Mike Newell
7 Weddings, 1 Divorce, 2 Funerals, 24 Baptisms, 14 Relationships, 18 Teenage Crises, 12 Mid-life Crises, 29 Adoptions, 171 Hostages, 219 Newly Builts And 207 Confirmations
psychosis, 2019
Alternate Reality Theft::Alternate Reality Theater
A (Philosopher's) Reality Training::Alternate Realistic Traits::Arreality Red Truce
Alternate Reality Theft::Alternate Reality Theory
A (Comedian's) Reality Training::Alter Realistic Traits::Arreality Reset Trigger
Alternate Reality Town::Alternate Reality Trigonometrics
A (Traveller's) Realistic Traits::Anywhere Reality Training::Arreality Roost Trigger
Alternate Reality Tistle::Alternate Reality Tornado (Marriage Plans)
A (Traveller's) Reality Training::Anybody's Realistic Traits::Arreality Red Trigger
Alternate Reality Trustee::Alternate Reality Tracey (Civil Wedding; w/o Wedding Ring)
A (Dimensional) Realistic Traits::A (Dimensional) Reality Training::Arreality Rotator Trigger
Alternate Reality Truth::Alternate Reality (O)mniverse (Teraverse) (Las Vegas Wedding; w Wedding Ring; w/o Of Promises)
A (Dimensional Traveller's) Reality Training::A (Dimensional Traveller's) Realistic Traits::A (Traveller Dimensional's) Realistic Traits::A (Traveller Dimensional's) Reality Training::Arreality Restplace Generic::Arreality Rivals Gandalf
Alternate Reality Truth::Alternate Reality Gigaverse (Mass Wedding)
Alternate Reality Theft::Alternate Reality Theater
An (Arsonist's) Realistic Traits::Alter Reality Training::Arreality Random Tyntax
Aggressive Relations Therapy
Aggressive Relations Therapy (Meta-Narrative)
A (Dimensional Traveller's) Reality Training::A (Dimensional Traveller's) Realistic Traits
A (Traveller Dimensional's) Realistic Traits::A (Traveller Dimensional's) Reality Training
Arreality Restplace Generic::Arreality Rivals Gandalf
Alternate Reality Truth's Clone::Alternate Reality Gigaverse
Arreality Reality (We)motion::Arreality Reality Position
Broken Relationships
Arreality Reality Notion::Arreality Reality Potion::Arreality Reality Motion
Arreality Reality Lotion::Arreality Reality Ho(r)tion::Arreality Reality Go(tion)
Arreality Reality To(tion)::Arreality Reality Do(tion)::Arreality Reality Soot(h)ion
Artists Reality Training::Anywhom Realistic Traits::Arreality Realisation Tomorrow
Anywhere Realistic Traits::Arrythmic Reality Training::Arreality Request Transfer
Attention Reality Training::Aclinical Realistic Traits::Arreality Repositional Treasure
Aquire Realistic Traits::Autistic Reality Training::Arreality Repost Timidness
Anhedonic Reality Training::A (Writer's) Realistic Traits::Arreality Retechnician Trace
An (Artist's) Realistic Traits::Adherent Reality Training::Arreality Reproduction To (Me)
A (Physicist's) Reality Training::A (Very) Realistic Trait(s)::Arreality Reconstitution Towards (Be)
A (Poker Player's) Realistic Traits::Alternate Reality Training::Arreality Risk (En)trapment
Teenage Crises
Eric Harris (Teenage Crisis)
John Ausonius (Mid-life Crisis (Fixed By Alcohol Abuse))
Ted Bundy (Mid-life Crisis)
Eric Harris (Dinner Time Crisis; Teenage Crisis)
Ted Bundy (Mid-life Crisis (Meta-Narrative))
John Ausonius (Teenage Crisis; Mid-life Crisis; Wedding Crisis; Emergency Crisis)
John Ausonius (Mid-life Crisis)
Ted Bundy (Mid-life Crisis (Married To Unknown Corpse))
Eric Harris (Dinner Time Crisis; Teenage Crisis)
John Ausonius (Mid-life Crisis (Fixed By Pet Monkey))
Eric Harris (Dinner Time Crisis; Teenage Crisis)
Ted Bundy (Mid-life Crisis; Teenage Crisis; Baptism Crisis)
Ted Bundy (Mid-life Crisis (Fixed By Foot Fetishism))
Eric Harris (Dinner Time Crisis; Teenage Crisis; Adoption Crisis)
John Ausonius (Mid-life Crisis)
Ted Bundy (Mid-life Crisis)
John Ausonius (Mid-life Crisis)
Eric Harris (Teenage Crisis)
Mid-life Crisis
Arreality Resistance Torture::(Ar)reality Resistance Try::Arreality Resistance Typo
Arreality Reflective Toxic::Arreality Reflective Timespan::Arreality Reflective Timescale
Arreality Reiteration Trust::Arreality Reiteration Trustee::Arreality Reiteration Together
Arreality Rightfully Thorough::Arreality Rightfully Tripled::Arreality Rightfully Tropical
Arreality Reconsidered Timewarp ) Arreality Remastered Timidness <\3 Arreality Remastered Throughout <\3 Arreality Remastered Trivial (Fake Two-egg Twin Adoption)
Arreality Remastered Timidness <+3 Arreality Remastered Throughout <+3 Arreality Remastered Trivial (Courthouse Adoption Verdict)
Arreality Resurrection To (Locate)::Arreality Resurrection To (Morning)::Arreality Resurrection To (Past Tense) (Adult Adoption)
Arreality Resurrection Riskphase::Arreality Resurrection Rectangular::Arreality Resurrection Resyntax (Alien Adoption)
Arreality Reconnecting Today::Arreality Reconnecting To (Whatever)::Arreality Reconnecting To (The Future) (Alien Abortion)
Arreality Reconnecting Transfer::Arreality Reconnecting To (Whomever)::Arreality Reconnecting To (The Past) (Alien Abducted)
Arreality Reconfigurating (S)tarCraft::Arreality Reconfigurating TarCraft::Arreality Reconfigurating (Craf)t (Alien Abortion)
