När Är Det Humor (Part 5)
Jag ska i den här essän analysera ryska aktionsgruppen 'The Blue Noses Group' och fastställa om aktionsgruppen skapar humor eller konst (eller möjligen något annat)/(eller möjligen kan inbegripas i multipla begreppsvärldar).
Till att börja med vill jag understryka verket 'Absolut Blue Noses' enligt vilket aktionsgruppen undersöker olika sätt att förtära (eller använda sig av) alkoholiserade drycken 'Absolut Vodka'. Detta görs i enlighet med konstvärlden (fantasiell kreativitet) men då inget riktigt statement görs (om man bortser från det uppenbara (trams (här utan negativ accient) om en nationalikon)) så får 'Absolut Blue Noses' definieras som ett humorverk.
Senare understryker jag verket 'Kitchen Suprematism' vilket består av tallriksmodeller arrangerade med frukostpålägg i mönster i enlighet med konströrelsen suprematism (bildkonst). Här får aktionen klassas som konst då ingen dramaturgi infinner sig när (då) aktionen enbart replikerar suprematism. Huruvida aktionen får klassas som suprematism eller satirisk fotokonst kan diskuteras men även utan att direkt vara suprematism definieras detta verk som konst.
Jag fortsätter med att definiera 'The Blue Noses Group' inom ramen för begreppsvärldar och uppmärksammar det "uttalade" humorutbytet mellan 'The Blue Noses Group' och 'Anders Johansson' och 'Måns Nilsson'. Men då detta mer var ett segment ur en tv-serie (utbytet resulterade inte i flera "sources" utan utmynnade bara i ett inslag i tv-serien 'Anders och Måns' (variety/sketch)) än ett faktiskt humorutbyte så definierar jag denna aktion som i enlighet med televisionsvärlden.
Jag har i denna essä diskuterat den ryska aktionsgruppen 'The Blue Noses Group' i enlighet (med en utalad strategi med tes (s)om humorvärlden) med de begreppsvärldar aktionerna representerar (humorvärlden+konstvärlden+televisionsvärlden).
// Niclas VI
måndag 27 maj 2019
onsdag 22 maj 2019
Van Gogh Museum - The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh [Museivärlden]
The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh

Van Gogh Museum
The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh
collectible, 1973
The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh i ett postmodernt perspektiv
Här blir historien kring konstnärens verk konst.
The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh i ett modernistiskt perspektiv
Här blir verket ett singulärt attribut (paletten multiplicerat med målningarna).
The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh i ett konceptuellt perspektiv
Här blir verket ett samlarobjekt.
The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh i ett institutionellt perspektiv
Här blir verket ett singulärt attribut (paletten minus målningarna).
The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh i ett klassicistiskt perspektiv
Här blir verket ett "osynligt" (som görs synligt) attribut.
// Niclas VI & Arreality Reiteration Trustee (Fantasy Creature)

Van Gogh Museum
The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh
collectible, 1973
The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh i ett postmodernt perspektiv
Här blir historien kring konstnärens verk konst.
The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh i ett modernistiskt perspektiv
Här blir verket ett singulärt attribut (paletten multiplicerat med målningarna).
The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh i ett konceptuellt perspektiv
Här blir verket ett samlarobjekt.
The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh i ett institutionellt perspektiv
Här blir verket ett singulärt attribut (paletten minus målningarna).
The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh i ett klassicistiskt perspektiv
Här blir verket ett "osynligt" (som görs synligt) attribut.
// Niclas VI & Arreality Reiteration Trustee (Fantasy Creature)
Vincent Van Gogh - The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh [Konstvärlden]
The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh
The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh
conceptual, 1973
The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh i ett postmodernt perspektiv
Här blir historien kring konstnärens verk konst.
The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh i ett modernistiskt perspektiv
Här blir verket ett singulärt attribut (paletten dividerat med målningarna).
The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh i ett konceptuellt perspektiv
Här blir verket historisk kuriosa.
The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh i ett institutionellt perspektiv
Här blir verket ett singulärt attribut (paletten minus målningarna).
The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh i ett klassicistiskt perspektiv
Här blir verket ett föremål för konstnärens idé (olika paletter för olika konstnärer).
// Niclas VI & Arreality Reiteration Trustee (Fantasy Creature)

Vincent Van Gogh
The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh
conceptual, 1973
The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh i ett postmodernt perspektiv
Här blir historien kring konstnärens verk konst.
The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh i ett modernistiskt perspektiv
Här blir verket ett singulärt attribut (paletten dividerat med målningarna).
The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh i ett konceptuellt perspektiv
Här blir verket historisk kuriosa.
The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh i ett institutionellt perspektiv
Här blir verket ett singulärt attribut (paletten minus målningarna).
The Palette Of Vincent Van Gogh i ett klassicistiskt perspektiv
Här blir verket ett föremål för konstnärens idé (olika paletter för olika konstnärer).
