torsdag 21 november 2019

Santa Claus i ett superfiktivt konceptperspektiv

Jultomten på Pool Keeper

In an alternate reality; 2691 is once again (once different) and the recent-hired Pool Keeper works next as Santa Claus' pool cleanser.

On daytime that is - nighttime he deliver his time as a spare-time superhero (semi-professional superhero ('-He is ... the Pool Keeper' (!)) (deliver his time against his master foe (the Pool Cleaner)) (who recently stole 'Mona Lisa' from Santa Claus' collection))).

Everything works (not that good) as the Pool Keeper have no tracks at all for the lost art piece - that is when he start investigate the recent (and not so recent) history of the painting (the stolen goods) 'Mona Lisa' and finds out that 'Mona Lisa' too was a superhero (ta-daa (!)).

Upon this discovery 'Mona Lisa's' (not so discunt) price moves up several hundred billions making it almost entirely difficult to sell (too bad for the Pool Cleaner).

Santa Claus was once again victorious.

The Pool Keeper was yet victorious.

The Pool Cleaner was yet defeated.

And so the artworld was once again saved.

// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)

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