Jultomten av Advent Calendar
We have some murderer going loose having killed multiple victims in an apartment complex and both the local police and the FBI (Behavioural unit) gets connected to the case. The police dubbed the killer the 'Tatoo Killer' (2695) as he had tatooed the corresponding victim count on the wristles of the victims (in roman letters; I for the first; II for the second (and so on)) and had so far murdered 24 victims in 24 rooms at the corresponding apartment complex.
The police (and FBI) started their search for an unsub between formerly adopted advent calendar protagonists thinking about the unsub's victim count (24 (as the number of days the advent calendar resumes in Europe)) and that the unsub may feel diminished by falling out of the limelight and so wants to break havoc to the whole of Christmas by an attack such as this. On the same note; as this grand of a scheme takes planning and time to advoke; Santa Claus was ruled out of the suspect list as he only works on Christmas Eve (Day).
The FBI - with the assistance of the local police - so went about checking of on formerly advent calendar protagonists and first on the suspect list was Kurt Olsson but as his sidekick Arne would never have allowed a murder spree he was ruled out.
Next on the suspect list was Ture Sventon but as he works with solving crime that deemed a highly unlikely suspect.
The third on the list was Sune but even if Håkan (Bråkan) is somewhat of a pain it was ruled it was not enough to invoke a murder spree.
The case seems to be in a stalemate when the FBI profilers made a new ananlysis. The case had so far being focused on an unsub that have stopped killing but the FBI profilers pointed out that there are behavioural analysis that seem tendansies for more. In a grand way the FBI profilers pointed out that the 24 murders have not only been 'tagged' with the corresponding vicim count (as a tatoo) but that each murder have taken place in the corresponding room number (so - first murder in room one - second murder in room two - and so forth). Can the next murder be in room number 25?
And so when the 25th was here all attention was focused on room number 25 and inso the unsub could soon be arrested (as it moved into room number 25) and to everyones surprise the suspect was indentified as Teskedsgumman with her way to gain entrance into the apartments by getting miniscule in appearance and moving through the keyhole.
In costudy; Teskedsgumman told the interrogater that she wanted to use her powers (to be miniscule in appearance) to something constructive and that in doing the murders she thought she could elevate to a God status.
Teskedsgumman was so apprehended.
And so the FBI (Behavioural unit) (and the local police) was yet victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
torsdag 24 december 2020
tisdag 22 december 2020
How to Start Your Own Country
Niclas hereby declares all playgrounds (in Växjö) a sovereign country by the name of Land 'R Us (LRU) or LLekia (Land (of) Lekia).
// Niclas III & Niclas VI & Niclas VIII
// Niclas III & Niclas VI & Niclas VIII
lördag 28 november 2020
My Kid Could Blog That
This might mark the end of the blog - as - apparently - anyone kid (or perhaps just a wonderkid) could have done it better.
// Niclas III
// Niclas III
Niclas III
söndag 22 november 2020
Wonder Showzen (Scream)
Filmen har här scream-track till de mest rysliga scenerna och laugh-track till de mest komiska scenerna (inkluderande ett laugh-track med ironiskt skratt) samt en joke modulator för att definiera (skilja på) humor och skrik.
// Niclas III & Niclas VII
// Niclas III & Niclas VII
lördag 14 november 2020
Top 75 Television Series [51]
51. Smurfarna
Childrens fantasy-comedy
Bloggskrivarsmurfen är tillsynes och har gröda rümmen.
// Niclas III & Niclas VI & Niclas VIII
Childrens fantasy-comedy
Bloggskrivarsmurfen är tillsynes och har gröda rümmen.
// Niclas III & Niclas VI & Niclas VIII
fredag 13 november 2020
Time-Travel (Still)
The boy is testing his new time-travel skills (having been off twenty or so years for a time now) when the crowds starts to rush and conquer the time-travelling device (mass travellers) but noone dared to travel longer back in time than two weeks. Furthest away came Bingo who travelled back to his birthday some 15 days or so ago and then decided to stay in his newwon location. His alleged scheme was to kick out his alter ego but it failed as Bingo had already been at that venue many many many times before. Bingo then tries to steal the time-travelling device to travel back in time to cover his alter ego's age (and finally substitute him with himself) to which Bingo replied (having travelled back in time to an era where the time-travelling device was actually a model toy railway) 'It's mine' to which Bingo's alter ego replies 'No, it's mind'.
// Niclas VI & Niclas VIII
// Niclas VI & Niclas VIII
söndag 1 november 2020
Kalle och Coca-Colafabriken
Kalle och Coca-Colafabriken
This is the tale of one furtunate boy (Kalle Bucket) and his transpires after getting at the head of office at Willy Wonkas chocolate factory. Soon after the appointment at the chocolate factory Kalle's dad gets a new job at a manifacturer of Coca-Cola assembly line machines so Kalle sees to move with his family to a new town. Luckily thue; Winston Wonka (Willy Wonka's brother) runs a Coca-Cola factory in this town and - briefly before heading the executives - Kalle is fringed to accompany Winston Wonka ona roundtour of the basics of the factory. Doing so; Kalle and Winston Wonka surveys the Coca-Cola factory in a (another) silver elevator going from room to room at this eminous factory.
- If I could get one of these really .. yes, these sour candies you will get this chewing gum.. after I've used it ofcourse, sais Winston Wonka to his brother as he - in a quick manner - stuffs that candy in his mouth. Willy also bear with him some Coca-Cola which Winston is quick to (fool) his brother into pouring a glass of it to him. And then he's instantly hooked and will only drink Coca-Cola from there on.
- And here's our first room, states Winston Wonka - and Kalle could all well see a super-giant Coca-Cola bottle of 36 litres.
- This is bottles of pure Coca-Cola that will sustain for every oversleep party - or if you just want it for breakfast, brunch, lunch, snacks, supper and midnight snack for all weekend long, sais Winston Wonka triumpantly.
- But what's with the Oompa-Loompas, Kalle questions seeing Oompa-Loompas drinking from one of the bottles and then clearly unorganized running around the room and sometimes collide with eachother or a wall.
- Ah, it's just the air conditioner that went broke and these creatures can't stand bad air quality – I will have it fixed to next Christmas... or nextnext Christmas... or maybe the decade new year. As quickly as possible that will be.
And so the couple went on to the next room (via the silver elevator). Before entering this room they read a sign right on front of the Coca-Cola factory door which simply states: Santa Claus Office. Opening the door they'll see a stooped man with a long beard and no hair on his head.
- So, this's Santa Claus, Kalle states in a quite disappointed voice.
- Where're my servants!!, Santa Claus almost screams and so some Oompa-Loompas begin combing his beard.
- Get the hell out of my room!!, Santa Claus (this time) screams.
- And close the door after you, I need my lunchbreak sleep.
- And so, the next room for your enlightenment, clarifies Winston Wonka. From here our scientists - totally legitimised, fully permissioned and well sanctionized is undertaking scientific research on Coca-Cola's impact of your teeth. So far there research proove Coca-Cola to be sustaining a protecting layer on your teeth.
- But isn't it quite the opposite, Kalle questions interjecting a cry of why the Oompa-Loompas don't seem to drink at all (in this room).
- Its only works if you drink it constantly, Winston Wonka snaps.
And so the silver elevator got its use again and this time the proud couple goes to the 'Kalle and the Coca-Cola Factory' in fiction which features rows and rows of fictionalized events all over the vast fictionary megaverses. Over at the other end some Oompa-Loompas seem to burn some fiction and on the floor lais a Kalle Anka fictionalisation ('Kalle Anka and the Coca-Cola Factory').
- So, Kalle Anka has been here too, Kalle shrieks in a joyous tone. But what's with the Oompa-Loompas he questions.
- Nothing, just bad breath, states Winston Wonka.
And then the vominous couple strikes the last room of this roundtour - where menthos in Coca-Cola is researched. Several Oompa-Loompas is seen experimenting with effervescents in some Coca-Cola bottles and one Oompa-Loompa gets his face washed all over with Coca-Cola after some eruption (effervescent).
- What's up with these Oompa-Loompas, aren't they experimenting in the wrong way.
- Just a little playful that's all, Winston Wonka answeres.
And so Winston Wonka is on a hunt for Oompa-Loompas - finding only the breathrens lost clan who saught out the coffee beans with which they're sought out to get eternal life. After gaining trust with Winston Wonka and decide to work in his factory some Oompa-Loompas might be disgressed after finding out that they only work in a Coca-Cola factory, Winston Wonka whispers to himself.
- Santa Claus announces; with an evil grin of all shiny teeths - This factory is doomed; your rebel Oompa-Loompas - strictly from the pages of Kalle Anka och Coca-Colafabriken - is been making fizzures out of menthos and the 36 litres bottles under which this factory will not be able to sustain. Good bye Coca-Cola factory!! And so; like an Icelandic geyser - Coca-Cola went rushing from all of the corners of the factory and with it went a total destruction of the Coca-Cola factory. And, if it wasn't enough - all Oompa-Loompas went of to Brazil in search of coffeebeans.
But so, under all this demise Winston Wonka got a slight memory recollection of a Pepsi-factory somewhere around (headed by Winston Wonka's brother (Wilfred Wonka)) - too bad thue; this factory is off in a total secret location; so secret that no one knows where its headquarter is located.
But then again, Winston Wonka got another memory recollection of his third brother's (Wilbert Wonka) whereabouts in the location of the 'Premier American Classics Cola Factory'; although this factory where so marginalised that only Winston Wonka (and Kalle Bucket) knew where it was located Kalle and Winston travelled to this new city within this new factory.
But that is a totally different story.
// Niclas VII & Niclas VIII
This is the tale of one furtunate boy (Kalle Bucket) and his transpires after getting at the head of office at Willy Wonkas chocolate factory. Soon after the appointment at the chocolate factory Kalle's dad gets a new job at a manifacturer of Coca-Cola assembly line machines so Kalle sees to move with his family to a new town. Luckily thue; Winston Wonka (Willy Wonka's brother) runs a Coca-Cola factory in this town and - briefly before heading the executives - Kalle is fringed to accompany Winston Wonka ona roundtour of the basics of the factory. Doing so; Kalle and Winston Wonka surveys the Coca-Cola factory in a (another) silver elevator going from room to room at this eminous factory.
- If I could get one of these really .. yes, these sour candies you will get this chewing gum.. after I've used it ofcourse, sais Winston Wonka to his brother as he - in a quick manner - stuffs that candy in his mouth. Willy also bear with him some Coca-Cola which Winston is quick to (fool) his brother into pouring a glass of it to him. And then he's instantly hooked and will only drink Coca-Cola from there on.
- And here's our first room, states Winston Wonka - and Kalle could all well see a super-giant Coca-Cola bottle of 36 litres.
- This is bottles of pure Coca-Cola that will sustain for every oversleep party - or if you just want it for breakfast, brunch, lunch, snacks, supper and midnight snack for all weekend long, sais Winston Wonka triumpantly.
- But what's with the Oompa-Loompas, Kalle questions seeing Oompa-Loompas drinking from one of the bottles and then clearly unorganized running around the room and sometimes collide with eachother or a wall.
- Ah, it's just the air conditioner that went broke and these creatures can't stand bad air quality – I will have it fixed to next Christmas... or nextnext Christmas... or maybe the decade new year. As quickly as possible that will be.
And so the couple went on to the next room (via the silver elevator). Before entering this room they read a sign right on front of the Coca-Cola factory door which simply states: Santa Claus Office. Opening the door they'll see a stooped man with a long beard and no hair on his head.
- So, this's Santa Claus, Kalle states in a quite disappointed voice.
- Where're my servants!!, Santa Claus almost screams and so some Oompa-Loompas begin combing his beard.
- Get the hell out of my room!!, Santa Claus (this time) screams.
- And close the door after you, I need my lunchbreak sleep.
- And so, the next room for your enlightenment, clarifies Winston Wonka. From here our scientists - totally legitimised, fully permissioned and well sanctionized is undertaking scientific research on Coca-Cola's impact of your teeth. So far there research proove Coca-Cola to be sustaining a protecting layer on your teeth.
- But isn't it quite the opposite, Kalle questions interjecting a cry of why the Oompa-Loompas don't seem to drink at all (in this room).
- Its only works if you drink it constantly, Winston Wonka snaps.
And so the silver elevator got its use again and this time the proud couple goes to the 'Kalle and the Coca-Cola Factory' in fiction which features rows and rows of fictionalized events all over the vast fictionary megaverses. Over at the other end some Oompa-Loompas seem to burn some fiction and on the floor lais a Kalle Anka fictionalisation ('Kalle Anka and the Coca-Cola Factory').
- So, Kalle Anka has been here too, Kalle shrieks in a joyous tone. But what's with the Oompa-Loompas he questions.
- Nothing, just bad breath, states Winston Wonka.
And then the vominous couple strikes the last room of this roundtour - where menthos in Coca-Cola is researched. Several Oompa-Loompas is seen experimenting with effervescents in some Coca-Cola bottles and one Oompa-Loompa gets his face washed all over with Coca-Cola after some eruption (effervescent).
- What's up with these Oompa-Loompas, aren't they experimenting in the wrong way.
- Just a little playful that's all, Winston Wonka answeres.
And so Winston Wonka is on a hunt for Oompa-Loompas - finding only the breathrens lost clan who saught out the coffee beans with which they're sought out to get eternal life. After gaining trust with Winston Wonka and decide to work in his factory some Oompa-Loompas might be disgressed after finding out that they only work in a Coca-Cola factory, Winston Wonka whispers to himself.
- Santa Claus announces; with an evil grin of all shiny teeths - This factory is doomed; your rebel Oompa-Loompas - strictly from the pages of Kalle Anka och Coca-Colafabriken - is been making fizzures out of menthos and the 36 litres bottles under which this factory will not be able to sustain. Good bye Coca-Cola factory!! And so; like an Icelandic geyser - Coca-Cola went rushing from all of the corners of the factory and with it went a total destruction of the Coca-Cola factory. And, if it wasn't enough - all Oompa-Loompas went of to Brazil in search of coffeebeans.