// Niclas VI & Arreality Reiteration Trustee (Fantasy Creature)
Arreality Reiteration Trustee (Fantasy Creature),
Conceptual [a],
Niclas VI,
Vincent Van Gogh
tisdag 21 maj 2019
Santa Claus i ett interdimensionellt konceptperspektiv
Jultomten på Marvel
Upon reaching the 2685 the people of the world has grown irrecistiple and in no inclusion for Christmas presents only contradicting in one sense - the superhero team Avengers still was a good guy inclusion and so in eligibility for the Christmas giftbearing.
But all the less; (albeit); Santa Claus was still not able to satisfy the demand as all the Avengers partners was growning full beard ('What if all Avengers partners were growing beard' (multiverse What if-point)) and in so wishing for razors for Christmas. But as Christmas only happens once a year and the Avengers members (the giftbearing Christmas demand) saught for (demanded) razors to shave their beard every one and other day Santa Claus needed to bring multiple and multiple of razors which he could not comply for.
Santa Claus' next move was cunning inso travelling to a new universe (multiverse) with What if-point 'What if all Avengers members were kittens' hoping to be able to comply with their demand. But the complacement was that their caretakers (their masters and mistresses) was giving the kittens Russian caviar every day to be shed in a soft light (as for naughtyness) and inthat striving for Christmas presents. Santa Claus saw through this but still couldn't comply with the kittens demand of Russian caviar each day and was in for a new dimensional travel.
Next time Santa Claus travelled to a multiverse with What if-point in the convention of 'What if all Avengers were Great Grands'. Doing so Santa Claus needed (for the Christmas giftbearing activity) just a chocolate present box to each of the Avengers contraptiots.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
Upon reaching the 2685 the people of the world has grown irrecistiple and in no inclusion for Christmas presents only contradicting in one sense - the superhero team Avengers still was a good guy inclusion and so in eligibility for the Christmas giftbearing.
But all the less; (albeit); Santa Claus was still not able to satisfy the demand as all the Avengers partners was growning full beard ('What if all Avengers partners were growing beard' (multiverse What if-point)) and in so wishing for razors for Christmas. But as Christmas only happens once a year and the Avengers members (the giftbearing Christmas demand) saught for (demanded) razors to shave their beard every one and other day Santa Claus needed to bring multiple and multiple of razors which he could not comply for.
Santa Claus' next move was cunning inso travelling to a new universe (multiverse) with What if-point 'What if all Avengers members were kittens' hoping to be able to comply with their demand. But the complacement was that their caretakers (their masters and mistresses) was giving the kittens Russian caviar every day to be shed in a soft light (as for naughtyness) and inthat striving for Christmas presents. Santa Claus saw through this but still couldn't comply with the kittens demand of Russian caviar each day and was in for a new dimensional travel.
Next time Santa Claus travelled to a multiverse with What if-point in the convention of 'What if all Avengers were Great Grands'. Doing so Santa Claus needed (for the Christmas giftbearing activity) just a chocolate present box to each of the Avengers contraptiots.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona),
tisdag 14 maj 2019
Santa Claus i ett subversivt reseperspektiv
Jultomten i Månen
Our date of events is 2686 and the Moon has so been included in the Christmas giftbearing - albeit; thue; a recent scientific awake called for 'The Moon is made of cheese and the Moon is round' - layering a practical impossibility in the giftbearing.
Date of events so 2687 and the most recent scientific theory pronouanced 'The Moon is made of cheese or the Moon is round' layering a much higher productivity (in the Christmas giftbearing).
Albeit; thue; for real; the same year (on our next Christmas) Santa Claus found it hard to cover the Moon area - both monetary and practically - but got the Christmas giftbearing for the Moon area handled by the Grand Stork (who now then covers both the childbearing (the Man on the Moon's (Gubben i Månen) children)) and giftbearing for the Moon area) (highly revitalized in concept of increasing massfunds due to good acting Fermenta stocks).
For real; the year 2688; Santa Claus recuperated and was handling the child- and giftbearing on Earth as a return favour for the Grand Stork.
So for Christmas the same year everyone gets their will when - proclaiming 'Every child is an artist' - the parents fullfill with an art(ist) piece and - the children - will get a new home.
For real (yeah; exactly); next year (2689); the Man on the Mars (Gubben i Mars) abducts the Man on the Moon's children and later on the same year - after tinkering a while - the Man on the Mars brainwashes (bad child raising) the kids to help with an invasion of Earth.
This could have gotten past (Santa Claus and the Grand Stork) if it wasn't for the fact that one of the childs was God's (deabstractified) son.
Within the invasion; Santa Claus counter with relabeling (the kids (w/ diapers)) 'Pissing Children From Mars' (conceptual mass intervention (Itziar Okariz (2007))) and (God's son) 'Piss Christ' (original art piece (Andres Serrano (1987)) adaptation) (so the children were of no (harm) threat).
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
And so the world was once yet saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
Our date of events is 2686 and the Moon has so been included in the Christmas giftbearing - albeit; thue; a recent scientific awake called for 'The Moon is made of cheese and the Moon is round' - layering a practical impossibility in the giftbearing.
