tisdag 7 april 2020

Santa Claus i ett reseabstraktperspektiv

Jultomten med Travel

Blue Santa and Red Santa are right there at it (4225) having divided the giftbearing with Blue Santa delivering gifts in this multiverse with Red Santa (having contemployed some insurance money from the receiving end of radiation (from the stargate) taking care of this megaverse.

But things could have got smoother when Blue Santa got stuck in a multiverse ('What if the multiverse timeline was constantly set to 1886?') fearing for his life when parlooping the dimensional portals radiation. Red Santa's solution to this was to try and free Blue Santa - first by travelling to the universe in which Blue Santa got a hold in - then using a device that's not giving away radiation in a time-travelling device.

But the problem persisted with time-travellings deemed illegal when Red Santa come up with the idea of using an inter-dimensional time-travelling device. This way he [Red Santa] could go back to the multiverse that deemed time-travellings illegal to make them legal again and Blue Santa got freed from his deadlock using the inter-dimensional time-travelling device (only having to travel the multiverse (seventh dimension (second time dimension)) he could well and enough countergate the Christmas giftbeaing using the device).

Red Santa was once again victorious.

Blue Santa was once again victorious.

And so Christmas was once again saved.

// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)

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