inter-Dimensional TMNT (2003) (The Hunt For Henrik) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional TMNT (1987) (The Hunt For Henrik) (False)
Potion Supply Inventory (The Hunt For Henrik) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional TMNT (2003) (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (The Hunt For Henrik) (True/False)
Inter-Dimensional Stargate (The Quest For Longevity) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Anti-Wrinkle Pills (The Quest For Longevity) (False)::Inter-Dimensional Poker (7) (The Quest For Longevity) (True/False)
Inter-Dimensional Apanaxol (The Quest For Longevity) (False)::Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (The Quest For Longevity) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Poker (8) (The Quest For Longevity) (True)
Inter-Dimensional Wily's (The Quest For Longevity) (False)::Inter-Dimensional Poker (9) (The Quest For Longevity) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Apanaxol (The Quest For Longevity) (True)
180909(N) - Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (The Quest For Longevity) (False) -- Inter-Dimensional Apanaxol (The Quest For Longevity) (True/False) -- Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (The Quest For Longevity) (True) Inter-Dimensional Poker (10) (The Quest For Longevity) (False)::Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (The Hunt For Henrik) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Art Writing (The Hunt For Henrik) (True/False)
Inter-Dimensional Scarlet Witch Appointment (The Hunt For Henrik) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Chocolate Factory (The Hunt For Henrik) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Pizza Place (The Hunt For Henrik) (False)
Inter-Dimensional Supply Store (The Hunt For Henrik) (True/True)::Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (The Hunt For Henrik) (False/False)::Inter-Dimensional Poker (11-12) (The Hunt For Henrik) (True/True)
Inter-Dimensional Supply Store (The Hunt For Henrik) (True/False)::Potion Supply Store (The Hunt For Henrik) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Writing (The Hunt For Henrik) (False)
180914(N) - Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (Enter the Matrix) (True) -- Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (The Hunt For Henrik) (False) - Inter-Dimensional Writing Theory (The Hunt For Henrik) (True/False) Inter-Dimensional Wily's (Enter the Matrix) (False)::Inter-Dimensional Poker (13) (Enter the Matrix) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Writing (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)
Inter-Dimensional Writing Theory (Enter the Matrix) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Scandic Psych (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional TMNT (2003) (Enter the Matrix) (False)
Inter-Dimensional TMNT (2003) (Enter the Matrix) (False)::Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Writing (Enter the Matrix) (True) Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional TMNT (2003) (Enter the Matrix) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Pizza Placement (Enter the Matrix) (False)
Inter-Dimensional Potion Supply (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Poker Supply (Enter the Matrix) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Writing (Enter the Matrix) (False)
Inter-Dimensional Supply (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Swimming Hall (Serial Psycho) (False)::Inter-Dimensional Writing (Serial Psycho) (True)
Inter-Dimensional Captain Specsavers Appointment (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (Serial Psycho) (False)::Inter-Dimensional Writing (Serial Psycho) (True)
Inter-Dimensional Poker (14) (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Poker Theory (Serial Psycho) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Writing (Serial Psycho) (False)
Inter-Dimensional Wi(i) (Excite Bike-version) (Serial Psycho) (True)::Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (Serial Psycho) (False)
Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (Serial Psycho) (False)::Inter-Dimensional Travel (Enter the Matrix) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Art Writing (Enter the Matrix) (True/False) Inter-Dimensional Firsthand Telepathy (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Seductant Telepathy (Enter the Matrix) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Thirdlayered Telepathy (Enter the Matrix) (False)
StarCraft II Platform (Enter the Matrix) (True)::StarCraft II Platform (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)::StarCraft II Platform (Enter the Matrix) (False)::StarCraft II Hidden Mission (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)
CraftLand (1) (Enter the Matrix) (True)::CraftLand (2) (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)::CraftLand (3) (Enter the Matrix) (False)