Arreality Reconfigurating Ar(se)Craft::Arreality Reconfigurating Anti-Craft::Arreality Reconfigurating AntCraft (Alien Abducted)
Arreality Reconfigurating SevenCraft::Arreality Reconfigurating SvenCraft::Arreality Reconfigurating Sever(e)Craft (Alien Aborted)
Arreality Reconfigurating CryCraft::Arreality Reconfigurating FarCraft::Arreality Reconfigurating Star(Far)Cry (Adopted Alien)
Arreality Reconfigurating Yesterday::Arreality Reconfigurating Morningday::Arreality Reconfigurating Morrowday (Aborted Alien)
Arreality Reconfigurating A-day::Arreality Reconfigurating B-day::Arreality Reconfigurating C-day (Abducted Abortion)
Arreality Reconfigurating D-day::Arreality Reconfigurating E-day::Arreality Reconfigurating F-day (Aborted Abduction)
Arreality Reconfigurating D-day (Cont.)::Arreality Reconfigurating E-day (Cont.)::Arreality Reconfigurating F-day (Cont.) (Abducted Aborted Adoption)
Arreality Reconfigurating F-day::Arreality Reconfigurating Fluxus-day::Arreality Reconfigurating Fk-day (Aborted Abducted Adoption)
Arreality Reconfigurating Fluxus-day::Arreality Rewriting Fluxus-day::Arreality Reproducing Fluxus-day (Adopted Abducted Abortion)
Arreality Reproducing Yesterday::Arreality Reconfigurating Today::Arreality Rewriting Tomorrow (Adopted Aborted Abduction)
Arreality Recreated To (Morning)::Arreality Repositioning To (Morning)::Arreality Reconditioning To (Afternoon) (Abducted Adopted Abortion)
Arreality Reestablished To (Morning)::Arreality Reiterated To (Afternoon)::Arreality Rephased To (Evening) (Aborted Adopted Abduction)
Arreality Reenabled Tomorrow::Arreality Resynchronized Tomorrow::Arreality Resimulated Tomorrow (Addicted Abducted Aborted Adoption)
Arreality Refocused Today::Arreality Reshapened Today::Arreality Recirculated Today (Addicted Aborted Abducted Adoption)
Arreality Recycled Yesterday::Arreality Resurfaced Yesterday::Arreality Remoderated Yesterday (Addicted Adopted Abducted Abortion)
Arreality Recontemplated To (Yester)::Arreality Reawakened To (Yester)::Arreality Recontrolled To (Yester) (Addicted Adopted Aborted Abduction)
Arreality Rescheduled To (Now)::Arreality Resystemized To (Never)::Arreality Recharacteristified To (Forever) (Additive Abducted Aborted Adoption)
Arreality RePolk To (The Beginning)::Arreality ReYou To (The Bread)::Arreality ReStar To (The End) (Additive Aborted Abducted Adoption)
Arreality Resession (Sometimes)::Arreality Restable (Possible)::Arreality Reincarnated (Potential) (Additive Adopted Abducted Abortion)
Arreality Recataclysmical (Less)::Arreality Recatalystical (Less)::Arreality Resymbolification More(ning) (Additive Adopted Aborted Abduction)
Arreality Resession (More)::Arreality Reconfigurating (More)::Arreality Rewriting (More) (Adderall Abducted Aborted Adoption)
Arreality Reclassified Tomorrow::Arreality Remathematesized Today::Arreality Renuansed (Repowered) Today (Adderall Aborted Abducted Adoption)
Arreality ReTelevised Today::Arreality ReJuiced Today::Arreality ReGarfunkled Today (Adderall Adopted Abducted Abortion)
Arreality ReDiagnosed Yesterday (More)::Arreality ReJuiced Today (Much)::Arreality ReGarfunkled ToMorrow (Most) (Adderall Adopted Aborted Abduction)
Arreality ReProduction Failure::Arreality ReBodyfication Fault::Arreality ReSicktronification False
Arreality ReTry Truth::Arreality ReTouch Try::Arreality ReLabeled True
Arreality ReNonFunction Yesterday (True)::Arreality ReNonClarified Today (False)::Arreality ReConquest Tomorrow (False True)
Arreality ReRemember Today (True)::Arreality RePostulate Tomorrow (True)::Arreality ReBeverage (Tomorrow) (True)
Arreality ReConscience Today (Almost True)::Arreality ReYou Today (Almost True)::Arreality ReYew Today (Almost True)
Arreality ReGeography Today (Some True)(f)::Arreality ReDisposition (To)Day (Hard True)::Arreality ReMegalomania (Every) Tri-Days (Fact True)(fl)
Arreality ReT Day::Arreality ReW Evening::Arreality ReS Night
Arreality ReTi Day::Arreality ReTis Day::Arreality ReTo Day
Arreality ReQuanta Days(fl)::Arreality ReMission Deus::Arreality ReSoft Douche
(Ar)reality ReStructure Long::(Ar)reality ReFluos Short::(Ar)reality ReHack Medium Long
A(r)reality ReTy Yours::A(r)reality ReTy Mine::A(r)reality ReTy Ours
A(r)reality ReTagYou Yours::A(r)reality ReTrackYou Mine::A(r)reality ReTraceYou Ours
A(r)reality ReTranqYou Yours::A(r)reality ReTrackYou Mine(f)::A(r)reality ReTrickYou Ours
(A)reality ReLive You::(A)reality ReSpect You::(A)reality ReTime You
Arreality ReTe Forgotten Day::Arreality Re Forgotten Day::Arreality ReTo Forgotten Day
Arreality ReBorderline In Days(f)::Arreality ReGo T(w)(o)(-)Day(s)::Arreality ReForward To Day(f)
Arreality ReText::Arreality ReDerivate(f)::Arreality ReTweak(f)
Arreality ReX Day::Arreality ReXy Day::Arreality ReXyz(abc) Day(F)
Arreality ReReality::A(r)reality ReReality::(Ar)reality ReReality(F)
Arreality ReConstant False::Arreality ReManagement Not False::Arreality ReHolding Not Not False
Arreality ReConstitution Never::Arreality ReFabrication Never (True)::Arreality ReLegislation (ReNever) Always