But so, under all this demise Winston Wonka got a slight memory recollection of a Pepsi-factory somewhere around (headed by Winston Wonka's brother (Wilfred Wonka)) - too bad thue; this factory is off in a total secret location; so secret that no one knows where its headquarter is located.
But then again, Winston Wonka got another memory recollection of his third brother's (Wilbert Wonka) whereabouts in the location of the 'Premier American Classics Cola Factory'; although this factory where so marginalised that only Winston Wonka (and Kalle Bucket) knew where it was located Kalle and Winston travelled to this new city within this new factory.
But that is a totally different story.
// Niclas VII & Niclas VIII
tisdag 20 oktober 2020
Feeling Fantasy Friends
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona) & Niclas VIII
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona) & Niclas VIII
fredag 16 oktober 2020
Feeling Museum
Fazytulp::Huiopklashet::Vembrisbro & Wasterfalk::Frickyliskhut
Aschgarf::Sadfrittylist::Sedfopilop & Fasdripå::Yurfiktlapp::Omkirstfåll
Losyrfrekty::Fazytulp & Grituyulp::Gettymolki::Eightyloppflopp::Steffyloffloff
Iottypokljasd::Fidzutip::Bonjhulpret::Schizoatr Miskmisklopt::Yuriyurvijurv::Xaisdrefl::Schizoatr
// The Hendriks (Fantasy Creatures) & Niclas VIII
Fazytulp::Huiopklashet::Vembrisbro & Wasterfalk::Frickyliskhut
Aschgarf::Sadfrittylist::Sedfopilop & Fasdripå::Yurfiktlapp::Omkirstfåll
Losyrfrekty::Fazytulp & Grituyulp::Gettymolki::Eightyloppflopp::Steffyloffloff
Iottypokljasd::Fidzutip::Bonjhulpret::Schizoatr Miskmisklopt::Yuriyurvijurv::Xaisdrefl::Schizoatr
// The Hendriks (Fantasy Creatures) & Niclas VIII
tisdag 6 oktober 2020
Santa Claus i ett sagolikt kärleksperspektiv
Jultomten och Ever After
Once upon a time (4374) Santa Claus sets out to do the Christmas giftbearing but gets denied access to the 'other' universe since he don't know how to use the stargate.
Twíce upon a time Santa Claus sets out to do the Christmas giftbearing but don't know how to use the stargate and when he does know the ways of travelling to the 'other' universe he don't know how to make it back (use the reversed stargate path) to his maiden universe.
In a tale to end all tales Santa Claus gets directed on the way by some shamans and wizards to enroute to lands never before seen.
In a Godforbidden land Santa Claus sets out to do the Christmas giftbearing but is denied access to the vertibrates. The vertibrates are ghouls and demons that never was and never where intended to have a Christmas wishlist and so can't be on Santa Claus' route.
Far far away Santa Claus sets out his Christmas giftbearing but couldn't reach the designated area even how many tracks he counts and routes he disobeys. The local geographican bids (silently) for Santa Claus to return.
Long live Santa Claus chants the crowd (both those on the wishlist and those on the naughtylist) when Santa Claus returns from traffic. He now gets to decide which perimeters is on the quest and which perimeters is not on the quest all in good faith for Christmas.
Happily ever after (4374) is so the spronge for Santa Claus.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
Once upon a time (4374) Santa Claus sets out to do the Christmas giftbearing but gets denied access to the 'other' universe since he don't know how to use the stargate.
Twíce upon a time Santa Claus sets out to do the Christmas giftbearing but don't know how to use the stargate and when he does know the ways of travelling to the 'other' universe he don't know how to make it back (use the reversed stargate path) to his maiden universe.
In a tale to end all tales Santa Claus gets directed on the way by some shamans and wizards to enroute to lands never before seen.
In a Godforbidden land Santa Claus sets out to do the Christmas giftbearing but is denied access to the vertibrates. The vertibrates are ghouls and demons that never was and never where intended to have a Christmas wishlist and so can't be on Santa Claus' route.
Far far away Santa Claus sets out his Christmas giftbearing but couldn't reach the designated area even how many tracks he counts and routes he disobeys. The local geographican bids (silently) for Santa Claus to return.
Long live Santa Claus chants the crowd (both those on the wishlist and those on the naughtylist) when Santa Claus returns from traffic. He now gets to decide which perimeters is on the quest and which perimeters is not on the quest all in good faith for Christmas.
Happily ever after (4374) is so the spronge for Santa Claus.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
tisdag 29 september 2020
Santa Claus i ett nämndesimuleringsperspektiv
Jultomten till Boutros Ghali
Boutros Boutros-Ghali is thriving in his position as an undead diplomat overseing the United Nations all actions and endevours (2374) until one day the Boutros-Ghali family was about to inspire a family reunion. The Boutros-Ghali members of the family was a small contingent thue and so Boutros Boutros-Ghali changed his name to Boutros Ghali and inso could intervent with the Ghali-family's reunion (100+ members) (also pointing to the fact of their reunion commensing in bright shiny weather in Egypt (while the Boutros-Ghali family held their reunion in icey cold North Pole)).
One problem so persisted with the name of Boutros Ghali (former Boutros Boutros-Ghali) being already taken by several parties visiting the family reunion and so Boutros Ghali (former Boutros Boutros-Ghali) highlighted his name as Boutros B. Ghali.
All well one could perpose if it wasn't for the family of Ghali holding several family reunions all over Egypt with the one and another at a location with an increasingly warmer weather. Boutros Ghali (former Boutros Boutros-Ghali) then wasted no time in his hyperflous mode of attaining them all and so reawake several undead clones (of Boutros Ghali) naming them (all) B.B Ghali (installing them one after another at the different locations of family reunions).
Forward in time some while several Boutros-Ghali's bred with some Ghali's and so Boutros Ghali (former Boutros Boutros-Ghali) felt a need to interpolate both the Boutros-Ghali and the Ghali family reunions and so was sending his sonsonson (Boutros Boutros Boutros-Ghail) (a reknowned comedian) to one of the Boutros-Ghali family reunions and his sonsonsonson (Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros-Ghail) (a reknowded artist) to one of the other.
But it wasn't long after (its installment) the (newly installed) interchanged family reunions (Boutros-Ghali; Ghail) found troubles to hold conversations (as a common denominator was lacking thue to their forced companionship) and so Boutros Ghali was sending two clones (Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros B. Boutros-Ghail and (Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros B. Boutros-Ghail) (who at least could interact with eachother) to some of these reunions (the interchanged ones).
And so; at the contingent family reunions (Boutros-Ghali) the ones with the longest names (as an order of prizes awarded at family reunions) got to be awarded with a prize and so Boutros Ghail sent more clones to the designated locations (Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros-Ghali; Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros-Ghali; Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros-Ghali; Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros-Ghali; Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros-Ghali; Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros-Ghali).
But when a special guest appearance by Santa Claus was instilled (at the interchanged family reunions (Boutros-Ghali; Ghali) (with Christmas gifts awarded to all family members) Santa Claus mixed up the names (of the clones) and so delivered Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros B. Boutros-Ghail's gift to Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros B. Boutros-Ghail (and the other way around) but as both contraptiots essentially was the same person the situation was soon solved.
Problems thue persisted at locations of the family reunions of the Boutros-Ghali's with the clones names being to long to label on the Christmas packages. This situation was soon solved thue by renaming the clones Boutros I-VIII.
And so Boutros Ghali (former Boutros Boutros-Ghali) (and his sonsonson; sonsonsonson; and all the clones) was yet victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
And so the family reunions (Boutros-Ghali; and Ghali; and the interchanged ones) was saved.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
Boutros Boutros-Ghali is thriving in his position as an undead diplomat overseing the United Nations all actions and endevours (2374) until one day the Boutros-Ghali family was about to inspire a family reunion. The Boutros-Ghali members of the family was a small contingent thue and so Boutros Boutros-Ghali changed his name to Boutros Ghali and inso could intervent with the Ghali-family's reunion (100+ members) (also pointing to the fact of their reunion commensing in bright shiny weather in Egypt (while the Boutros-Ghali family held their reunion in icey cold North Pole)).
One problem so persisted with the name of Boutros Ghali (former Boutros Boutros-Ghali) being already taken by several parties visiting the family reunion and so Boutros Ghali (former Boutros Boutros-Ghali) highlighted his name as Boutros B. Ghali.
All well one could perpose if it wasn't for the family of Ghali holding several family reunions all over Egypt with the one and another at a location with an increasingly warmer weather. Boutros Ghali (former Boutros Boutros-Ghali) then wasted no time in his hyperflous mode of attaining them all and so reawake several undead clones (of Boutros Ghali) naming them (all) B.B Ghali (installing them one after another at the different locations of family reunions).
Forward in time some while several Boutros-Ghali's bred with some Ghali's and so Boutros Ghali (former Boutros Boutros-Ghali) felt a need to interpolate both the Boutros-Ghali and the Ghali family reunions and so was sending his sonsonson (Boutros Boutros Boutros-Ghail) (a reknowned comedian) to one of the Boutros-Ghali family reunions and his sonsonsonson (Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros-Ghail) (a reknowded artist) to one of the other.
But it wasn't long after (its installment) the (newly installed) interchanged family reunions (Boutros-Ghali; Ghail) found troubles to hold conversations (as a common denominator was lacking thue to their forced companionship) and so Boutros Ghali was sending two clones (Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros B. Boutros-Ghail and (Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros B. Boutros-Ghail) (who at least could interact with eachother) to some of these reunions (the interchanged ones).
And so; at the contingent family reunions (Boutros-Ghali) the ones with the longest names (as an order of prizes awarded at family reunions) got to be awarded with a prize and so Boutros Ghail sent more clones to the designated locations (Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros-Ghali; Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros-Ghali; Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros-Ghali; Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros-Ghali; Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros-Ghali; Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros-Ghali).
But when a special guest appearance by Santa Claus was instilled (at the interchanged family reunions (Boutros-Ghali; Ghali) (with Christmas gifts awarded to all family members) Santa Claus mixed up the names (of the clones) and so delivered Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros B. Boutros-Ghail's gift to Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros B. Boutros-Ghail (and the other way around) but as both contraptiots essentially was the same person the situation was soon solved.
Problems thue persisted at locations of the family reunions of the Boutros-Ghali's with the clones names being to long to label on the Christmas packages. This situation was soon solved thue by renaming the clones Boutros I-VIII.
And so Boutros Ghali (former Boutros Boutros-Ghali) (and his sonsonson; sonsonsonson; and all the clones) was yet victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
And so the family reunions (Boutros-Ghali; and Ghali; and the interchanged ones) was saved.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona),
söndag 27 september 2020
Cho Caril Auvinen
Set in a mutant engineering lab (long lost Tate Modern) to bring forward the deadliest spree killer.
// Niclas VIII
// Niclas VIII
tisdag 22 september 2020
Santa Claus i ett själavårdsabstraktperspektiv
Jultomten med Eternal Life
It was a difficult ride; that much can be said. But had it go to such length as adventuring the lifes of the men in charge of the giftbearing.
This is the tale of one Christmas (2680) that was severly difficult to embolish. Because of bad weather flights have been rearranged and now flows minutes-to-the-clock all Christmas over and so Santa [Claus] with his sleigh have to fly higher to not interact (intercept) the airline journeys.
All Santa [Claus] crew so went instrumental in its safety precautions and everyone on the sleigh (Santa [Claus] and his elves)/(including the reindeers) was so clothes in flame-impregnated costumes.
But the (perhaps foreseen) accident was there to be albeit with the head elf left with a hole in his flame-impregnated costume and so - going into the stratosphere - it came to be that the head elf went into flames leaving his body nothing more than coal and ashes.
Santa Claus so went into action post-stratosphere:
- I have to [contact the vice head elf]
- be alive. We can continue with the Christmas giftbearing, said the deceased head elf.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
The Head Elf was yet victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
It was a difficult ride; that much can be said. But had it go to such length as adventuring the lifes of the men in charge of the giftbearing.
This is the tale of one Christmas (2680) that was severly difficult to embolish. Because of bad weather flights have been rearranged and now flows minutes-to-the-clock all Christmas over and so Santa [Claus] with his sleigh have to fly higher to not interact (intercept) the airline journeys.
All Santa [Claus] crew so went instrumental in its safety precautions and everyone on the sleigh (Santa [Claus] and his elves)/(including the reindeers) was so clothes in flame-impregnated costumes.
But the (perhaps foreseen) accident was there to be albeit with the head elf left with a hole in his flame-impregnated costume and so - going into the stratosphere - it came to be that the head elf went into flames leaving his body nothing more than coal and ashes.
Santa Claus so went into action post-stratosphere:
- I have to [contact the vice head elf]
- be alive. We can continue with the Christmas giftbearing, said the deceased head elf.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
The Head Elf was yet victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
fredag 18 september 2020
Top 100 Movies [69]
69. Carrie (2002)
Fantasy horror