CraftLand (4) (Enter the Matrix) (False)::CraftLand (5) (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)::CraftLand (6) (Enter the Matrix) (True)
CraftLand (7) (Serial Psycho) (False)::CraftLand (8) (Serial Psycho) (True)::CraftLand (9) (Serial Psycho) (True/False)
CraftLand II (1) (Serial Psycho) (True)::CraftLand II (2) (Serial Psycho) (False)::CraftLand II (3) (Serial Psycho) (True/False)
CraftLand II (4) (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::CraftLand II (5) (Serial Psycho) (True)::CraftLand II (6) (Serial Psycho) (False)
CraftLand II (7) (Serial Psycho) (True)::CraftLand II (8) (Serial Psycho) (False)::CraftLand II (9) (Serial Psycho) (True/False)
Hands (1) (Build Function) (Serial Psycho) (True)::Hands (2) (Build Function) (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::Hands (3) (Build Function) (Serial Psycho) (False)
Mind (1) (Build Procedure) (Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True)::Mind (2) (Build Procedure) (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::Mind (3) (Build Procedure) (Serial Psycho) (False)
Kind (1) (Building Uploaded) (Serial Psycho) (True/False) ::Kind (2) (Building Uploaded) (Serial Psycho) (True)::Kind (3) (Building Uploaded) (Serial Psycho) (False)
Confirmation (1) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (2) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (3) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (4) (Serial Psycho) (Half-Ture) -- Confirmation (5) (Serial Psycho) (Half-Ture) -- Confirmation (6) (Serial Psycho) (Half-Ture)
Confirmation (7) (Serial Psycho) (Some Ture) -- Confirmation (8) (Serial Psycho) (Some Ture) -- Confirmation (9) (Serial Psycho) (Some Ture)
Confirmation (10) (Serial Psycho) (Someone Ture) -- Confirmation (11) (Serial Psycho) (Someone Ture) -- Confirmation (12) (Serial Psycho) (Someone Ture)
Confirmation (13) (Serial Psycho) (Anyone Ture) -- Confirmation (14) (Serial Psycho) (Anyone Ture) -- Confirmation (15) (Serial Psycho) (Anyone Ture)
Confirmation (16) (Serial Psycho) (No Ture) -- Confirmation (17) (Serial Psycho) (No Ture) -- Confirmation (18) (Late Night Studying) (Serial Psycho) (No Tur(e))
Confirmation (19) (Confirmation Play - Rehearsal) (Serial Psycho) (Ture och Rut) -- Confirmation (20) (Simplified Nightly Worship w/ Sermon) (Serial Psycho) (Ture och Rut) -- Confirmation (21) (Worship w/ Vicar) (Serial Psycho) (Ture och Rut)
Confirmation (22) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (No Ture) -- Confirmation (23) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (No Ture) -- Confirmation (24) (Worship w/ Adult Baptism) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (No Tur(e))
Confirmation (25) (Church Open 24-7 (Church Museum Adaptation)) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (No Tür) (Reality Matrix (Downlink)) -- Confirmation (26) (Worship w/ Children-centric (Matteus & Maria Love Entanglement) Sermon) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (No Ruta) (Arreality Matrix (Downlink)) -- Confirmation (27) (Gamblers Anonymous) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (No (No) Tur) (Yrreality Matrix (Uplink))
Confirmation (28) (Unlegitimized Poisonous Sermon) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (En Tur) -- Confirmation (29) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (En (Rut)) -- Confirmation (30) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (En Ruter)
Confirmation (31) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (O(Tur)) -- Confirmation (32) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (O(Ture)) -- Confirmation (33) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (O(Rut))
Confirmation (34) (Serial Psycho) (En Ture) -- Confirmation (35) (Serial Psycho) (En Ture) -- Confirmation (36) (Serial Psycho) (En Rute)
Confirmation (37) (Serial Psycho) (Tur) -- Confirmation (38) (Confirmation Trip) (Serial Psycho) (En Tur) -- Confirmation (39) (Serial Psycho) (En Turn)
Confirmation (40) (Serial Psycho) (En Tur) -- Confirmation (41) (Serial Psycho) (En Ture) -- Confirmation (42) (Same-sex Confirmation) (Serial Psycho) (En Ru)
Confirmation (43) (Fast-paced (-selected) Confirmation) (Serial Psycho) (Karl-Ture Johan-Turo Stugman) -- Confirmation (44) (Serial Psycho) (Karl-Ture Johan-Turo Stugman) -- Confirmation (45) (Serial Psycho) (Karl-Ture Johan-Turo Stugman)
Confirmation (46) (Serial Psycho) (Karl-Turo Johan-Ture Stugman) -- Confirmation (47) (Serial Psycho) (Karl-Johan Ture-Turo Stugman) -- Confirmation (48) (Serial Psycho) (Ture-Turo Karl-Johan Stugman)
Confirmation (49) (Reconfirmation) (Serial Psycho) (Rut) -- Confirmation (50) (Confirmation w/ Teological Discourse) (Serial Psycho) (Rut) -- Confirmation (51) (Victorian Values) (Serial Psycho) (Ruta)