Arreality RePositioning X::Arreality RePositioning Y::Arreality RePositioning W(Z)
Arreality ReTop::Arreality ReTock::Arreality ReSet
Arreality ReHang::Arreality ReClose::Arreality ReSubmit
Arreality ReSuper::Arreality ReGang::Arreality ReGone
Arreality None::Arreality ReNo::Arreality ReNon
Arreality Noone::Arreality Someone::Arreality ReSome
Arreality ReSlow::Arreality ReSlough::Arreality ReSl
Arreality ReRe::Arreality ReSee::Arreality ReTee
Arreality ReSeen::Arreality ReScene::Arreality ReScent
Arreality ReJustification::Arreality ReRetroPublication::Arreality ReJuxtaPositional
Arreality ReQuarter::Arreality ReQvarts::Arreality ReKvarts
Arreality ReForward::Arreality ReFromWhere::Arreality ReForWhom
Arreality ReReSolar::Arreality ReReSol::Arreality ReReSolaris
Arreality ReJustified::Arreality RePublication::Arreality RePositional
Arreality ReReality::Arreality Re(Reality)::Arreality (ReReality)
Arreality ReMatches (Before)::Arreality ReGame(Play) (After)::Arreality ReMember(Ship) (Now)
Arreality Super::Arreality ReSuperFiction::Arreality ReSupraFiction
Arreality (Re)(Force)::Arreality Re(Force)::Arreality (ReForce)
Arreality ReSuperStitious Yesterday::Arreality ReSuperFaction Today::Arreality ReSuperFiction Tomorrow
Arreality ReSuperImposed::Arreality ReSuperFiction (Never)::Arreality ReSuperConstant
Arreality ReSuperFiction (Never Again)::Arreality SuperStrength::Arreality ReSuperStrength
Arreality Coke::Arreality ReCoke::Arreality ReReCoke
Arreality ReLevel::Arreality ReLevl::Arreality ReLe
Arreality NoLe::Arreality NöLe::Arreality NoLevel
Arreality NoSeaLevel::Arreality ReSeedLevel::Arreality ReSeerLevel
Arreality LastLevel::Arreality RePastLevel::Arreality MastLevel
Arreality Arrealities (Today)::(Re)Arreality (Re)Arreality (Tomorrow)::Arreality Arreality(s) (Next Week)
Arreality TY::Arreality TW::Arreality TQ
Arreality WI::Arreality WQ::Arreality W(C)Z
Arreality Irreality::Arreality Irreality (*2) (Tomorrow)::Arreality Irreality (*2) (The Day After Tomorrow)
Arreality Yrreality (Today)::Arreality Yrreality (Next Week)::Arreality Yrreality (Next Month)
Arreality ()::Arreality (N)::Arreality (N/A)
Arreality Anders (Force)::Arreality Mikael (Force)::Arreality Edvin (Force)
((A)(r))reality Henrik I::((A)(r))reality Henrik III::((A)(r))reality Henrik V
A((r)(r))eality Hr::A((r)(r))eality Hen::A((r)(r))eality Rik
((A)r)reality He::((A)r)reality (((S)(h))e)::((A)r)reality (He((r))(e))
Newly Builts
Inter-Dimensional Quake Store (Serial Psycho)::Inter-Dimensional Quake Filing (Serial Psycho)::Inter-Dimensional Functional Supply (Enter the Matrix)
Inter-Dimensional Circular Design (Enter the Matrix)::Inter-Dimensional Circular Supply (Enter the Matrix)::Professor Xavier's Summer House (Enter the Matrix)
Arson Land (Enter the Matrix)::Arson Country (Enter the Matrix)::Arson Kingdom (Enter the Matrix)
Inter-Dimensional Functional Adherent (Enter the Matrix)::Inter-Dimensional Functional Coherent (Enter the Matrix)::Inter-Dimensional Functional Superherent (Enter the Matrix)
Rape County (Enter the Matrix)::Rape Arsenal (Enter the Matrix)::Rape Training Facility (Enter the Matrix)
Inter-Dimensional Script Initializer (Serial Psycho)::Inter-Dimensional Journey GUI (Serial Psycho)::Inter-Dimensional Functional Mechanics (Serial Pyscho)
Inter-Dimensional Questification (Serial Psycho)::Inter-Dimensional Area Designator (Serial Psycho)::Inter-Dimensional Problem Desk (Serial Psycho)
Inter-Dimensional Script Functional (Serial Psycho)::Inter-Dimensional Assembling (Serial Psycho)::Inter-Dimensional Help Desk (Serial Psycho)
Inter-Dimensional Filing Cabinet (Serial Psycho) (False)::Center For Inter-Dimensional Studies (Serial Psycho) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Script Acknowledge (Serial Psycho) (True/False)
Inter-Dimensional Functional Overlay (Serial Psycho) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Coaching (Serial Psycho) (False)::Inter-Dimensional Journey Ghost (Serial Psycho) (True/False)
Inter-Dimensional Functional Variant (Serial Psycho) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Arson (Serial Psycho/The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Supply Desk (Serial Psycho) (False) Inter-Dimensional Functional Variation (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True Xor False)::Inter-Dimensional (Serial Psycho/The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Support Desk (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (False)
Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants Headquarter (Serial Psycho) (False)::Inter-Dimensional Journey Check (Serial Psycho) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Journey Pass (The Time-Travelling Arsonist/Serial Psycho) (True/False)
Inter-Dimensional Functional Hibitor (The Time-Travelling Arsonist)::Inter-Dimensional Journey Address (The Time-Travelling Arsonist)::Inter-Dimensional Metameta-Narrative (The Time-Travelling Arsonist)
Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants Headquarter (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)::Potion Supply Store (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)::Center For Inter-Dimensional Studies Library (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)
Inter-Dimensional Functional Supply (Enter the Matrix) (True)::Inter-Dimensional (Art) Exhibition (Enter the Matrix) (False)::Inter-Dimensional Battle Field (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)
Center For Inter-Dimensional Studies Library (Enter the Matrix) (True)::Center For Dimensional Studies Library (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)::Center For (Dimensional) Studies Library (Enter the Matrix) (False)
Inter-Dimensional Functional Variance (Enter the Matrix) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Time-Travelling Supplies (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)::Null Time Zone (Enter the Matrix) (False)
Independant House Of West End (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::Independant House Of Right End (Serial Psycho) (True)::Independant House Of Middle Lane (Serial Psycho) (False)
Inter-Dimemsional Writing Theory (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Poem Theory (Serial Psycho) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Poker Theory (Serial Psycho) (False)
Inter-Dimensional Art Theory (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Philosophical Theory (Serial Psycho) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Psychiatric Theory (Serial Psycho) (False)
Team Invisibles --> Brotherhood Of Evil Mutants (Serial Psycho) (True)::Team Invisibles --> Common People (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::Team Invisibles --> Hellions (Serial Psycho) (False)
University Architecture (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::Petrol Station Architecture (Serial Psycho) (True)::Poker Architecture (Serial Psycho) (False)
Poker Interceptor (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::Poker Legislator (Serial Psycho) (True)::Poker Absolute (Serial Psycho) (False)
On Willys (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True/False)::On Netto (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True)::On Money (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (False)
On Mona (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True/False)::On Linda (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True)::On Sara (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (False)
Poker Enigma (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (False)::Poker Building (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True)::Poker Structure (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True/False)
Professor Xavier's Summer House (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (False)::Potion Supply Store (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Poem Theory (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True)
Poker Shack (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True/False)::Time-Travelling Supply Store (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Poker Theory (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (False)
Inter-Dimensional Functional Supply (The Hunt For The Force) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Supply Store (The Hunt For The Force) (True)::AmmuNation (The Hunt For The Force) (False) Hostage Platform (The Hunt For The Force) (True)::Hostage ReAssemble (The Hunt For The Force) (True/False)::Hostage Tweet (The Hunt For The Force) (False)
Inter-Dimensional Self-ExCommunicating Supply (The Hunt For The Force) (True)::Potion Supply Store (The Hunt For The Force) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Writing Theory (The Hunt For The Force) (False)
Inter-Dimensional Art Theory (The Hunt For The Force) (True)::Potion Supply Store (The Hunt For The Force) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Functional Supply (The Hunt For The Force) (False)
Inter-Dimensional Poker Theory (The Hunt For The Force) (False)::Potion Supply Store (The Quest For Longevity) (True/False)::Haven (The Hunt For The Force) (True)
Inter-Dimensional Art Theory (The Quest For Longevity) (False)::Inter-Dimensional Art Writing (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (False)::Inter-Dimensional Art Philosophy (The Quest For Longevity) (False)
Potion Supply Store (The Quest For Longevity) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Poker Theory (The Quest For Longevity) (True/True)::Inter-Dimensional Art Writing (The Quest For Longevity) (True)
Inter-Dimensional Poker (1) (The Quest For Longevity) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Poker (2) (The Quest For Longevity) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Art Writing (The Quest For Longevity) (False)
Inter-Dimensional Poker (3) (The Quest For Longevity) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Travelling Pills (The Quest For Longevity) (False)::Inter-Dimensional Art Writing (The Quest For Longevity) (True/False)