Fake Carrie turns outlashing while telepathically challenging the town. When Scarlet Witch is being jokingly adressed by a boy on a bike she uses reality warping to create an AK-47 and subsequently shoots the boy of his bike. Following that event Carrie then - a devout catholic - prays for forgiveness before releasing a total number of fantasy creatures and uses her powers of reality warping to cancel the school arson. Alice then hands out ant blood in jars to everyone involved.
// Niclas VIII & The Hendriks (Fantasy Creatures)
Fantasy horror

Fake Carrie turns outlashing while telepathically challenging the town. When Scarlet Witch is being jokingly adressed by a boy on a bike she uses reality warping to create an AK-47 and subsequently shoots the boy of his bike. Following that event Carrie then - a devout catholic - prays for forgiveness before releasing a total number of fantasy creatures and uses her powers of reality warping to cancel the school arson. Alice then hands out ant blood in jars to everyone involved.
// Niclas VIII & The Hendriks (Fantasy Creatures)
tisdag 15 september 2020
Santa Claus i ett livsrumsgudaperspektiv
Jultomten av Eternal Life
When Santa Claus have trouble differing between the universes with compeling new laws and the universes when Santa [Claus] is just poor and grumpy Santa Claus so finds a way into travelling inbetween institutional worlds with new versions of objects (2665).
One such object(ification) was the work 'Eternal Life' and so Santa Claus travels the five dimensional institutional worlds in his quest for new Christmas gifts.
First out; Santa travels to the medicine world ('Eternal Life' (anti-psychotic injection)) but as the abstractification here was transferred to medicine ordination the objectification was not granted (at all).
Second out; Santa [Claus] travels to the psychiatry world ('Eternal Life' (delusions)) but as the abstractification here is only seen as a (ungrounded) belief in the subjects mind this was not transferrable.
Third out; Santa [Claus] travels to the science world ('Eternal Life' (quantum mechanics)) but here it's unclear if the quantum mechanic's beholding of an object's whereabout as both non-existing and existing is transferrable to the macro world.
Fourth out; Santa Claus travels to the film world ('Eternal Life' (canon causality fictionalisation)) but as Santa [Claus] couldn't afford to administer a movie to all giftapplicants this transferred to null.
Fifth out; Santa Claus travels to the teology world ('Eternal Life' (metaphysical concept)) but as religions differ in the concepts of the abstractification this could not be transferrable (at least not to all).
Sixth out; Santa [Claus] travels to the music world ('Eternal Life' (transcendance music)) but as all giftapplicants doesn't use (have) a stereo this was not in compliance with a transferring (at least to some).
Seventh out; Santa Claus travels to the art world ('Eternal Life' (eastern art)) but as this was only made abstractificational with a portion of the world's population this was not meant to be transferred.
Eight out; Santa [Claus] travels to the Christmas world ('Eternal Life' (abstract hard medium package)) and so could deliver gift vouchers on open heart surgery and gift vouchers on cell treatments to giftapplicants.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
And so eternal life was yet granted (to the Earth's population).
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
When Santa Claus have trouble differing between the universes with compeling new laws and the universes when Santa [Claus] is just poor and grumpy Santa Claus so finds a way into travelling inbetween institutional worlds with new versions of objects (2665).
One such object(ification) was the work 'Eternal Life' and so Santa Claus travels the five dimensional institutional worlds in his quest for new Christmas gifts.
First out; Santa travels to the medicine world ('Eternal Life' (anti-psychotic injection)) but as the abstractification here was transferred to medicine ordination the objectification was not granted (at all).
Second out; Santa [Claus] travels to the psychiatry world ('Eternal Life' (delusions)) but as the abstractification here is only seen as a (ungrounded) belief in the subjects mind this was not transferrable.
Third out; Santa [Claus] travels to the science world ('Eternal Life' (quantum mechanics)) but here it's unclear if the quantum mechanic's beholding of an object's whereabout as both non-existing and existing is transferrable to the macro world.
Fourth out; Santa Claus travels to the film world ('Eternal Life' (canon causality fictionalisation)) but as Santa [Claus] couldn't afford to administer a movie to all giftapplicants this transferred to null.
Fifth out; Santa Claus travels to the teology world ('Eternal Life' (metaphysical concept)) but as religions differ in the concepts of the abstractification this could not be transferrable (at least not to all).
Sixth out; Santa [Claus] travels to the music world ('Eternal Life' (transcendance music)) but as all giftapplicants doesn't use (have) a stereo this was not in compliance with a transferring (at least to some).
Seventh out; Santa Claus travels to the art world ('Eternal Life' (eastern art)) but as this was only made abstractificational with a portion of the world's population this was not meant to be transferred.
Eight out; Santa [Claus] travels to the Christmas world ('Eternal Life' (abstract hard medium package)) and so could deliver gift vouchers on open heart surgery and gift vouchers on cell treatments to giftapplicants.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
And so eternal life was yet granted (to the Earth's population).
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
tisdag 8 september 2020
Santa Claus i ett vattenfast konceptperspektiv
Jultomten på Pool Guardian
It was the day to end all days; coming into 2693 Santa Claus found himself w/o elves (which he had to release after not paying their wager for some time); w/o ability to sustain the demand for Christmas gifts; and on top of it all (the icing on the cake) Santa Claus had left himself head- and heartbroken in need of a rest.
But it was one thing he could do; one personnel that maybe could fill in for him; the solution; both grand and no land was hitting in Santa Claus' backyard where he leveled the icey (lakey) pool of Santa Claus -- the solution was the Pool Guardian of Santa -- the solution was the one of interchanged consciousness feeling (giving) the Pool Guardian the Santa Claus consciousness (in addition to his own).
So; out on duty this new Pool Guardian Santa hybrid managed to sustain his territories (as of Christmas giftbearing (and Pool Guardian)) to only include sites with both a duty for Christmas giftbearing activities and a pool cleaning duty.
Out on the field this new Pool Guardian Santa soon found demand and was in for a visit to a house (with pool) and Christmas giftbearing activities scheduled. One thing about this house stood out as outside the norm thue; the Christmas present (it was only one) delivered was several square meters.
The Pool Guardian Santa; using his ability to dig deep soon found out that the large Christmas gift included a 'Doomsday Device' (found conceptual relational installation). Furtheron; using his [the Pool Guardian Santa] ability to perfectly heat a situation under certain conditions he managed to get it open before the Christmas ceremony and then; using his ability to differentiate between the bait and the wheat the Pool Guardian Santa succesfully undid its functioning by disconnecting some cords (in the opened package of the 'Doomsday Device' ('The Pool Keeper Who Knew Too Much' (art film))).
Santa Claus (the Pool Guardian) was once again victorious.
And so the world was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
It was the day to end all days; coming into 2693 Santa Claus found himself w/o elves (which he had to release after not paying their wager for some time); w/o ability to sustain the demand for Christmas gifts; and on top of it all (the icing on the cake) Santa Claus had left himself head- and heartbroken in need of a rest.
But it was one thing he could do; one personnel that maybe could fill in for him; the solution; both grand and no land was hitting in Santa Claus' backyard where he leveled the icey (lakey) pool of Santa Claus -- the solution was the Pool Guardian of Santa -- the solution was the one of interchanged consciousness feeling (giving) the Pool Guardian the Santa Claus consciousness (in addition to his own).
So; out on duty this new Pool Guardian Santa hybrid managed to sustain his territories (as of Christmas giftbearing (and Pool Guardian)) to only include sites with both a duty for Christmas giftbearing activities and a pool cleaning duty.
Out on the field this new Pool Guardian Santa soon found demand and was in for a visit to a house (with pool) and Christmas giftbearing activities scheduled. One thing about this house stood out as outside the norm thue; the Christmas present (it was only one) delivered was several square meters.
The Pool Guardian Santa; using his ability to dig deep soon found out that the large Christmas gift included a 'Doomsday Device' (found conceptual relational installation). Furtheron; using his [the Pool Guardian Santa] ability to perfectly heat a situation under certain conditions he managed to get it open before the Christmas ceremony and then; using his ability to differentiate between the bait and the wheat the Pool Guardian Santa succesfully undid its functioning by disconnecting some cords (in the opened package of the 'Doomsday Device' ('The Pool Keeper Who Knew Too Much' (art film))).
Santa Claus (the Pool Guardian) was once again victorious.
And so the world was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
lördag 29 augusti 2020
Top 75 Television Series [52]
52. SuperTed