Confirmation (52) (Food Relativity - Bulimic) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Sven-Ture) -- Confirmation (53) (Food Relativity - Anorectic) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Sven-Ture) -- Confirmation (54) (Food Relativity - Gourmand) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture)
Confirmation (55) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture+Rut) -- Confirmation (56) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture+Rut) -- Confirmation (57) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (-Rut)
Confirmation (58) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (59) (Serial Psycho) (Bana) -- Confirmation (60) (Serial Psycho) (Banan)
Confirmation (61) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (62) (Serial Psycho) (Sture) -- Confirmation (63) (Serial Psycho) (En annan (sorts) Tur)
Confirmation (64) (Serial Psycho) (Turo+Rut) -- Confirmation (65) (Serial Psycho) (Turo+Ture) -- Confirmation (66) (Serial Psycho) (Ture+Rut)
Confirmation (67) (Serial Psycho) (Sture) -- Confirmation (68) (Kindergarten Confirmation) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (69) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (70) (Serial Psycho) (Sture) -- Confirmation (71) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (72) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (73) (Mid-Life Confirmation) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (74) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (75) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (76) (Mid-Life Confirmation) (Two-Day Examination) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture) -- Confirmation (77) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture) -- Confirmation (78) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture)
Confirmation (79) (Young Adult Confirmation) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Rut) -- Confirmation (80) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture) -- Confirmation (81) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture)
Confirmation (82) (White Wine Sermon) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Rute) -- Confirmation (83) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture) -- Confirmation (84) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture)
Confirmation (85) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture+Rut) -- Confirmation (86) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Turo+Ture) -- Confirmation (87) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Turo+Rut)
Confirmation (88) (Regional Confirmation) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture) -- Confirmation (89) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Uret) -- Confirmation (90) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Rut)
Confirmation (91) (Enter the Matrix) (Ture) -- Confirmation (92) (Enter the Matrix) (Töreboda) -- Confirmation (93) (Enter the Matrix) (Rut)
Confirmation (94) (Enter the Matrix) (Rute) -- Confirmation (95) (Enter the Matrix) (Ture) -- Confirmation (96) (Enter the Matrix) (Ture)
Confirmation (97) (Enter the Matrix) (Ture) -- Confirmation (98) (Enter the Matrix) (Rut) -- Confirmation (99) (Enter the Matrix) (Ture)
Confirmation (100) (Enter the Matrix) (Ture) -- Confirmation (101) (Enter the Matrix) (Ture) -- Confirmation (102) (Enter the Matrix) (Ture)
Confirmation (103) (Enter the Matrix) (Ture) -- Confirmation (104) (Enter the Matrix) (Ture) -- Confirmation (105) (Enter the Matrix) (Ture)
Confirmation (106) (Enter the Matrix) (Ture) -- Confirmation (107) (Enter the Matrix) (Sture) -- Confirmation (108) (Enter the Matrix) (Ture)
Confirmation (109) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (110) (Young Confirmation) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (111) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (112) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (113) (Serial Psycho) (Rut) -- Confirmation (114) (Serial Psycho) (Rut)
Confirmation (115) (Catholic Confirmation w/ Port Sermon) (Serial Psycho) (Sture) -- Confirmation (116) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (117) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (118) (Serial Psycho) (Ture+Rut) -- Confirmation (119) (Serial Psycho) (Sture) -- Confirmation (120) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (121) (Serial Psycho) (Ture+Rut) -- Confirmation (122) (Serial Psycho) (Sture) -- Confirmation (123) (Serial Psycho) (Turn)
Confirmation (124) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (125) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (126) (Serial Psycho) (Truxal)
Confirmation (127) (Serial Psycho) (Ture och Rut och Turo) -- Confirmation (128) (Serial Psycho) (Ture och Rut och Turo) -- Confirmation (129) (Serial Psycho) (Ture och Rut och Turo)
Confirmation (130) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture) -- Confirmation (131) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture) -- Confirmation (132) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture)