Inter-Dimensional Poker (4-5) (The Quest For Longevity) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Criss-Cross (The Quest For Longevity) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Writing (The Quest For Longevity) (False)
Inter-Dimensional Poker (6) (The Hunt For Henrik) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Writing (The Hunt For Henrik) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Poker (7) (The Hunt For Henrik) (False)
Potion Supply Store (The Hunt For Henrik) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional TMNT (1987) (The Hunt For Henrik) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional TMNT (2003) (The Hunt For Henrik) (True/False)
Inter-Dimensional Garment Factory (The Hunt For Henrik) (True)::Inter-Dimensional TMNT (2003) (The Hunt For Henrik) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional TMNT (1987) (The Hunt For Henrik) (False)
Potion Supply Inventory (The Hunt For Henrik) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional TMNT (2003) (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (The Hunt For Henrik) (True/False)
Inter-Dimensional Stargate (The Quest For Longevity) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Anti-Wrinkle Pills (The Quest For Longevity) (False)::Inter-Dimensional Poker (7) (The Quest For Longevity) (True/False)
Inter-Dimensional Apanaxol (The Quest For Longevity) (False)::Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (The Quest For Longevity) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Poker (8) (The Quest For Longevity) (True)
Inter-Dimensional Wily's (The Quest For Longevity) (False)::Inter-Dimensional Poker (9) (The Quest For Longevity) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Apanaxol (The Quest For Longevity) (True)
180909(N) - Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (The Quest For Longevity) (False) -- Inter-Dimensional Apanaxol (The Quest For Longevity) (True/False) -- Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (The Quest For Longevity) (True) Inter-Dimensional Poker (10) (The Quest For Longevity) (False)::Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (The Hunt For Henrik) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Art Writing (The Hunt For Henrik) (True/False)
Inter-Dimensional Scarlet Witch Appointment (The Hunt For Henrik) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Chocolate Factory (The Hunt For Henrik) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Pizza Place (The Hunt For Henrik) (False)
Inter-Dimensional Supply Store (The Hunt For Henrik) (True/True)::Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (The Hunt For Henrik) (False/False)::Inter-Dimensional Poker (11-12) (The Hunt For Henrik) (True/True)
Inter-Dimensional Supply Store (The Hunt For Henrik) (True/False)::Potion Supply Store (The Hunt For Henrik) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Writing (The Hunt For Henrik) (False)
180914(N) - Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (Enter the Matrix) (True) -- Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (The Hunt For Henrik) (False) - Inter-Dimensional Writing Theory (The Hunt For Henrik) (True/False) Inter-Dimensional Wily's (Enter the Matrix) (False)::Inter-Dimensional Poker (13) (Enter the Matrix) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Writing (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)
Inter-Dimensional Writing Theory (Enter the Matrix) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Scandic Psych (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional TMNT (2003) (Enter the Matrix) (False)
Inter-Dimensional TMNT (2003) (Enter the Matrix) (False)::Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Writing (Enter the Matrix) (True) Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional TMNT (2003) (Enter the Matrix) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Pizza Placement (Enter the Matrix) (False)
Inter-Dimensional Potion Supply (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Poker Supply (Enter the Matrix) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Writing (Enter the Matrix) (False)
Inter-Dimensional Supply (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Swimming Hall (Serial Psycho) (False)::Inter-Dimensional Writing (Serial Psycho) (True)
Inter-Dimensional Captain Specsavers Appointment (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (Serial Psycho) (False)::Inter-Dimensional Writing (Serial Psycho) (True)
Inter-Dimensional Poker (14) (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Poker Theory (Serial Psycho) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Writing (Serial Psycho) (False)
Inter-Dimensional Wi(i) (Excite Bike-version) (Serial Psycho) (True)::Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (Serial Psycho) (False)