He says his secretly magical word and transforms from a teddy bear to the superhero SuperTed.
// Niclas VIII

He says his secretly magical word and transforms from a teddy bear to the superhero SuperTed.
// Niclas VIII
måndag 24 augusti 2020
Santa Claus i ett handelsabstraktperspektiv
Jultomten med Civil Clausery
The area - all over the world -- the time - Christmas time --- the mode (flow) - anarchy (befesting) ---- the year - 3285.
Santa-believers have by now started to erupt (as an) underground black market following the Christmas ban and so - in a civil clausery way - Santa-believers buys services - sells services -- trade services --- all in a stand to make way around the ban (of Christmas) and still instill some Christmas feelings ---- managerizes - keepings - celebratings.
This underground market have so started to make more and more of a mark and it was just the inevitable that what was to become.
In a way to become a "no magnet" and to errade his way to many and many more of the world's households one of these Santa-belivers out there on Christmas Eve (Day) forgot to tell the magic line (before his departure) -- "I will be out there to collect the newspaper".
And not did he just forgot the magic line he soon started to embark on a too slow route and so the contingents back home started to winse around his whereabouts --- and so it came to be that they [back home] sent out a description to make him searched for by the police.
But so; at first Santa was not in any danger being out there incognito dressed in a shirt and jacket and so got his way undetected by the police ---- who didn't get a suitable answer of how he [the Santa-believer] was dressed when last seen.
But soon(er) or later the -- now -- disstraught Santa-believer started to get the cold being out there in deep wintersnow all day long and got his way with the Santa-clad coat around his upper body.
But that was a bigger mistake as one could have guissed as the police ----- being out there hunting both black market Santas and the displaced Santa-believer ----- soon could spot the unfortunate Santa-believer and so this special Santa underground venturist got apprehended by the men of law.
The judgement (by the men in law) went sooner than anyone could have imagined --- but all-thewhile some fortunistic (opportunistic) --- as the Santa-believer ------ when interacting with the police ------ flicked his (fake) Santa-corporated business card --- and went sentenced to live in a mental institution.
The tale could have ended there but so it came to be that all other personell (cleaners, mechanics ect (the sentenced Santa-believer had worked on this special institution (as a cleaner) earlier on)) working at this insitution wanted to be Santa ---- all regular personell (psych ward caretakers (and doctors)) believed they were Santa Claus ---- and all the patients was Santa Claus.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
The Santa-believer was yet saved.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
The area - all over the world -- the time - Christmas time --- the mode (flow) - anarchy (befesting) ---- the year - 3285.
Santa-believers have by now started to erupt (as an) underground black market following the Christmas ban and so - in a civil clausery way - Santa-believers buys services - sells services -- trade services --- all in a stand to make way around the ban (of Christmas) and still instill some Christmas feelings ---- managerizes - keepings - celebratings.
This underground market have so started to make more and more of a mark and it was just the inevitable that what was to become.
In a way to become a "no magnet" and to errade his way to many and many more of the world's households one of these Santa-belivers out there on Christmas Eve (Day) forgot to tell the magic line (before his departure) -- "I will be out there to collect the newspaper".
And not did he just forgot the magic line he soon started to embark on a too slow route and so the contingents back home started to winse around his whereabouts --- and so it came to be that they [back home] sent out a description to make him searched for by the police.
But so; at first Santa was not in any danger being out there incognito dressed in a shirt and jacket and so got his way undetected by the police ---- who didn't get a suitable answer of how he [the Santa-believer] was dressed when last seen.
But soon(er) or later the -- now -- disstraught Santa-believer started to get the cold being out there in deep wintersnow all day long and got his way with the Santa-clad coat around his upper body.
But that was a bigger mistake as one could have guissed as the police ----- being out there hunting both black market Santas and the displaced Santa-believer ----- soon could spot the unfortunate Santa-believer and so this special Santa underground venturist got apprehended by the men of law.
The judgement (by the men in law) went sooner than anyone could have imagined --- but all-thewhile some fortunistic (opportunistic) --- as the Santa-believer ------ when interacting with the police ------ flicked his (fake) Santa-corporated business card --- and went sentenced to live in a mental institution.
The tale could have ended there but so it came to be that all other personell (cleaners, mechanics ect (the sentenced Santa-believer had worked on this special institution (as a cleaner) earlier on)) working at this insitution wanted to be Santa ---- all regular personell (psych ward caretakers (and doctors)) believed they were Santa Claus ---- and all the patients was Santa Claus.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
The Santa-believer was yet saved.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
torsdag 20 augusti 2020
Top 100 Movies [70]
70. The Animatrix
Animated science fiction

The two-dimensional matrix has been cracked/hacked and so the brains got detached from its jars/bars. At the end of the night there will be no hack/sack.
// Niclas VIII
Animated science fiction

The two-dimensional matrix has been cracked/hacked and so the brains got detached from its jars/bars. At the end of the night there will be no hack/sack.
// Niclas VIII
Animation [f],
Niclas VIII,
måndag 17 augusti 2020
Santa Claus i ett mytologiskt reseperspektiv
Jultomten i Oföddas Land
The world (2690) is controlled by an independant secret government including Santa Claus, the Grand Stork, the Easter Bunny, the Crane, the Head Elf and Sven (leader) (God's rebodyfication).
Chaos is inevident when Sven need to cut the finances of the world government. Santa Claus get the work of delivering babies (Santa is now then forced to work overhours); the Grand Stork get the work of Christmas giftbearing (as he has a lower age than Santa Claus and threrefor more eligible to carry the Christmas sack); Easter Bunny and the Crane gets married and is awaiting their first child - both will be on maternity and paternity leave respectively; the Head Elf gets sanctionized to use the Baby Name Generator and Sven is multiplying himself to rule out every other members of the secret government (it starts to rain midgets with the name of Sven).
The Head Elf (sanctionized agent) then gets the wrong end of the Baby Name Generator and so every other child gets the name of Sven until 54% of the world kid population has the name of Sven. As that; to not mix up the Christmas giftbearing (and for simplicity (I guess)) every child gets the same Christmas present by the Grand Stork.
Santa Claus so finds a way out when he succesfully lobbies for the Baby Name Generator Workers to be legitimized - leaving some Svens to govern it. These Svens (still to no (not much) good) then enables all the Svens to change their name to Quentin (and so 71% of every child on Earth goes by the name of Quentin.)
Sven is not approving this (no kids is named Sven no more) and enables agents on certification to be using the Baby Name Generator - only to see his breathren of no use with the machinery - leaving the Head Elf's breathren to be of its use (finally) and so every and another kid was to be named Karl-Ture Johan-Turo Stugman. Kids fancy this name and the children named Sven quickly change their name to aforementioned name until 86% percent of the Earth's kid population is named Karl-Ture Johan-Turo Stugman.
Although; as a name of a superhero (Karl-Ture Johan-Turo Stugman) - this was a name of some variety incorporated by many adults and so they started lobbying for a better name for their children. The Head Elf; Santa Claus; the Grand Stork; and some (bright) children (of the world) thus sets up an authority to change the Baby Name Generator Worker(s) to that of authorized agents. As this authority will not be able to be used without Sven's (God's) approvement this meant the world kid population (95%) then went by the name Sven-Quentin Taube (a name reconned by both children and adults).
The work of the Christmas giftbearing is then much simplified (since every other child has the same name the giftbearing could be done by sending the gifts through the chimney (no house recollections)) and so Santa Claus and the Grand Stork again switches positions.
And so the world's kids was yet victorious.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
The world (2690) is controlled by an independant secret government including Santa Claus, the Grand Stork, the Easter Bunny, the Crane, the Head Elf and Sven (leader) (God's rebodyfication).
Chaos is inevident when Sven need to cut the finances of the world government. Santa Claus get the work of delivering babies (Santa is now then forced to work overhours); the Grand Stork get the work of Christmas giftbearing (as he has a lower age than Santa Claus and threrefor more eligible to carry the Christmas sack); Easter Bunny and the Crane gets married and is awaiting their first child - both will be on maternity and paternity leave respectively; the Head Elf gets sanctionized to use the Baby Name Generator and Sven is multiplying himself to rule out every other members of the secret government (it starts to rain midgets with the name of Sven).
The Head Elf (sanctionized agent) then gets the wrong end of the Baby Name Generator and so every other child gets the name of Sven until 54% of the world kid population has the name of Sven. As that; to not mix up the Christmas giftbearing (and for simplicity (I guess)) every child gets the same Christmas present by the Grand Stork.
Santa Claus so finds a way out when he succesfully lobbies for the Baby Name Generator Workers to be legitimized - leaving some Svens to govern it. These Svens (still to no (not much) good) then enables all the Svens to change their name to Quentin (and so 71% of every child on Earth goes by the name of Quentin.)
Sven is not approving this (no kids is named Sven no more) and enables agents on certification to be using the Baby Name Generator - only to see his breathren of no use with the machinery - leaving the Head Elf's breathren to be of its use (finally) and so every and another kid was to be named Karl-Ture Johan-Turo Stugman. Kids fancy this name and the children named Sven quickly change their name to aforementioned name until 86% percent of the Earth's kid population is named Karl-Ture Johan-Turo Stugman.
Although; as a name of a superhero (Karl-Ture Johan-Turo Stugman) - this was a name of some variety incorporated by many adults and so they started lobbying for a better name for their children. The Head Elf; Santa Claus; the Grand Stork; and some (bright) children (of the world) thus sets up an authority to change the Baby Name Generator Worker(s) to that of authorized agents. As this authority will not be able to be used without Sven's (God's) approvement this meant the world kid population (95%) then went by the name Sven-Quentin Taube (a name reconned by both children and adults).
The work of the Christmas giftbearing is then much simplified (since every other child has the same name the giftbearing could be done by sending the gifts through the chimney (no house recollections)) and so Santa Claus and the Grand Stork again switches positions.
And so the world's kids was yet victorious.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona),
söndag 16 augusti 2020
Gryningspyromanen Junior - Gryningspyromanen [Psykiatrivärlden]
lördag 15 augusti 2020
Top 50 Murderers [36]
36. Levona Svensson
Double murderer
Recommensing the soul (spirit) of Levona; the city of Växjö's only double murderer.
// Niclas VIII
Double murderer
Recommensing the soul (spirit) of Levona; the city of Växjö's only double murderer.
// Niclas VIII
torsdag 13 augusti 2020
Top 75 Television Series [53]
53. Saul of the Mole Men

Adult Swim's första live action-serie om ett gäng geologer som fastnar på väg mot Jorden's mitt.
// Niclas VI

Adult Swim's första live action-serie om ett gäng geologer som fastnar på väg mot Jorden's mitt.
// Niclas VI
onsdag 12 augusti 2020
Fyra små mordbränder (sh)
Fyra kortfilmer av the Killing Gang - Gunnar Rehlin - En liten film om en mordbrännare; Ben & Gunnar - En liten film om att starta en brand; På sista versen - En liten film om en mordbrand; Torsk på Tallinn - En liten film om mordbrännare - där den sista är den mest kända men inte den bästa.
// Niclas VIII
// Niclas VIII
söndag 9 augusti 2020
Ulf Borgström - Gryningspyromanen [Krimvärlden]

Branden existerar i en idévärld eller hos sinnevärlden av en manifesterad brand.
// Event Municipation CjqVmn

