onsdag 21 augusti 2019

Santa Claus i ett infantilistiskt konceptperspektiv

Jultomten på Spädbarn (abstract)

Ahead of us is 2275 and the artworld sees awake their next superstar --- one-year old Holly Davidsson (!!!) --- whose puke on paper went progressing the artworld in one sentiment (line) --- 'My Kid Could Puke That' (!!) (action painting).

Soon everything in the artworld became [Holly Davidsson] -- all paintings went to puke on paper -- all performances went to puke -- all installations went to machines puking -- all conceptual pieces went to instruments of puke (!).

Soon (pretty soon) this would lead to an inflation of prices leaving Santa Claus' gifts (presents) (art pieces) would return zero or go cheap - Santa Claus was on the way to be selected down - and down - and down.

Soon (well, not that soon) Santa Claus' revenge (uprising (from the perimeters)) came when Holly Davidsson went gone in Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Having been puked on that Christmas (by Holly) Santa Claus became the most logical (attempt) on heritage and so Santa Claus went billions and billions richer.

Santa Claus was once again victorious.

And so Christmas was once again saved.

And so the artworld was once again saved.

// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)

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