Inter-Dimensional StarCraft II (Serial Psycho) (False)::Inter-Dimensional Travel (Enter the Matrix) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Art Writing (Enter the Matrix) (True/False) Inter-Dimensional Firsthand Telepathy (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)::Inter-Dimensional Seductant Telepathy (Enter the Matrix) (True)::Inter-Dimensional Thirdlayered Telepathy (Enter the Matrix) (False)
StarCraft II Platform (Enter the Matrix) (True)::StarCraft II Platform (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)::StarCraft II Platform (Enter the Matrix) (False)::StarCraft II Hidden Mission (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)
CraftLand (1) (Enter the Matrix) (True)::CraftLand (2) (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)::CraftLand (3) (Enter the Matrix) (False)
CraftLand (4) (Enter the Matrix) (False)::CraftLand (5) (Enter the Matrix) (True/False)::CraftLand (6) (Enter the Matrix) (True)
CraftLand (7) (Serial Psycho) (False)::CraftLand (8) (Serial Psycho) (True)::CraftLand (9) (Serial Psycho) (True/False)
CraftLand II (1) (Serial Psycho) (True)::CraftLand II (2) (Serial Psycho) (False)::CraftLand II (3) (Serial Psycho) (True/False)
CraftLand II (4) (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::CraftLand II (5) (Serial Psycho) (True)::CraftLand II (6) (Serial Psycho) (False)
CraftLand II (7) (Serial Psycho) (True)::CraftLand II (8) (Serial Psycho) (False)::CraftLand II (9) (Serial Psycho) (True/False)
Hands (1) (Build Function) (Serial Psycho) (True)::Hands (2) (Build Function) (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::Hands (3) (Build Function) (Serial Psycho) (False)
Mind (1) (Build Procedure) (Time-Travelling Arsonist) (True)::Mind (2) (Build Procedure) (Serial Psycho) (True/False)::Mind (3) (Build Procedure) (Serial Psycho) (False)
Kind (1) (Building Uploaded) (Serial Psycho) (True/False) ::Kind (2) (Building Uploaded) (Serial Psycho) (True)::Kind (3) (Building Uploaded) (Serial Psycho) (False)
Confirmation (1) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (2) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (3) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (4) (Serial Psycho) (Half-Ture) -- Confirmation (5) (Serial Psycho) (Half-Ture) -- Confirmation (6) (Serial Psycho) (Half-Ture)
Confirmation (7) (Serial Psycho) (Some Ture) -- Confirmation (8) (Serial Psycho) (Some Ture) -- Confirmation (9) (Serial Psycho) (Some Ture)
Confirmation (10) (Serial Psycho) (Someone Ture) -- Confirmation (11) (Serial Psycho) (Someone Ture) -- Confirmation (12) (Serial Psycho) (Someone Ture)
Confirmation (13) (Serial Psycho) (Anyone Ture) -- Confirmation (14) (Serial Psycho) (Anyone Ture) -- Confirmation (15) (Serial Psycho) (Anyone Ture)
Confirmation (16) (Serial Psycho) (No Ture) -- Confirmation (17) (Serial Psycho) (No Ture) -- Confirmation (18) (Late Night Studying) (Serial Psycho) (No Tur(e))
Confirmation (19) (Confirmation Play - Rehearsal) (Serial Psycho) (Ture och Rut) -- Confirmation (20) (Simplified Nightly Worship w/ Sermon) (Serial Psycho) (Ture och Rut) -- Confirmation (21) (Worship w/ Vicar) (Serial Psycho) (Ture och Rut)
Confirmation (22) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (No Ture) -- Confirmation (23) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (No Ture) -- Confirmation (24) (Worship w/ Adult Baptism) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (No Tur(e))
Confirmation (25) (Church Open 24-7 (Church Museum Adaptation)) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (No Tür) (Reality Matrix (Downlink)) -- Confirmation (26) (Worship w/ Children-centric (Matteus & Maria Love Entanglement) Sermon) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (No Ruta) (Arreality Matrix (Downlink)) -- Confirmation (27) (Gamblers Anonymous) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (No (No) Tur) (Yrreality Matrix (Uplink))
Confirmation (28) (Unlegitimized Poisonous Sermon) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (En Tur) -- Confirmation (29) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (En (Rut)) -- Confirmation (30) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (En Ruter)
Confirmation (31) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (O(Tur)) -- Confirmation (32) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (O(Ture)) -- Confirmation (33) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (O(Rut))
Confirmation (34) (Serial Psycho) (En Ture) -- Confirmation (35) (Serial Psycho) (En Ture) -- Confirmation (36) (Serial Psycho) (En Rute)
Confirmation (37) (Serial Psycho) (Tur) -- Confirmation (38) (Confirmation Trip) (Serial Psycho) (En Tur) -- Confirmation (39) (Serial Psycho) (En Turn)
Confirmation (40) (Serial Psycho) (En Tur) -- Confirmation (41) (Serial Psycho) (En Ture) -- Confirmation (42) (Same-sex Confirmation) (Serial Psycho) (En Ru)
Confirmation (43) (Fast-paced (-selected) Confirmation) (Serial Psycho) (Karl-Ture Johan-Turo Stugman) -- Confirmation (44) (Serial Psycho) (Karl-Ture Johan-Turo Stugman) -- Confirmation (45) (Serial Psycho) (Karl-Ture Johan-Turo Stugman)