Branden existerar i en idévärld eller hos sinnevärlden av en manifesterad brand.
// Event Municipation CjqVmn
Event Municipation CjqVmn,
Ulf Borgström
torsdag 6 augusti 2020
Top 75 Television Series [54]
onsdag 5 augusti 2020
Al Moonwalker
Al Moonwalker gets a bye from the electric chair using the force. He lives on fruitfully (murdering a few 100s little mermaids) until he is killed by a giant frog. In the afterlife his soul is despaired having his soul traded for that of a small frog. A medium frog then uses his powers of clairvoyance to gain information about how to subtract Al's soul into his own body. A medium mermaid then dislocate Al's body.
// Niclas VI & Niclas VII
// Niclas VI & Niclas VII
Niclas VI,
Niclas VII
söndag 26 juli 2020
David Widlund, Jörgen Pettersson - Gryningspyromanen [Arsonvärlden]

The bridge has been nested with snakes, octopussies, and rats. Santa Claus is lurking in the shadows learning a snake to dance. The ghosts have all been living for a while.
// Event Municipation FvoVmn

The bridge has been nested with snakes, octopussies, and rats. Santa Claus is lurking in the shadows learning a snake to dance. The ghosts have all been living for a while.
// Event Municipation FvoVmn
David Widlund,
Event Municipation FvoVmn,
Jörgen Pettersson
fredag 24 juli 2020
Martin Loukaitis
Set in a western saloon - Bryant merges with Loukaitis to complete a most sick murderer.
// Event Municipation FvoHpm & Event Municipation AvbHpm
// Event Municipation FvoHpm & Event Municipation AvbHpm
torsdag 23 juli 2020
Top 75 Television Series [55]
55. Little Ghosts

Animerad barnserie med barnspöken och åldrande diton.
// Niclas IV & Niclas V

Animerad barnserie med barnspöken och åldrande diton.
// Niclas IV & Niclas V
Niclas IV,
Niclas V,
onsdag 22 juli 2020
Santa Claus Conquers Andy Warhol
A resurrected Andy Warhol is commensing a break-in with the local senior high school to get his lost drawings (to complete a full catalogue raisonne) when Martians interrupt as Andy Warhol is about to steal this movie. The Martians then copy this movie and sell it on their yardsale. This is when Valerie Solanas interrupt killing all the Martians (all Martians were male) but glitch the movie in the process until Santa Claus arrives defeating Andy Warhol and saves the movie on the bye. Fantomex then arrives saving the end credits from Valerie Solanas' might.
// Event Municipation FvoMjw
// Event Municipation FvoMjw
Event Municipation FvoMjw,
söndag 19 juli 2020
Nils Bergman - Gryningspyromanen [Konstvärlden]

Catch Me If You Can-vibbar när Dan Granvik jagar Gryningspyromanen.
// Event Municipation AvbVmn

Catch Me If You Can-vibbar när Dan Granvik jagar Gryningspyromanen.
// Event Municipation AvbVmn
Event Municipation AvbVmn,
Nils Bergman,
onsdag 15 juli 2020
Fantasy X
Set in a not to distant future; Fantomex joins 'X-Men' with an evil version of Fantomex (from a not to distant paralell universe) joining 'Brotherhood of Evil Mutants'. 'Ketchup Man' then - subsequently - joins the 'X-Men' with 'Mustard Man' joining 'Brotherhood of Evil Mutants'. Upon being forced to register as a mutant 'Fantomex'' external nervous system becomes distached from his physical being by the aid of 'Dark Phoenix'. This then backfires with Fantomex being forced to register for the 'Ghost Registration Act'. 'Ketchup Man' also joins the ghost registration while 'Mustard Man' takes presence over all 'Ketchup Man''s endeaviours declaring mustard as the only choice for any mutant (taste enhancer on sausage and hamburgers). 'Fantomex' living nervous system then go on to rob a bank only for 'Doctor Mario' to be assaigned to his case before he leaves to become a tennis referee. 'Doctor Wario' is then (appetized by mustard) performing experiments in-which 'White Queen' breeds with 'Mustard Man' creating 'Weapon XIII'.
// Event Municipation AvbMjw
// Event Municipation AvbMjw
Event Municipation AvbMjw,
torsdag 2 juli 2020
Top 75 Television Series [57]
57. Curb Your Enthusiasm

Medverkande och skriven av Seinfelds skapare Larry David i ett meta-Seinfeld-perspektiv.
// Niclas VI

Medverkande och skriven av Seinfelds skapare Larry David i ett meta-Seinfeld-perspektiv.
// Niclas VI
onsdag 1 juli 2020
Top 100 Movies [76]
76. Quills
Period film

Den föredragna filmen om Marquis De Sade (Geoffrey Rush) som kombinerar lightskräck med kostymdrama.
// Niclas VI
Period film

Den föredragna filmen om Marquis De Sade (Geoffrey Rush) som kombinerar lightskräck med kostymdrama.
// Niclas VI
söndag 28 juni 2020
Emma Sulkowicz - Breed Among The Queens [Hirst's konstvärld]
onsdag 24 juni 2020
Top 50 Murderers [39]
39. Nicolas Estemar
Spree stabber
He did have empathy sais the police officer shooting the Zombie Killer (second time deadly).
// Henrik*
Spree stabber
He did have empathy sais the police officer shooting the Zombie Killer (second time deadly).
// Henrik*
tisdag 23 juni 2020
Beatles - Twentyfirst Beatles Band Member [Musikvärlden]
Twentyfirst Beatles Band Member

Twentyfirst Beatles Band Member
classical rock and art, 2020
The twentyfirst beatles band member was actually a living Mona Lisa with eternal life.
// Henrik I & Niclas V & Niclas VII

Twentyfirst Beatles Band Member
classical rock and art, 2020
The twentyfirst beatles band member was actually a living Mona Lisa with eternal life.
// Henrik I & Niclas V & Niclas VII
måndag 22 juni 2020
Santa Claus i ett filosofiskt abstraktperspektiv
Jultomten med Spatialistic Conceptual
With four civilians trapped in a dungeon we land at 2420; how they got there is not knowned but all these civilians have is a television repeatedly mounting shows about Santa Claus.
All they see is Santa Claus day and night so to the degree that they assume Santa Claus being for real delivering electronic packages to the trapped civilians.
So when Santa Claus is out there at Christmas Eve (Day) they never question there reality - assuming all his hey and how's sounds (and the sound of the sled) coming from the television and not from outside of the cave.
But then one day the pre-paid cable television that mounts the civilians reality run out and at the same time Santa Claus finally found a way of executing his gift-bearing to the trapped civilians via a hole in the the roof (top(?)) of the dungeon and so delivers a (real) Christmas gift to the trapped civilians.
Questioning there reality the trapped civilians so was trying to see if there was a way out of the cave to rendezvous with (the real) Santa Claus.
But things couldn't go that easy for our trapped civilians; while on the way out of the cave they found a ditch to wide to transport over.
But so the trapped civilians got there mind to the Christmas gift recieved earlier on and opening it they found a rope ladder prefectly suited to transport over the ditch out of the cave (!).
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
And so the trapped civilians were yet saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
With four civilians trapped in a dungeon we land at 2420; how they got there is not knowned but all these civilians have is a television repeatedly mounting shows about Santa Claus.
All they see is Santa Claus day and night so to the degree that they assume Santa Claus being for real delivering electronic packages to the trapped civilians.
So when Santa Claus is out there at Christmas Eve (Day) they never question there reality - assuming all his hey and how's sounds (and the sound of the sled) coming from the television and not from outside of the cave.
But then one day the pre-paid cable television that mounts the civilians reality run out and at the same time Santa Claus finally found a way of executing his gift-bearing to the trapped civilians via a hole in the the roof (top(?)) of the dungeon and so delivers a (real) Christmas gift to the trapped civilians.
Questioning there reality the trapped civilians so was trying to see if there was a way out of the cave to rendezvous with (the real) Santa Claus.
But things couldn't go that easy for our trapped civilians; while on the way out of the cave they found a ditch to wide to transport over.
But so the trapped civilians got there mind to the Christmas gift recieved earlier on and opening it they found a rope ladder prefectly suited to transport over the ditch out of the cave (!).
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
And so the trapped civilians were yet saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
söndag 21 juni 2020
David Sherry - Zombie Manifestation In The Eye Of The Beholder [Hirst's konstvärld]
Zombie Manifestation In The Eye Of The Beholder
David Sherry
Zombie Manifestation In The Eye Of The Beholder
found action, 1999
All art observers can (and perhaps (at) will) turn into zombies. The zombies then will manifest as other (art) works for a mere week until they will regain their status as humans.
// Henrik II's Lone Crusader & Niclas VI
David Sherry
Zombie Manifestation In The Eye Of The Beholder
found action, 1999
All art observers can (and perhaps (at) will) turn into zombies. The zombies then will manifest as other (art) works for a mere week until they will regain their status as humans.
// Henrik II's Lone Crusader & Niclas VI
onsdag 17 juni 2020
Top 75 Television Series [58]
söndag 14 juni 2020
Martin Creed - Everything Exists At Once Every Five Second [Hirst's konstvärld]
lördag 13 juni 2020
Beatles - Twentieth Beatles Band Member [Musikvärlden]
Twentieth Beatles Band Member

Twentieth Beatles Band Member
minimalistic national rock, 2020
The twentieth beatles band member was actually the embodyfication of Canada shrinken in the washmachine.
// Henrik I & Niclas V & Niclas VII

Twentieth Beatles Band Member
minimalistic national rock, 2020
The twentieth beatles band member was actually the embodyfication of Canada shrinken in the washmachine.
// Henrik I & Niclas V & Niclas VII
torsdag 11 juni 2020
Top 75 Television Series [59]
59. Moonlighting
Drama comedy

Mycket mer än bara den sexuella spänningen mellan Maddie Hayes och David Addison.
// Niclas V & Niclas VI
Drama comedy