Confirmation (133) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Rut) -- Confirmation (134) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ure) -- Confirmation (135) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture)
Confirmation (136) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture) -- Confirmation (137) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Rut) -- Confirmation (138) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture)
Confirmation (139) (Serial Psycho) (Stor-Ture) -- Confirmation (140) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (141) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (142) (Serial Psycho) (Stor-Ture) -- Confirmation (143) (Serial Psycho) (Stor-Ture) -- Confirmation (144) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (145) (Serial Psycho) (Stor-Ture) -- Confirmation (146) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (147) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (148) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (149) (Serial Psycho) (Rut) -- Confirmation (150) (Serial Psycho) (Turo)
Confirmation (151) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (152) (Serial Psycho) (Tour) -- Confirmation (153) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (154) (Failed Confirmation) (Serial Psycho) (Stor-Rut) -- Confirmation (155) (Asketian Confirmation) (Serial Psycho) (Mini-Rute) -- Confirmation (156) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (157) (Joked (About) Reconfirmation) (Serial Psycho) (Stor-Rut) -- Confirmation (158) (Serial Psycho) (Mini-Rute) -- Confirmation (159) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (160) (Serial Psycho) (Mini-Rute) -- Confirmation (161) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (162) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (163) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (164) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (165) (Serial Psycho) (Ture+Ture)
Confirmation (166) (Serial Psycho) (Ute) -- Confirmation (167) (Serial Psycho) (Ture och/eller Rut) -- Confirmation (168) (Serial Psycho) (Mini-Rute)
Confirmation (169) (Serial Psycho) (Ture och/inte Rut och Turo) -- Confirmation (170) (Serial Psycho) (Inte Ture och Rut och Turo) -- Confirmation (171) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (172) (Chant w/ Sermon) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (173) (Chant w/ Sermon) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (174) (Chant w/ Sermon) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (175) (Serial Psycho) (Ture och Rut och Mini-Rute) -- Confirmation (176) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (177) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (178) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (179) (Serial Psycho) ((O)Tur) -- Confirmation (180) (Serial Psycho) (Röde)
Confirmation (181) (Serial Psycho) (Ruta+Ruta) -- Confirmation (182) (Serial Psycho) (Ruta) -- Confirmation (183) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (184) (Serial Psycho) (Ruta) -- Confirmation (185) (Serial Psycho) (Ruta) -- Confirmation (186) (Serial Psycho) (Stor-Ture)
Confirmation (187) (Serial Psycho) (Stor-Ture) -- Confirmation (188) (Serial Psycho) (False) -- Confirmation (189) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (190) (Serial Psycho) (Ture och/om Rut och Turo) -- Confirmation (191) (Serial Psycho) (Ture inte Rut och Turo) -- Confirmation (192) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (193) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (194) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (195) (UnConfirmation w/ Yoga in the middle of the Woods) (Serial Psycho) (False)
Confirmation (196) (Serial Psycho) (Ruta och/så Ruta och Ruta) -- Confirmation (197) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (198) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (199) (Serial Psycho) (Ruta och/möjligen Ruta och Ruta) -- Confirmation (200) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (201) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (202) (Serial Psycho) (Ruta och/om och endast om Ruta och Ruta) -- Confirmation (203) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (204) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (205) (Serial Psycho) (Half-Ture) -- Confirmation (206) (Serial Psycho) (Ture och Rut) -- Confirmation (207) (Serial Psycho) (False)
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Universe Fantasy Creature)
onsdag 21 augusti 2019
Santa Claus i ett infantilistiskt konceptperspektiv
Ahead of us is 2275 and the artworld sees awake their next superstar --- one-year old Holly Davidsson (!!!) --- whose puke on paper went progressing the artworld in one sentiment (line) --- 'My Kid Could Puke That' (!!) (action painting).