Confirmation (46) (Serial Psycho) (Karl-Turo Johan-Ture Stugman) -- Confirmation (47) (Serial Psycho) (Karl-Johan Ture-Turo Stugman) -- Confirmation (48) (Serial Psycho) (Ture-Turo Karl-Johan Stugman)
Confirmation (49) (Reconfirmation) (Serial Psycho) (Rut) -- Confirmation (50) (Confirmation w/ Teological Discourse) (Serial Psycho) (Rut) -- Confirmation (51) (Victorian Values) (Serial Psycho) (Ruta)
Confirmation (52) (Food Relativity - Bulimic) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Sven-Ture) -- Confirmation (53) (Food Relativity - Anorectic) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Sven-Ture) -- Confirmation (54) (Food Relativity - Gourmand) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture)
Confirmation (55) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture+Rut) -- Confirmation (56) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture+Rut) -- Confirmation (57) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (-Rut)
Confirmation (58) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (59) (Serial Psycho) (Bana) -- Confirmation (60) (Serial Psycho) (Banan)
Confirmation (61) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (62) (Serial Psycho) (Sture) -- Confirmation (63) (Serial Psycho) (En annan (sorts) Tur)
Confirmation (64) (Serial Psycho) (Turo+Rut) -- Confirmation (65) (Serial Psycho) (Turo+Ture) -- Confirmation (66) (Serial Psycho) (Ture+Rut)
Confirmation (67) (Serial Psycho) (Sture) -- Confirmation (68) (Kindergarten Confirmation) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (69) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (70) (Serial Psycho) (Sture) -- Confirmation (71) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (72) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (73) (Mid-Life Confirmation) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (74) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (75) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (76) (Mid-Life Confirmation) (Two-Day Examination) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture) -- Confirmation (77) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture) -- Confirmation (78) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture)
Confirmation (79) (Young Adult Confirmation) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Rut) -- Confirmation (80) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture) -- Confirmation (81) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture)
Confirmation (82) (White Wine Sermon) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Rute) -- Confirmation (83) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture) -- Confirmation (84) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture)
Confirmation (85) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture+Rut) -- Confirmation (86) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Turo+Ture) -- Confirmation (87) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Turo+Rut)
Confirmation (88) (Regional Confirmation) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture) -- Confirmation (89) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Uret) -- Confirmation (90) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Rut)
Confirmation (91) (Enter the Matrix) (Ture) -- Confirmation (92) (Enter the Matrix) (Töreboda) -- Confirmation (93) (Enter the Matrix) (Rut)
Confirmation (94) (Enter the Matrix) (Rute) -- Confirmation (95) (Enter the Matrix) (Ture) -- Confirmation (96) (Enter the Matrix) (Ture)
Confirmation (97) (Enter the Matrix) (Ture) -- Confirmation (98) (Enter the Matrix) (Rut) -- Confirmation (99) (Enter the Matrix) (Ture)
Confirmation (100) (Enter the Matrix) (Ture) -- Confirmation (101) (Enter the Matrix) (Ture) -- Confirmation (102) (Enter the Matrix) (Ture)
Confirmation (103) (Enter the Matrix) (Ture) -- Confirmation (104) (Enter the Matrix) (Ture) -- Confirmation (105) (Enter the Matrix) (Ture)
Confirmation (106) (Enter the Matrix) (Ture) -- Confirmation (107) (Enter the Matrix) (Sture) -- Confirmation (108) (Enter the Matrix) (Ture)
Confirmation (109) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (110) (Young Confirmation) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (111) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (112) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (113) (Serial Psycho) (Rut) -- Confirmation (114) (Serial Psycho) (Rut)
Confirmation (115) (Catholic Confirmation w/ Port Sermon) (Serial Psycho) (Sture) -- Confirmation (116) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (117) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (118) (Serial Psycho) (Ture+Rut) -- Confirmation (119) (Serial Psycho) (Sture) -- Confirmation (120) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (121) (Serial Psycho) (Ture+Rut) -- Confirmation (122) (Serial Psycho) (Sture) -- Confirmation (123) (Serial Psycho) (Turn)
