fredag 7 juni 2019

Santa Claus i ett postpostmodernt konstperspektiv

Santa Claus i ett postpostmodernt konstperspektiv

- What is this (it is 3800)?

- Yes, I see.. I mean this girl should be have gotten a teddybear. But instead of a regular head she got a teddybear with a dolls head.

- Dear Claus, it's the hash notes... It is flaud!

- Contact all the elvs and check if something else is on the wrong.

- Claus, we have already initiated the Christmas giftbearing cycle meaning everything is already packed on the sleigh ride for the next stop. It's to late to withdraw.

- Have we been to China yet?

- Yes, you know that! We're just here to repack the sleigh.

- Yes... I know. I'm just a bit unsettled. This just in; a Christmas recipient from Norway tells about Barbie and Ken gotten married meaning you can't get them one or theother and just the two of them in a package.

- So, there seems to be more complaints. If we encounter more, tell them to turn to the complaints department.

- So, I did. But it's not functional for the odd complaint. We haven't had them in years.

- OK. But we need to ride again. The sleigh is packed.

- Keep me informed about the situation. I'm going out on that sleigh ride!

- No way Claus! You can't go with that play oven like that!

- What do you mean? It's totally functional!

- Yeah, indeed. But it's what or when inside it I mean. Look, there's a doll inside... Burned in her skin.

- Oh my God... I see now! What are we going to do?

- I think I have an idea! Take the teddybear and the burnt doll and set them up as a band, duo, and make them perform on Barbie and Ken's wedding!

- Yes, and then we can have that version of Bob the Builder as a gardener taking care of the cemetary!

- Excellent.. then we just give the kids all over the world tickets to this wedding concert meaning all the kids all over the world will leave us without complaints. On we go... here we come! (And so Christmas was once yet saved.)

- Take care my head elf and work with this new setting. (Santa Claus was once again victorious.)

// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)

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