Mycket mer än bara den sexuella spänningen mellan Maddie Hayes och David Addison.
// Niclas V & Niclas VI
Comedy [t],
Drama [t],
Niclas V,
Niclas VI,
onsdag 10 juni 2020
Fyra nyanser av Killer Elephants
Two elephants shoot up a school (spree killing) and take their lives in the process. It turns out that the shooting was orchestrated by an elephant trainer. Two other elephants shoot up two other schools (with a few days inbetween (personel (when at work)) (spree serial killing) creating elephant sculptures (to hail their celebrity status) inbetween the murders. Two other elephants murders school staff (when inbetween work hours) (serial killing) only to being ordered to wear elephant pants when in custody following their arrest. Two other elephants shoot up a school and a street (spree mass killing) only to see their crime spree being negated as the "corpses" seemingly brused with tomato juice.
// Henrik I & Niclas VII
// Henrik I & Niclas VII
måndag 8 juni 2020
Santa Claus i ett maskinellt simuleringsperspektiv
Jultomten till Machine
Having seen prosperity once again Red Santa is knowhere to end his money-investing business and so just recently (4375) has bought some machines (leaving him broke again) that might help him and Blue Santa with the giftbearing.
The machines (a total of eight) were so split among Red Santa and Blue Santa with Blue Santa given a television teleporter; the hammer of hell; the golem from space; and a continent smasher. Problem thue; the business (as of Red Santa) was all a little shady so no instruction booklet was included leaving Blue Santa to not know how to use the machines (eventhue this doesn't matter to Blue Santa who just thought of it all as a fun way to get gifts (when you're Santa)).
Red Santa's machines was all (these too w/o instruction booklet) not named (Red Santa wanted it this way as to strenghten the anticipation of getting gifts of his own) and so their action had to be guessed.
First out; Red Santa tried with the biggest and most badass machines of them all; probably very hard to use but it came with an on-an-off button as large as Red Santa's head and as soon as it went switched on Zombies started to overflow the Santa mansion (up at the North Pole).
- Aha; could it be a Zombie Manifestation Device; Red Santa winsed.
Next; the Head Elf was joining the crew (up at the mansion in the North Pole) and as soon as he hit the large basement facility the Zombie Manifestation Device just got zeroed and seemingly went out of function.
Second out; Red Santa tried with the next-largest machine and while starting it (this machine had an even more sizable on-on-off-switch) the machine starts to blink and shine showing a display (and keypad) with the words: 'Enter Telephone Number'. Having had his telephone number shut off (because of too much time spent on the phone with complaints on the Christmas giftbearing) Santa Claus reached down to one of the (nowatime) deceased zombies and so found a telephone number hanging in a key chain around the deceased zombie.
- Let's try with this number; shan't we; Red Santa winsed.
Putting the number taken from the zombie in the machine the machine starts to rustle and on another (large) display sees zombies rushing from the machine's display and out into the mansion basement (up at the North Pole).
- This time we need the Elf Engineer; shouted Red Santa as zombies (once again) started to overflow the Red Santa mansion basement.
Sooner than anyone could winse the Elf Engineer was taken to the basement (mansion). The Elf Engineer seemingly had an idea and so tried with putting in the telephone number of Doctor Phil (yes; that Doctor Phil) into the machine.
By this time the zombie had started to overflow both from the recently tested machine and the Zombie Manifestation Device but as soon as the number (to Doctor Phil) was put in the (recent) machine - and Doctor Phil's elusive shadow shown on the large display of the device - the Zombies started to dissolve.
- Must have been when they saw that large narcissistic; jungean non-believer; do-it-your-self-better image of Doctor Phil; winsed the Elf Engineer.
- This; my Santa; is a telephone television!
- But what's with the other device?!; asked Red Santa.
- That my friend is being juiced by the belief of the machine (conceptual machine). You [Red Santa] and I believe in the machine while the Head Elf does not; hence the (timed) overflowings of zombies.
- So the zombies will overflow from time to time depending whose in its vicinity?; asked Red Santa.
- Isn't there an easy way of getting rid of them all in a heyday?
- With the belief of anti-dualism the zombie's can't engage in this universe; declares the Elf Engineering.
- Good; I will try and arrange that for all the staff entering this joint; winsed Red Santa.
Third out; Red Santa tried with another large machine. Having opened it and (as usual) not knowing how it functions a Lucia (train(?)) started to engage in the basement (of the Red Santa's mansion) and doing so the Zombie's was once and again became alive (and started to overflow the mansion). That's when Red Santa pushed a big button (of the size of a human head) on the recently tested machine (that said; push here) and so the Lucia train was completely irradiated.
- Must be an Anti-Matter Destractor; winsed the Elf Engineer.
- You can try it while believing in anti-ideas and all your ideas (anti) will start the destractor's annihilation procedure.
Fourth out; while opening the last (fourth) machine Red Santa (this time) got too many ideas of thinking how the device function's and so the Anti-Matter Destractor got itself rowling.
- You need anti-ideas to get the destractor non-functioning! It's turning to erradiate us!; shrieks the Elf Engineer to Red Santa.
That's when Red Santa got the one (bright) idea of how to read the recently opened machine.
- It's a telephone teleporter. I just need to call my other mansion up at the South Pole and so we can escape there by the machine [the telephone teleporter].
Red Santa was once again victorious.
Blue Santa was once again victorious.
And so the zombies was yet a failure.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
Having seen prosperity once again Red Santa is knowhere to end his money-investing business and so just recently (4375) has bought some machines (leaving him broke again) that might help him and Blue Santa with the giftbearing.
The machines (a total of eight) were so split among Red Santa and Blue Santa with Blue Santa given a television teleporter; the hammer of hell; the golem from space; and a continent smasher. Problem thue; the business (as of Red Santa) was all a little shady so no instruction booklet was included leaving Blue Santa to not know how to use the machines (eventhue this doesn't matter to Blue Santa who just thought of it all as a fun way to get gifts (when you're Santa)).
Red Santa's machines was all (these too w/o instruction booklet) not named (Red Santa wanted it this way as to strenghten the anticipation of getting gifts of his own) and so their action had to be guessed.
First out; Red Santa tried with the biggest and most badass machines of them all; probably very hard to use but it came with an on-an-off button as large as Red Santa's head and as soon as it went switched on Zombies started to overflow the Santa mansion (up at the North Pole).
- Aha; could it be a Zombie Manifestation Device; Red Santa winsed.
Next; the Head Elf was joining the crew (up at the mansion in the North Pole) and as soon as he hit the large basement facility the Zombie Manifestation Device just got zeroed and seemingly went out of function.
Second out; Red Santa tried with the next-largest machine and while starting it (this machine had an even more sizable on-on-off-switch) the machine starts to blink and shine showing a display (and keypad) with the words: 'Enter Telephone Number'. Having had his telephone number shut off (because of too much time spent on the phone with complaints on the Christmas giftbearing) Santa Claus reached down to one of the (nowatime) deceased zombies and so found a telephone number hanging in a key chain around the deceased zombie.
- Let's try with this number; shan't we; Red Santa winsed.
Putting the number taken from the zombie in the machine the machine starts to rustle and on another (large) display sees zombies rushing from the machine's display and out into the mansion basement (up at the North Pole).
- This time we need the Elf Engineer; shouted Red Santa as zombies (once again) started to overflow the Red Santa mansion basement.
Sooner than anyone could winse the Elf Engineer was taken to the basement (mansion). The Elf Engineer seemingly had an idea and so tried with putting in the telephone number of Doctor Phil (yes; that Doctor Phil) into the machine.
By this time the zombie had started to overflow both from the recently tested machine and the Zombie Manifestation Device but as soon as the number (to Doctor Phil) was put in the (recent) machine - and Doctor Phil's elusive shadow shown on the large display of the device - the Zombies started to dissolve.
- Must have been when they saw that large narcissistic; jungean non-believer; do-it-your-self-better image of Doctor Phil; winsed the Elf Engineer.
- This; my Santa; is a telephone television!
- But what's with the other device?!; asked Red Santa.
- That my friend is being juiced by the belief of the machine (conceptual machine). You [Red Santa] and I believe in the machine while the Head Elf does not; hence the (timed) overflowings of zombies.
- So the zombies will overflow from time to time depending whose in its vicinity?; asked Red Santa.
- Isn't there an easy way of getting rid of them all in a heyday?
- With the belief of anti-dualism the zombie's can't engage in this universe; declares the Elf Engineering.
- Good; I will try and arrange that for all the staff entering this joint; winsed Red Santa.
Third out; Red Santa tried with another large machine. Having opened it and (as usual) not knowing how it functions a Lucia (train(?)) started to engage in the basement (of the Red Santa's mansion) and doing so the Zombie's was once and again became alive (and started to overflow the mansion). That's when Red Santa pushed a big button (of the size of a human head) on the recently tested machine (that said; push here) and so the Lucia train was completely irradiated.
- Must be an Anti-Matter Destractor; winsed the Elf Engineer.
- You can try it while believing in anti-ideas and all your ideas (anti) will start the destractor's annihilation procedure.
Fourth out; while opening the last (fourth) machine Red Santa (this time) got too many ideas of thinking how the device function's and so the Anti-Matter Destractor got itself rowling.
- You need anti-ideas to get the destractor non-functioning! It's turning to erradiate us!; shrieks the Elf Engineer to Red Santa.
That's when Red Santa got the one (bright) idea of how to read the recently opened machine.
- It's a telephone teleporter. I just need to call my other mansion up at the South Pole and so we can escape there by the machine [the telephone teleporter].
Red Santa was once again victorious.
Blue Santa was once again victorious.
And so the zombies was yet a failure.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona),
söndag 7 juni 2020
Tracey Emin - My Bed (In Space) [Hirst's konstvärld]
torsdag 4 juni 2020
Top 75 Television Series [60]
onsdag 3 juni 2020
Top 100 Movies [80]
80. Goofy Shorts (sh)
Animated comedy

Allt från sömnlöshet till bilanarkism i en tidig absurdism som distanserar allt annat någonsin utgivet från Walt Disney allt förpackat i en stylish plåtbox-dvdutgåva (not in picture).
// Niclas VII
Animated comedy

Allt från sömnlöshet till bilanarkism i en tidig absurdism som distanserar allt annat någonsin utgivet från Walt Disney allt förpackat i en stylish plåtbox-dvdutgåva (not in picture).
// Niclas VII
Animation [f],
Comedy [f],
Niclas VII
söndag 31 maj 2020
Stuckist Movement - A Dead Dolphin Is Art [Hirst's konstvärld]
fredag 29 maj 2020
Beatles - Nineteenth Beatles Band Member [Musikvärlden]
Nineteenth Beatles Band Member

Nineteenth Beatles Band Member
swimulate jazz, 2020
The nineteenth beatles band member was actually a goldfish positioned in a huge aquarium.
// Henrik I & Niclas V & Niclas VII

Nineteenth Beatles Band Member
swimulate jazz, 2020
The nineteenth beatles band member was actually a goldfish positioned in a huge aquarium.
// Henrik I & Niclas V & Niclas VII
Henrik I,
Niclas V,
Niclas VII,
Swimulate Jazz
torsdag 28 maj 2020
Edmund Breivik
Set in a future laboratorium - Kemper merges with Breivik to complete the perfect murderer.
// Henrik* & Niclas VII
// Henrik* & Niclas VII
onsdag 27 maj 2020
Top 100 Movies [81]
81. Attack of the 60 Foot Centerfold
Erotica comedy

Probably the only erotica movie on the list; and; as it is an erotica comedy; it just gets better if your familiar with 'giant-movies' of the 1950-60 science fiction.
// Henrik II & Niclas VI
Erotica comedy

Probably the only erotica movie on the list; and; as it is an erotica comedy; it just gets better if your familiar with 'giant-movies' of the 1950-60 science fiction.
// Henrik II & Niclas VI
Comedy [f],
Henrik II,
Niclas VI
fredag 22 maj 2020
Santa Claus i ett förmälningskärleksperspektiv
Jultomten och Söker Fru (From Russia With Love)
On a quest to get a second wife Santa Claus seeks Russian women (to help him with the accounting (and perhaps the giftbearing for Russian territories)) (4096) only to see practically every Russian women already married (off-shore marriage).
Santa Claus spoils no time wasting and so gets his new shiny time machine ready to go back to 1911 and instigate some pre-sovietian correspondance (to get an aquintance) only to see the Duma (Russian Empire government) oversee all mail correspondance influx to the Russian Empire.
Santa Claus reaction to all this came with a new setting inwhit the time machine going back to 1946 to instigate some Russian correspondance (to get an aquintance) only to see the inbound women having a hard time understanding Santa Claus use of English as the official mail language.
Santa Claus inwhat action to this was to reset his time machine going back to 1994 to instigate an alternated version of Russian mail (including handshake - hug - pat - kiss - divorce) and choose divorce (as his action) only to see the action of kiss in the next session with a subsequent ingoing spirale all the way up to marriage (with a fellow girl of Russian mail).
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
Santa Claus' bride was yet victorious.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
On a quest to get a second wife Santa Claus seeks Russian women (to help him with the accounting (and perhaps the giftbearing for Russian territories)) (4096) only to see practically every Russian women already married (off-shore marriage).
Santa Claus spoils no time wasting and so gets his new shiny time machine ready to go back to 1911 and instigate some pre-sovietian correspondance (to get an aquintance) only to see the Duma (Russian Empire government) oversee all mail correspondance influx to the Russian Empire.
Santa Claus reaction to all this came with a new setting inwhit the time machine going back to 1946 to instigate some Russian correspondance (to get an aquintance) only to see the inbound women having a hard time understanding Santa Claus use of English as the official mail language.
Santa Claus inwhat action to this was to reset his time machine going back to 1994 to instigate an alternated version of Russian mail (including handshake - hug - pat - kiss - divorce) and choose divorce (as his action) only to see the action of kiss in the next session with a subsequent ingoing spirale all the way up to marriage (with a fellow girl of Russian mail).
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
Santa Claus' bride was yet victorious.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona),
torsdag 21 maj 2020
Top 75 Television Series [61]
61. Percy tårar (mini)

