tisdag 21 maj 2019

Santa Claus i ett interdimensionellt konceptperspektiv

Jultomten på Marvel

Upon reaching the 2685 the people of the world has grown irrecistiple and in no inclusion for Christmas presents only contradicting in one sense - the superhero team Avengers still was a good guy inclusion and so in eligibility for the Christmas giftbearing.

But all the less; (albeit); Santa Claus was still not able to satisfy the demand as all the Avengers partners was growning full beard ('What if all Avengers partners were growing beard' (multiverse What if-point)) and in so wishing for razors for Christmas. But as Christmas only happens once a year and the Avengers members (the giftbearing Christmas demand) saught for (demanded) razors to shave their beard every one and other day Santa Claus needed to bring multiple and multiple of razors which he could not comply for.

Santa Claus' next move was cunning inso travelling to a new universe (multiverse) with What if-point 'What if all Avengers members were kittens' hoping to be able to comply with their demand. But the complacement was that their caretakers (their masters and mistresses) was giving the kittens Russian caviar every day to be shed in a soft light (as for naughtyness) and inthat striving for Christmas presents. Santa Claus saw through this but still couldn't comply with the kittens demand of Russian caviar each day and was in for a new dimensional travel.

Next time Santa Claus travelled to a multiverse with What if-point in the convention of 'What if all Avengers were Great Grands'. Doing so Santa Claus needed (for the Christmas giftbearing activity) just a chocolate present box to each of the Avengers contraptiots.

Santa Claus was once again victorious.

And so Christmas was once again saved.

// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)

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