Soon everything in the artworld became [Holly Davidsson] -- all paintings went to puke on paper -- all performances went to puke -- all installations went to machines puking -- all conceptual pieces went to instruments of puke (!).
Soon (pretty soon) this would lead to an inflation of prices leaving Santa Claus' gifts (presents) (art pieces) would return zero or go cheap - Santa Claus was on the way to be selected down - and down - and down.
Soon (well, not that soon) Santa Claus' revenge (uprising (from the perimeters)) came when Holly Davidsson went gone in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Having been puked on that Christmas (by Holly) Santa Claus became the most logical (attempt) on heritage and so Santa Claus went billions and billions richer.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
And so the artworld was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
onsdag 14 augusti 2019
Santa Claus i ett analfabetiskt reseperspektiv
It's the new year and we have come to 2350 and Santa Claus still lingers with money problem. Selling out Christmas to the Russian mafia seemed worthless and Santa Claus now finds a way in selling out Christmas to the Ivory Coast.
Seeing much fortitude in doing so things - once well overhand - could have turned out better (for the Christmas gift-bearing's sake). Having to distant great miles in sand and only sand the camels worked for instead of raindeers seemed to be to slow to cover anything than Ivory Coast for the Christmas gift-bearing.
Furtheron; things have gotten to much gift-bearing mistakes partaking to the open sand land and the much affluent mirages which left the new Santa Claus in much trouble delivering Christmas gift in open areas (with delivering addresses who turns out nothing but a (sand) delusion).
(Even so) furtheron; the Christmas gifts has within this new regulation been reduced to nothing but paintings of stick figures; dolls with easy limbs; and crashed cars.
The one solution was to bear down to the northern of Sweden having this region's kids leaving the Christmas craftmaking - cephalopods (as opposed to stick figures) was then introduced as the new times (with Christmas in Ivory Coast) Christmas gifts.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
söndag 11 augusti 2019
Roy Lichtenstein - Whaam!

Roy Lichtenstein
painting, 1963
Whaam! i ett postmodernt perspektiv
Här blir relationen mellan serietidning (serieruta) och konstverk synlig med narrativ (serietidning), meta-narrativ (konstverk) och meta-metanarrativ (konstbetraktare).
Whaam! i ett modernistiskt perspektiv
Här blir konstverket found art med serietidningen som bruksobjekt.
Whaam! i ett minimalistiskt perspektiv
Här blir delen (serierutan) större än helheten (serietidningen).
Whaam! i ett pop art-perspektiv
Här blir serietidningen (serierutan) och konstverket likställt.
Whaam! i ett klassicistiskt perspektiv
Här blir hantverksskickligheten i serietidning såväl som konstobjekt synlig.
Whaam! [Serievärlden]

Roy Lichtenstein
sequential art, 1963
Whaam! i ett postmodernt perspektiv
Verket blir likställt med serier skrivna av Grant Morrison.
Whaam! i ett modernistiskt perspektiv
Verket blir likställt med serier utgivna av Marvel Comics.
Whaam! i ett minimalistiskt perspektiv
Verket blir likställt med serier utgivna i Sverige.
Whaam! i ett pop art-perspektiv
Verket blir likställt med Kalle Anka & C:o.
Whaam! i ett klassicistiskt perspektiv
Verket blir likställt med serier skrivna av Stan Lee.
// Niclas V & Arreality Recontemplated To (Yester) (Fantasy Creature) & Arreality Recontrolled To (Yester) (Fantasy Creature)
onsdag 7 augusti 2019
Santa Claus i ett abstrakt konstperspektiv
In the midst of 2387 all cars are pre-programmed with abstract (copies) paintings - this is the story of 6-year-old Frida Billingsworth and her family (and their cars). As for an example with whatnot input our selected family (their car) could only go to Frida's kindergarten as it used 'Untitled Scribble Painting' (by Frida) and no others as Frida's family could not afford other inputs; and even if you had the funds for more complex inputs, in the early hours of this new setting people found it hard to find out its actual workings.