The Killing Gangs efterföljare till Nilecity som växlar tragedi med komedi.
// Niclas V & Niclas VI

The Killing Gangs efterföljare till Nilecity som växlar tragedi med komedi.
// Niclas V & Niclas VI
Comedy [t],
Niclas V,
Niclas VI,
onsdag 20 maj 2020
Some M Fantasy Friends
Dr. Mugg travels the vast megaverse in search for the mightiest toilets while Mustard Man is shoots a mental advertisement for Medusa. Mange Magnet, Manne Manet and Mange Magnesyl is then manifesting moreover. They are shoots multiple ads in Middlearth with someone managing a cord. They then make an appearance on American Maniacs. The mastodont-movie Mark is shooting a near movie masterpiece.
// Henrik I & Niclas VII
// Henrik I & Niclas VII
Henrik I,
Niclas VII,
söndag 17 maj 2020
Damien Hirst - The Physical Impossibility Of Dolphins In The Mind Of Someone Living [Hirst's konstvärld]
The Physical Impossibility Of Dolphins In The Mind Of Someone Living

Damien Hirst
The Physical Impossibility Of Dolphins In The Mind Of Someone Living
found installation, 1991
The Physical Impossibility Of Dolphins In The Mind Of Someone Living i ett traditionellt perspektiv
The art piece is a shark in formaldehyde symbolising the availability of river dolphins in captivity. [Death is a property (in human (art subjects) minds)].
The Physical Impossibility Of Dolphins In The Mind Of Someone Living i ett metafysiskt perspektiv
The art piece is a stuffed leather monkey. [Death is an impossibility (in human minds) (meaning you can't distinguish between any dead specie (in human minds))].
The Physical Impossibility Of Dolphins In The Mind Of Someone Living i ett essentiellt perspektiv
The art piece is a killer whale in captivity. [Death is a possibility (the unphysical)].
The Physical Impossibility Of Dolphins In The Mind Of Someone Living i ett institutionellt perspektiv
The art piece is an oceanic dolphin in formaldehyde symbolising the availability of oceanic dolphins [Death is an impossibility (in the art world)].
// Henrik I & Niclas VII

Damien Hirst
The Physical Impossibility Of Dolphins In The Mind Of Someone Living
found installation, 1991
The Physical Impossibility Of Dolphins In The Mind Of Someone Living i ett traditionellt perspektiv
The art piece is a shark in formaldehyde symbolising the availability of river dolphins in captivity. [Death is a property (in human (art subjects) minds)].
The Physical Impossibility Of Dolphins In The Mind Of Someone Living i ett metafysiskt perspektiv
The art piece is a stuffed leather monkey. [Death is an impossibility (in human minds) (meaning you can't distinguish between any dead specie (in human minds))].
The Physical Impossibility Of Dolphins In The Mind Of Someone Living i ett essentiellt perspektiv
The art piece is a killer whale in captivity. [Death is a possibility (the unphysical)].
The Physical Impossibility Of Dolphins In The Mind Of Someone Living i ett institutionellt perspektiv
The art piece is an oceanic dolphin in formaldehyde symbolising the availability of oceanic dolphins [Death is an impossibility (in the art world)].
// Henrik I & Niclas VII
torsdag 14 maj 2020
Beatles - Eighteenth Beatles Band Member [Musikvärlden]
Eighteenth Beatles Band Member

Eighteenth Beatles Band Member
rock and read, 2020
The eighteenth beatles band member was actually an anthropomorphic telephone book.
// Henrik I & Niclas V & Niclas VII

Eighteenth Beatles Band Member
rock and read, 2020
The eighteenth beatles band member was actually an anthropomorphic telephone book.
// Henrik I & Niclas V & Niclas VII
Henrik I,
Niclas V,
Niclas VII,
Rock And Read
onsdag 13 maj 2020
Kenny 'Al' Starfighter
Set in a paralell universe - Al greets 'wollie bollie' in the electrical chair and is saved by Mähälium.
// Henrik* & Niclas III & Niclas VII
// Henrik* & Niclas III & Niclas VII
fredag 8 maj 2020
Santa Claus i ett positionellt gudaperspektiv
Jultomten av Spatialistic Installation
We have 2218 ahead of us when the science world finally solve century old theorems (Shing-Tung Yau; Gang Tian ('Rest In (S)pace') (flop transition) (Science World)) showing that the spacetime continuum can be ripped apart.
But it's not until a mere century forward in time (2318) that the science world - via a black hole (synced in space by two arbitrary science colleagiums (science institutions) (black hole versus white hole)) - can move in space via a ripped space and time (the black hole) ('Reap In (S)pace') (black hole, white hole, non-interstellar teleportation) (Science World).
Then - a mild trip 100 years moreover (2418) - it came to be that one of these science institutions (bearing ground to one of the black hole's end stations) got on to destruction and on top of it an art institution was build (with the black hole (white hole) still in contention) meaning you could now travel (non-interstellar teleportation) from the science world to the art world ('Result In (S)pace').
This is when 28-year-old (artist) Mathilda Lumnergart enters the story with her powers of foreseeing the future (one of many possible) (2518) and inso builds a transportation from the one art institution (one of the black holes' end stations) and another one art institution (in the close vicinity) ('Reposition In (S)pace' (installation)).
Santa Claus so buys this art piece (300 billions) (meaning Santa Claus had to put the whole of the North Pole on mortgage) and gives it to God as a Christmas gift.
Under God's care - as his mandate as a ten-dimensional being - the art piece is then rebranded as a worm hole connecting the two art institutions ('Reenacted In (S)pace') (spatialistic installation).
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
Mathilda Lumnergart was yet victorious.
God was yet victorious.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
We have 2218 ahead of us when the science world finally solve century old theorems (Shing-Tung Yau; Gang Tian ('Rest In (S)pace') (flop transition) (Science World)) showing that the spacetime continuum can be ripped apart.
But it's not until a mere century forward in time (2318) that the science world - via a black hole (synced in space by two arbitrary science colleagiums (science institutions) (black hole versus white hole)) - can move in space via a ripped space and time (the black hole) ('Reap In (S)pace') (black hole, white hole, non-interstellar teleportation) (Science World).
Then - a mild trip 100 years moreover (2418) - it came to be that one of these science institutions (bearing ground to one of the black hole's end stations) got on to destruction and on top of it an art institution was build (with the black hole (white hole) still in contention) meaning you could now travel (non-interstellar teleportation) from the science world to the art world ('Result In (S)pace').
This is when 28-year-old (artist) Mathilda Lumnergart enters the story with her powers of foreseeing the future (one of many possible) (2518) and inso builds a transportation from the one art institution (one of the black holes' end stations) and another one art institution (in the close vicinity) ('Reposition In (S)pace' (installation)).
Santa Claus so buys this art piece (300 billions) (meaning Santa Claus had to put the whole of the North Pole on mortgage) and gives it to God as a Christmas gift.
Under God's care - as his mandate as a ten-dimensional being - the art piece is then rebranded as a worm hole connecting the two art institutions ('Reenacted In (S)pace') (spatialistic installation).
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
Mathilda Lumnergart was yet victorious.
God was yet victorious.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
torsdag 7 maj 2020
Top 75 Television Series [63]
onsdag 6 maj 2020
Starship Wonderland (Starring Alice)
Entering a dimensional window from her place Alice soon finds herself in the midst of an interstellar war between Martians and humans. All the Martians - except for those on groundservice - didn't know who Alice was but she presented her well with stealing the Martian light commander's hat with which she got enhanced power so she could fight Mustard Man. Everybody loves Alice!
// Henrik I & Niclas VII
// Henrik I & Niclas VII
Henrik I,
Niclas VII
tisdag 5 maj 2020
Beatles - Seventeenth Beatles Band Member [Musikvärlden]
Seventeenth Beatles Band Member

Seventeenth Beatles Band Member
elevator trance noisejoik, 2020
The seventeenth beatles band member was actually a murderous elevator (seventeenth beatles band member); a nordish elevator (sixth ABBA band member); and a superior elevator (ninth ramones band member).
// Henrik I & Niclas V & Niclas VII

Seventeenth Beatles Band Member
elevator trance noisejoik, 2020
The seventeenth beatles band member was actually a murderous elevator (seventeenth beatles band member); a nordish elevator (sixth ABBA band member); and a superior elevator (ninth ramones band member).
// Henrik I & Niclas V & Niclas VII
tisdag 28 april 2020
Beatles - Sixteenth Beatles Band Member [Musikvärlden]
Sixteenth Beatles Band Member

Sixteenth Beatles Band Member
sheepcore, 2020
The sixteenth beatles band member was actually a halfasheep hippopotumas with a hidden agenda - working with ABBA as the fifth ABBA band member - of bringing the worst music ever knowned.
// Henrik I & Niclas V & Niclas VII

Sixteenth Beatles Band Member
sheepcore, 2020
The sixteenth beatles band member was actually a halfasheep hippopotumas with a hidden agenda - working with ABBA as the fifth ABBA band member - of bringing the worst music ever knowned.
// Henrik I & Niclas V & Niclas VII
Henrik I,
Niclas V,
Niclas VII,
torsdag 23 april 2020
Top 50 Murderers [43]
43. Marc Lépine
Spree shooter/School shooter
Murder of women back in 1989 in what could be one of the first shootings at a university.
// Henrik*
Spree shooter/School shooter
Murder of women back in 1989 in what could be one of the first shootings at a university.
// Henrik*
School Shooter,
Spree Shooter
onsdag 22 april 2020
Top 100 Movies [85]
tisdag 21 april 2020
Santa Claus i ett infödingsgudaperspektiv
Jultomten av Tribe
2127 is closing in and new opportunities (in the Christmas giftbearing) have arose. It all started when a plane carrying Coca-Cola bottles flew over Africa and mistakingly dropped some cargo (in the form of empty bottles of Coca-Cola (with Santa Claus' face highlightning)). These bottles landed straight at a non-civilized tribe (Kongho-Longhu) who then got a start in believing in both Coca-Cola and Santa Claus (Christmas).
This tribe then wanted more Coca-Cola (and a visit from Santa Claus Christmas time) and so Santa Claus saw to visit this tribe Christmas Day delivering Coca-Cola as Christmas gifts.
Atleast that's what he was supposed to be doing but when travelling there on Christmas Day he didn't know how to greet the tribe (Kongho-Longhu) or how to going about with his giftbearing procedure don't knowing the language. Originally; this was supposed to be cleared with the elf interpreter but he had skipped the Kongho-Longhu course when in university (when learning languages).
Santa Claus tried with mimicking the language greeting the tribe with 'Kongho long gron fronu esopo driongolo dasolongui' but that didn't struck a cord.
Next Santa Claus tried with initiating the giftbearing with 'Longho long molong serupongo gratifioungu' but that didn't work either.
The elf interpreter then struck a cord when highlightning a certain conceived pattern in the language from the medicine man of the tribe. It seemed their language used a certain versification - first syllable first line should rhyme with last syllable first line, fifth syllable of the second line and sixth syllable of the second line; first syllable in second line should rhyme with eight syllable second line; and second syllable in second line should rhyme with ninth syllable second line -- Kongho laghi grastyomgla esop drisglong, hulon melinponggrongpe puhon -- and as soon as this versification was cracked the giftbearing (within the tribe) could proceed.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
2127 is closing in and new opportunities (in the Christmas giftbearing) have arose. It all started when a plane carrying Coca-Cola bottles flew over Africa and mistakingly dropped some cargo (in the form of empty bottles of Coca-Cola (with Santa Claus' face highlightning)). These bottles landed straight at a non-civilized tribe (Kongho-Longhu) who then got a start in believing in both Coca-Cola and Santa Claus (Christmas).
This tribe then wanted more Coca-Cola (and a visit from Santa Claus Christmas time) and so Santa Claus saw to visit this tribe Christmas Day delivering Coca-Cola as Christmas gifts.
Atleast that's what he was supposed to be doing but when travelling there on Christmas Day he didn't know how to greet the tribe (Kongho-Longhu) or how to going about with his giftbearing procedure don't knowing the language. Originally; this was supposed to be cleared with the elf interpreter but he had skipped the Kongho-Longhu course when in university (when learning languages).
Santa Claus tried with mimicking the language greeting the tribe with 'Kongho long gron fronu esopo driongolo dasolongui' but that didn't struck a cord.
Next Santa Claus tried with initiating the giftbearing with 'Longho long molong serupongo gratifioungu' but that didn't work either.
The elf interpreter then struck a cord when highlightning a certain conceived pattern in the language from the medicine man of the tribe. It seemed their language used a certain versification - first syllable first line should rhyme with last syllable first line, fifth syllable of the second line and sixth syllable of the second line; first syllable in second line should rhyme with eight syllable second line; and second syllable in second line should rhyme with ninth syllable second line -- Kongho laghi grastyomgla esop drisglong, hulon melinponggrongpe puhon -- and as soon as this versification was cracked the giftbearing (within the tribe) could proceed.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
söndag 19 april 2020
David Shrigley - Subtractor
Subtractor [Konstvärlden]

