torsdag 26 december 2019

Santa Claus i ett regeringskonceptperspektiv

Jultomten på Politik

Sometimes along 2825 Santa Claus finds a halt in his sponsorship from the leftish government of the world. Having been tied to it for the last 50 years or so Santa Claus no longer needs the government support - having had a money tree grow on his frontyard he soon publicly outcries world leftish people as pigs living on government support.

Santa Claus now instead seek to support a right-field government to buy his estate for a good price. Now having Santa Claus as its front name the world government soon change to said right-field environment - as thue Santa Claus publicly outcries them as foxes (!).

Farmers (working for a new politic) then soon finds a way in breeding pigs with foxes into the pigfox - this would in time then change the communities of the world into a right and left environment.

Santa Claus soon sees the positive in such an environment and open publicly starts to support it - having to get discount for his most expensive Christmas presents.

But this environment soon sees to no good for Santa Claus as his elves all left as the right - left politic gave them status as refugees but still enabled them for government support.

Longing for a strong leader to successfully merge the right-field and left-field Santa soon started to support the Hitler party - with that the world got a strong leader (better than Stalin (!)) - and Santa got cool brown-clad action figures to supply the world's children.

And so the world was once again saved.

Santa Claus was once again victorious.

// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)

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