But so Frida's family wanted more space and - by the luck of chance - found one when their car needed some yearly inspection and the car workers installed the wrong input with a 'Jackson Pollock' (copy). With this setting the car went pre-programmed for street races and so Frida's father took entries to various of named compounds. This worked quite well (even if Frida had to skip kindergarten in the meantime) with Frida's father won some races and by then could afford a new abstract input with a 'Wassily Kandinsky' (copy).
Having missed much of kindergarten Frida's father with this new input drove around the city aimlessly to find a new kindergarten. Time build and built (and builded) but with no kindergarten to be found Frida's family's quest of understanding of their vehicle - and Frida's abscense at kindergarten - moving them to depression things soon found out a way with Christmas coming up.
Having found his Christmas wishes heard Frida's father got a 'Piet Mondrian' (copy) and so installed it as the new input in the (family's) car - but this input too found them uncompelling as its workings moved them to a kindergarten in another town (and Frida (and her family) didn't like the thought of a movement to a new town).
Depression once again hit the family and with only lottery tickets to be mauled everything seemed doomed only to be found gratitude when Frida suddenly won one of these (ticket) races with a 'Gerhard Richter' (copy). With this new input the family's car went all the way to school and this thought delighted Frida (and her family) as Frida as a first-grader granted (more) and better Christmas gifts.
And so Frida (and her family) was yet saved.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
söndag 28 juli 2019
Some Birthdays
// Niclas V & Niclas VI & Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
söndag 21 juli 2019
Santa Claus i ett aquanautiskt konceptperspektiv
As Santa Claus (2691) finds more and more time for his own activities now living in a resident on the North Pole he soon finds a way with pool and everything and soon you will find out just how valueble it will become.
Soon with a pool he hires a Pool Guy to take care of this large pool. The Pool Guy solves his work very good as he install salt water in Santa Claus' pool (by pouring salt directly in the water). Santa Claus then could skip addresses (for the Christmas gift-bearing) with salt water as their byline.
Next move by the Pool Guy then would be to attach a wind machine to the pool and so Santa Claus could skip places (addresses) with windy conditions (aside their sea/lake).
Nextnext move by the Pool Guy then was to pour black pepper in the pool and thus; Santa Claus could then skip all destinations (addresses (places)) with murky (oilish) water.
Santa Claus (and the Pool Guy) was once again victorious.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
måndag 15 juli 2019
The 50 Foot Rockband
// Niclas VI & Niclas VII & Henrik Aronsson (Fantasy Creature)
söndag 14 juli 2019
Santa Claus i ett kontraktsreseperspektiv
It's time for 2325 to be a year to be reckon; Santa Claus have dwindling funds and desperatingly seeks for new ways to explore Christmas (cheap ways). Upon a meeting with Russian mafia gods during the last Christmas gift-bearing Santa Claus so next year finds a way in selling out Christmas (in a contract kind of way) to the mentioned mafia gods.
This means (in explicit terms) that one out of four presents will be delivered all across Russia (who account for the designed gift-bearing location) in this the new Christmas gift-bearing; including an alarm clock (timed bomb); a pillow (choke hazard); a suit (mafia designed); and a gift discount card (to pay for mafia services).
Even if Santa Claus upon releaving this have some form of regret the dice is already long cast with dice men all over Russia now implemented in this new gift-bearing regulation. If not... there was some form of weakminded deliberation upon deciding who got to be the new Santa Claus (mafia gods Santa). This deliberation went on and on until finally the [a] man driving Siberian Huskey's came to mind (even if he was a drunkard) as this new Christmas executer could use the dogs for a [the] sleigh.