David Shrigley
relational sculpture, 2013
Subtractor i ett postmodernt perspektiv
Verket bevisar att matematiken kan existera enbart med subtraktioner men inte oberoende av skaparen (Gud). Om varje människa på jorden ska dela på en och samma entitets energi blir varje ny människas del en subtraktion av den tidigare summan av delmängden.
Subtractor i ett modernistiskt perspektiv
Verket bevisar att matematiken kan existera enbart med subtraktioner men inte oberoende av observatörer.
Subtractor i ett essentiellt perspektiv
Verket bevisar att konst existerar oberoende av kontext med en inneboende kvalitet hos konstobjektet.
Subtractor [Kalkylivärlden]

David Shrigley
subtraction, 2013
Subtractor i ett postmodernt perspektiv
Subtractor i ett modernistiskt perspektiv
Subtractor i ett essentiellt perspektiv
Subtractor [Matematikvärlden]

David Shrigley
one-function pocket calculator, 2013
Subtractor i ett postmodernt perspektiv
Verket bevisar att konst och vetenskap (matematik) existerar i samklang och gör verket till på samma gång miniräknare (matematiskt objekt) (ofunnet) och konstobjekt (gigantisk miniräknare) (ofunnet).
Subtractor i ett modernistiskt perspektiv
Subtractor i ett essentiellt perspektiv
Verket bevisar att matematiken kan existera enbart med subtraktioner men inte oberoende av människan.
// Henrik IV & Niclas VI & Niclas VII

David Shrigley
relational sculpture, 2013
Subtractor i ett postmodernt perspektiv
Verket bevisar att matematiken kan existera enbart med subtraktioner men inte oberoende av skaparen (Gud). Om varje människa på jorden ska dela på en och samma entitets energi blir varje ny människas del en subtraktion av den tidigare summan av delmängden.
Subtractor i ett modernistiskt perspektiv
Verket bevisar att matematiken kan existera enbart med subtraktioner men inte oberoende av observatörer.
Subtractor i ett essentiellt perspektiv
Verket bevisar att konst existerar oberoende av kontext med en inneboende kvalitet hos konstobjektet.
Subtractor [Kalkylivärlden]

David Shrigley
subtraction, 2013
Subtractor i ett postmodernt perspektiv
Subtractor i ett modernistiskt perspektiv
Subtractor i ett essentiellt perspektiv
Subtractor [Matematikvärlden]

David Shrigley
one-function pocket calculator, 2013
Subtractor i ett postmodernt perspektiv
Verket bevisar att konst och vetenskap (matematik) existerar i samklang och gör verket till på samma gång miniräknare (matematiskt objekt) (ofunnet) och konstobjekt (gigantisk miniräknare) (ofunnet).
Subtractor i ett modernistiskt perspektiv
Subtractor i ett essentiellt perspektiv
Verket bevisar att matematiken kan existera enbart med subtraktioner men inte oberoende av människan.
// Henrik IV & Niclas VI & Niclas VII
fredag 17 april 2020
Beatles - Fifteenth Beatles Band Member [Musikvärlden]
Fifteenth Beatles Band Member

Fifteenth Beatles Band Member
hippo rock, 2020
The fifteenth beatles band member was actually a deaf hippopotumas with a festivity going about in his belly.
// Henrik I & Niclas V & Niclas VII

Fifteenth Beatles Band Member
hippo rock, 2020
The fifteenth beatles band member was actually a deaf hippopotumas with a festivity going about in his belly.
// Henrik I & Niclas V & Niclas VII
Henrik I,
Hippo Rock,
Niclas V,
Niclas VII
torsdag 16 april 2020
Top 75 Television Series [64]
onsdag 15 april 2020
Top 100 Movies [86]
86. Shrek
Animated comedy

Postmodernitet möter traditionell saga med twist (populärkulturella referenser och metaperspektiv haglar) där suktan efter postmodernism blir tillfredsställd på livstid.
// Niclas V & Niclas VI
Animated comedy

Postmodernitet möter traditionell saga med twist (populärkulturella referenser och metaperspektiv haglar) där suktan efter postmodernism blir tillfredsställd på livstid.
// Niclas V & Niclas VI
Animation [f],
Comedy [f],
Niclas V,
Niclas VI
lördag 11 april 2020
Beatles - Fourteenth Beatles Band Member [Musikvärlden]
Fourteenth Beatles Band Member

Fourteenth Beatles Band Member
ambient rock and bass, 2020
The fourteenth beatles band member was actually Einsteinium who revived three drummers.
// Henrik I & Niclas V & Niclas VII

Fourteenth Beatles Band Member
ambient rock and bass, 2020
The fourteenth beatles band member was actually Einsteinium who revived three drummers.
// Henrik I & Niclas V & Niclas VII
fredag 10 april 2020
Top 50 Murderers [44]
44. Jim Jones
Mass murderer
Not technically a killer but responsible of 918 lifes as a cult leader orchestrating mass suicide.
// Henrik*
Mass murderer
Not technically a killer but responsible of 918 lifes as a cult leader orchestrating mass suicide.
// Henrik*
torsdag 9 april 2020
Top 75 Television Series [65]
onsdag 8 april 2020
Top 100 Movies [87]
tisdag 7 april 2020
Santa Claus i ett reseabstraktperspektiv
Jultomten med Travel
Blue Santa and Red Santa are right there at it (4225) having divided the giftbearing with Blue Santa delivering gifts in this multiverse with Red Santa (having contemployed some insurance money from the receiving end of radiation (from the stargate) taking care of this megaverse.
But things could have got smoother when Blue Santa got stuck in a multiverse ('What if the multiverse timeline was constantly set to 1886?') fearing for his life when parlooping the dimensional portals radiation. Red Santa's solution to this was to try and free Blue Santa - first by travelling to the universe in which Blue Santa got a hold in - then using a device that's not giving away radiation in a time-travelling device.
But the problem persisted with time-travellings deemed illegal when Red Santa come up with the idea of using an inter-dimensional time-travelling device. This way he [Red Santa] could go back to the multiverse that deemed time-travellings illegal to make them legal again and Blue Santa got freed from his deadlock using the inter-dimensional time-travelling device (only having to travel the multiverse (seventh dimension (second time dimension)) he could well and enough countergate the Christmas giftbeaing using the device).
Red Santa was once again victorious.
Blue Santa was once again victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
Blue Santa and Red Santa are right there at it (4225) having divided the giftbearing with Blue Santa delivering gifts in this multiverse with Red Santa (having contemployed some insurance money from the receiving end of radiation (from the stargate) taking care of this megaverse.
But things could have got smoother when Blue Santa got stuck in a multiverse ('What if the multiverse timeline was constantly set to 1886?') fearing for his life when parlooping the dimensional portals radiation. Red Santa's solution to this was to try and free Blue Santa - first by travelling to the universe in which Blue Santa got a hold in - then using a device that's not giving away radiation in a time-travelling device.
But the problem persisted with time-travellings deemed illegal when Red Santa come up with the idea of using an inter-dimensional time-travelling device. This way he [Red Santa] could go back to the multiverse that deemed time-travellings illegal to make them legal again and Blue Santa got freed from his deadlock using the inter-dimensional time-travelling device (only having to travel the multiverse (seventh dimension (second time dimension)) he could well and enough countergate the Christmas giftbeaing using the device).
Red Santa was once again victorious.
Blue Santa was once again victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
söndag 5 april 2020
David Shrigley - Telephone
Telephone [Telefonikonstvärlden]

David Shrigley
stationary key sculpture telephone, 2015
Från den minimalistiska självständighetsförklaringen (mobile phones) till den maximalistiska telefonens invertering.
Telephone [Telefonikomedivärlden]

David Shrigley
conceptual irony telephone, 2015
Från den minimalistiska självständighetsförklaringen (mobile phones) till den maximalistiska telefonens travesti.
// Henrik III & Niclas VII

David Shrigley
stationary key sculpture telephone, 2015
Från den minimalistiska självständighetsförklaringen (mobile phones) till den maximalistiska telefonens invertering.
Telephone [Telefonikomedivärlden]

David Shrigley
conceptual irony telephone, 2015
Från den minimalistiska självständighetsförklaringen (mobile phones) till den maximalistiska telefonens travesti.
// Henrik III & Niclas VII
fredag 3 april 2020
Beatles - Thirteenth Beatles Band Member [Musikvärlden]
Thirteenth Beatles Band Member

Thirteenth Beatles Band Member
ambient rock, 2020
The thirteenth beatles band member was actually Einstein having been revived in a sort of Big Reincarnation.
// Henrik I & Niclas V & Niclas VII

Thirteenth Beatles Band Member
ambient rock, 2020
The thirteenth beatles band member was actually Einstein having been revived in a sort of Big Reincarnation.
// Henrik I & Niclas V & Niclas VII
Ambient Rock,
Henrik I,
Niclas V,
Niclas VII
onsdag 1 april 2020
Top 75 Television Series [66]
66. Grotesco
Surreal comedy

Grotesco (ursp. Grotesco Royal (pilot)) är en surrealistisk humorserie med bl.a Henrik Dorsin.
// Niclas II & Niclas V & Niclas VI
Surreal comedy

Grotesco (ursp. Grotesco Royal (pilot)) är en surrealistisk humorserie med bl.a Henrik Dorsin.
// Niclas II & Niclas V & Niclas VI
Niclas II,
Niclas V,
Niclas VI,
Surreal [t],
fredag 27 mars 2020
Beatles - Twelth Beatles Band Member [Musikvärlden]
Twelth Beatles Band Member

Twelth Beatles Band Member
breakrock, 2020
The twelth beatles band member was actually a mutated drummer with six arms.
// Henrik I & Niclas V & Niclas VII

Twelth Beatles Band Member
breakrock, 2020
The twelth beatles band member was actually a mutated drummer with six arms.
// Henrik I & Niclas V & Niclas VII
Henrik I,
Niclas V,
Niclas VII
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