Confirmation (124) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (125) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (126) (Serial Psycho) (Truxal)
Confirmation (127) (Serial Psycho) (Ture och Rut och Turo) -- Confirmation (128) (Serial Psycho) (Ture och Rut och Turo) -- Confirmation (129) (Serial Psycho) (Ture och Rut och Turo)
Confirmation (130) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture) -- Confirmation (131) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture) -- Confirmation (132) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture)
Confirmation (133) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Rut) -- Confirmation (134) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ure) -- Confirmation (135) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture)
Confirmation (136) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture) -- Confirmation (137) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Rut) -- Confirmation (138) (The Time-Travelling Arsonist) (Ture)
Confirmation (139) (Serial Psycho) (Stor-Ture) -- Confirmation (140) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (141) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (142) (Serial Psycho) (Stor-Ture) -- Confirmation (143) (Serial Psycho) (Stor-Ture) -- Confirmation (144) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (145) (Serial Psycho) (Stor-Ture) -- Confirmation (146) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (147) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (148) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (149) (Serial Psycho) (Rut) -- Confirmation (150) (Serial Psycho) (Turo)
Confirmation (151) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (152) (Serial Psycho) (Tour) -- Confirmation (153) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (154) (Failed Confirmation) (Serial Psycho) (Stor-Rut) -- Confirmation (155) (Asketian Confirmation) (Serial Psycho) (Mini-Rute) -- Confirmation (156) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (157) (Joked (About) Reconfirmation) (Serial Psycho) (Stor-Rut) -- Confirmation (158) (Serial Psycho) (Mini-Rute) -- Confirmation (159) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (160) (Serial Psycho) (Mini-Rute) -- Confirmation (161) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (162) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (163) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (164) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (165) (Serial Psycho) (Ture+Ture)
Confirmation (166) (Serial Psycho) (Ute) -- Confirmation (167) (Serial Psycho) (Ture och/eller Rut) -- Confirmation (168) (Serial Psycho) (Mini-Rute)
Confirmation (169) (Serial Psycho) (Ture och/inte Rut och Turo) -- Confirmation (170) (Serial Psycho) (Inte Ture och Rut och Turo) -- Confirmation (171) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (172) (Chant w/ Sermon) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (173) (Chant w/ Sermon) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (174) (Chant w/ Sermon) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (175) (Serial Psycho) (Ture och Rut och Mini-Rute) -- Confirmation (176) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (177) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (178) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (179) (Serial Psycho) ((O)Tur) -- Confirmation (180) (Serial Psycho) (Röde)
Confirmation (181) (Serial Psycho) (Ruta+Ruta) -- Confirmation (182) (Serial Psycho) (Ruta) -- Confirmation (183) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (184) (Serial Psycho) (Ruta) -- Confirmation (185) (Serial Psycho) (Ruta) -- Confirmation (186) (Serial Psycho) (Stor-Ture)
Confirmation (187) (Serial Psycho) (Stor-Ture) -- Confirmation (188) (Serial Psycho) (False) -- Confirmation (189) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (190) (Serial Psycho) (Ture och/om Rut och Turo) -- Confirmation (191) (Serial Psycho) (Ture inte Rut och Turo) -- Confirmation (192) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (193) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (194) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (195) (UnConfirmation w/ Yoga in the middle of the Woods) (Serial Psycho) (False)
Confirmation (196) (Serial Psycho) (Ruta och/så Ruta och Ruta) -- Confirmation (197) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (198) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (199) (Serial Psycho) (Ruta och/möjligen Ruta och Ruta) -- Confirmation (200) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (201) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (202) (Serial Psycho) (Ruta och/om och endast om Ruta och Ruta) -- Confirmation (203) (Serial Psycho) (Ture) -- Confirmation (204) (Serial Psycho) (Ture)
Confirmation (205) (Serial Psycho) (Half-Ture) -- Confirmation (206) (Serial Psycho) (Ture och Rut) -- Confirmation (207) (Serial Psycho) (False)
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Universe Fantasy Creature)
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