Finally so; the Christmas Eve was aclose and the new Santa [Claus] figure came to rest in his resident just hours before leaving for duty. Doing the Christmas gift-bearing activity in a Santa [Claus] way this new Christmas figure so have to life with his [the] (toys) and other Christmas gift paraphernalia before going out on the field - resting in his new suit (in a [the] quite a [the] comfy material) on a pillow just designed for this (or not (!)) he is about half an hour from which he used his gift discount card in Kappahl (!) and waiting for the alarm clock to boom - if it wasn't for the multiple snooze occasions - leaving the Russian Santa to oversleep Christmas (!).
Seeing this failed Christmas gift-bearing Russian mafia god service drawing Christmas to a close (an undisclosed one) Santa so eventually got the contract upheld and Christmas back to the North Pole and the (former) Santa Claus.
And so the Russian mafia god Santa was yet a failure.
(And so Christmas was once again saved.)
(And so the world (Russia) was once again saved.)
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
söndag 7 juli 2019
Santa Claus i ett suprematistiskt konstperspektiv
Beginning in 3900 this is the story of then 6-year-old Glenda Hollingworth and her improvement over the years pertaining to the naughty-list searching for a doll (Christmas present).
3900 (6-year-old); she ate waffles, scrambled eggs, cooked eggs and bacon for breakfast which only qualified her to a doll which would (could) burp all the time.
3901 (7-years-old); she ate cereals and sour milk for breakfast which qualified her for a doll which could sing.
3902 (8-years-old); she ate spinach for breakfast; dinner; supper; snacks; coffees and midnight snack which would then qualify her for a porcelain doll.
3903 (9-years-old); she ate brown whole wheat bread; salami; ham and cheese in rectangulars; circulars and triangels arranging the bread; salami; cheese and ham in a specific pattern (Kitchen Suprematism (Blue Noses (2006))) qualifying her for a designer doll.
And so Glenda Hollingworth was yet saved.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
fredag 21 juni 2019
Santa Claus i ett diktatoriskt konceptperspektiv
New year new opportunities Santa Claus could have winsed going into the 3280's if it wasn't for the ever-expanding Europe (European Union) and its new leader (dictator). (He [the dictator] makes a Christmas ban and illegalize Santa Clausery (yes, that's what it's called (!!)))
As a way around this recent ban several Santa-believers hope to gain legality by going to court and state that a mental illness lies behind their Clausery. Santa-believers all around the world so starts a confortion and split Europe gift-bearing activity between eachother. (He gets a Santa mask, a Santa coat and a Santa cap for Christmas).
Santa-believers fail in court meaning a mental Santa-believing is also against the law. Europe is dwindling in its status and many see this as a way going far-right and not the all bout love-thing. (He is Santa Claus. Love is back in the Europe region (!!)).
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
And so Europe's (European Union's) dictator was yet saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
torsdag 20 juni 2019
Nam June Paik - Danger Music For Dick Higgins
Kryp in i vaginan på en levande val
Nam June Paik
Danger Music For Dick Higgins
minimalistic music, 1963
Här blir textraden till fantasifierat resultat.
Danger Music For Dick Higgins [Musikpoesivärlden]
Kryp in i vaginan på en levande val
Nam June Paik
Danger Music For Dick Higgins
text-composition, 1963
Här blir textraden till inbillat resultat.
Danger Music For Dick Higgins [Antiart-världen]
Kryp in i vaginan på en levande val
Nam June Paik
Danger Music For Dick Higgins
dance music, 1963
Här blir textraden till kreativiserat (anti)-resultat.
Danger Music For Dick Higgins [Musikvärlden]
Kryp in i vaginan på en levande val
Nam June Paik
Danger Music For Dick Higgins
songwriting, 1963
Här blir textraden till falsifierat resultat.
// Arreality Rewriting Fluxus-day (Fantasy Creature) & Arreality Reproducing Fluxus-day (Fantasy Creature)
onsdag 19 juni 2019
Dick Higgins - Danger Music No. 9 For Nam June Paik
Erbjud dig att få ryggraden borttagen
Dick Higgins
Danger Music No. 9 For Nam June Paik
minimalistic music, 1963
Här blir textraden till fantasifierat resultat.
Danger Music No. 9 For Nam June Paik [Musikpoesivärlden]
Erbjud dig att få ryggraden borttagen
Dick Higgins
Danger Music No. 9 For Nam June Paik
text-composition, 1963
Här blir textraden till inbillat resultat.
Danger Music No. 9 For Nam June Paik [Antiart-världen]
Erbjud dig att få ryggraden borttagen
Dick Higgins
Danger Music No. 9 For Nam June Paik
dance music, 1963
Här blir textraden till kreativiserat (anti)-resultat.
Danger Music No. 9 For Nam June Paik [Musikvärlden]
Erbjud dig att få ryggraden borttagen
Dick Higgins
Danger Music No. 9 For Nam June Paik
songwriting, 1963
Här blir textraden till falsifierat resultat.
// Arreality Rewriting Fluxus-day (Fantasy Creature) & Arreality Reproducing Fluxus-day (Fantasy Creature)
fredag 14 juni 2019
Santa Claus i ett cultiverat reseperspektiv
The time flew forward as the tides on water with Santa Claus dealt only minor discrepances on until 2683. The time had come to fly to Pisa for an international Santa conference gathering the few (but not least) Santa Claus' of the world.
On until the meeting come to an end a trouble regarding Santa Claus' (the one true real) elves was highlighted when a computer bug saw to not comply with all the elves and their names (all ending in elf (surname)). This halted their booked travel back home to the North Pole and so they had to stay (in Pisa) for at least that Christmas.
On so that happend that a secret cult holding bay in Pisa tried the elves as a brainwashing (-ed) tool in their attempt on turning the world flat again (The World Is Not Round). On doing so they haltered Santa Claus in his mode to cover all Earth's giftbearing in just two days (Christmas Day and Christmas Eve) as Santa now had to fly to the end of the world and then back all way to cover the other end.
On that occassion Santa Claus tried to manipulate the elves back to his favor without bringing war with the cult and their byline (The World Is Not Round). Even if Santa could get some elves under his control Santa Claus was worried it would be not enough to resolve all the gift-bearing for that Christmas.
Santa Claus conspicious act (solution) resolved around defining the Earth (with the help of the recovered elves) to a cyclical (flat) nature. By that Santa could carry larger areas without going to and fro the whole of Earth and also benefit from the fact that day (and night) in this new set-up was double in length.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
söndag 9 juni 2019
Billiards Nest
// Henrik Aronsson (Fantasy Creature)
fredag 7 juni 2019
Santa Claus i ett postpostmodernt konstperspektiv
- What is this (it is 3800)?
- Yes, I see.. I mean this girl should be have gotten a teddybear. But instead of a regular head she got a teddybear with a dolls head.
- Dear Claus, it's the hash notes... It is flaud!- Contact all the elvs and check if something else is on the wrong.
- Claus, we have already initiated the Christmas giftbearing cycle meaning everything is already packed on the sleigh ride for the next stop. It's to late to withdraw.- Have we been to China yet?
- Yes, you know that! We're just here to repack the sleigh.- Yes... I know. I'm just a bit unsettled. This just in; a Christmas recipient from Norway tells about Barbie and Ken gotten married meaning you can't get them one or theother and just the two of them in a package.
- So, there seems to be more complaints. If we encounter more, tell them to turn to the complaints department.- So, I did. But it's not functional for the odd complaint. We haven't had them in years.
- OK. But we need to ride again. The sleigh is packed.- Keep me informed about the situation. I'm going out on that sleigh ride!
- No way Claus! You can't go with that play oven like that!- What do you mean? It's totally functional!
- Yeah, indeed. But it's what or when inside it I mean. Look, there's a doll inside... Burned in her skin.- Oh my God... I see now! What are we going to do?
- I think I have an idea! Take the teddybear and the burnt doll and set them up as a band, duo, and make them perform on Barbie and Ken's wedding!- Yes, and then we can have that version of Bob the Builder as a gardener taking care of the cemetary!
- Excellent.. then we just give the kids all over the world tickets to this wedding concert meaning all the kids all over the world will leave us without complaints. On we go... here we come! (And so Christmas was once yet saved.)- Take care my head elf and work with this new setting. (Santa Claus was once again victorious.)
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)