Date of events so 2687 and the most recent scientific theory pronouanced 'The Moon is made of cheese or the Moon is round' layering a much higher productivity (in the Christmas giftbearing).
Albeit; thue; for real; the same year (on our next Christmas) Santa Claus found it hard to cover the Moon area - both monetary and practically - but got the Christmas giftbearing for the Moon area handled by the Grand Stork (who now then covers both the childbearing (the Man on the Moon's (Gubben i Månen) children)) and giftbearing for the Moon area) (highly revitalized in concept of increasing massfunds due to good acting Fermenta stocks).
For real; the year 2688; Santa Claus recuperated and was handling the child- and giftbearing on Earth as a return favour for the Grand Stork.
So for Christmas the same year everyone gets their will when - proclaiming 'Every child is an artist' - the parents fullfill with an art(ist) piece and - the children - will get a new home.
For real (yeah; exactly); next year (2689); the Man on the Mars (Gubben i Mars) abducts the Man on the Moon's children and later on the same year - after tinkering a while - the Man on the Mars brainwashes (bad child raising) the kids to help with an invasion of Earth.
This could have gotten past (Santa Claus and the Grand Stork) if it wasn't for the fact that one of the childs was God's (deabstractified) son.
Within the invasion; Santa Claus counter with relabeling (the kids (w/ diapers)) 'Pissing Children From Mars' (conceptual mass intervention (Itziar Okariz (2007))) and (God's son) 'Piss Christ' (original art piece (Andres Serrano (1987)) adaptation) (so the children were of no (harm) threat).
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
And so the world was once yet saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona),
tisdag 7 maj 2019
Santa Claus i ett minimalistiskt konstperspektiv
Santa Claus i ett minimalistiskt konstperspektiv
We are at 3700 and Santa Claus again finds a problem getting eqivocal funds for his Christmas giftbearing since contractors sold out North Pole and Santa Claus had to reply with buying his lot at named living space.
Santa Claus now had to go really cheap and finds himself with Christmas gifts as Ben Vautier's 'Nothing' (2018); Diana Brockparty's 'Vacuum' (2389); Richard Greatfunkle's 'Virtual Particle' (2508) and Gry Funkleheads' 'Higgs Particle' (2667). Sorryly; thue - 'Vacuum' got itself negated with Rosa Littlelina's (who attended the same art school as the artist of 'Making Her Bead' (My Bed-(Tracey Emin) intervention))) 'Vacuum Cleaner' (dada intervention); 'Virtual Particle' (who got itself tested for a few Christmases) seemed to be at the sled and about to be delivered (Christmas giftbearing) when about to be made inventory for and at the Santa Claus factory when under Santa Claus' delivery phase (Christmas giftbearing) and 'Higgs Particle' seemed to make the Santa Claus' sled immobile in sky (mobile on ground).
The last outpost (in the Christmas giftbearing) was so turned to 'Nothing' if it wasn't for Santa Claus' turnaround not wanting to give the world's nicest kids nothing for Christmas. And, again; in the next turnaround to the tale some mix-up in the sender's part saw Santa Claus getting Donald Judd's soul (2 billion dollar) instead of 'Nothing' (500 dollar).
Santa Claus could now satisfy both the world's children (hard packages) and the world's grown ups in his new trade of furniture Christmas gifts.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
We are at 3700 and Santa Claus again finds a problem getting eqivocal funds for his Christmas giftbearing since contractors sold out North Pole and Santa Claus had to reply with buying his lot at named living space.
Santa Claus now had to go really cheap and finds himself with Christmas gifts as Ben Vautier's 'Nothing' (2018); Diana Brockparty's 'Vacuum' (2389); Richard Greatfunkle's 'Virtual Particle' (2508) and Gry Funkleheads' 'Higgs Particle' (2667). Sorryly; thue - 'Vacuum' got itself negated with Rosa Littlelina's (who attended the same art school as the artist of 'Making Her Bead' (My Bed-(Tracey Emin) intervention))) 'Vacuum Cleaner' (dada intervention); 'Virtual Particle' (who got itself tested for a few Christmases) seemed to be at the sled and about to be delivered (Christmas giftbearing) when about to be made inventory for and at the Santa Claus factory when under Santa Claus' delivery phase (Christmas giftbearing) and 'Higgs Particle' seemed to make the Santa Claus' sled immobile in sky (mobile on ground).
The last outpost (in the Christmas giftbearing) was so turned to 'Nothing' if it wasn't for Santa Claus' turnaround not wanting to give the world's nicest kids nothing for Christmas. And, again; in the next turnaround to the tale some mix-up in the sender's part saw Santa Claus getting Donald Judd's soul (2 billion dollar) instead of 'Nothing' (500 dollar).
Santa Claus could now satisfy both the world's children (hard packages) and the world's grown ups in his new trade of furniture Christmas gifts.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona),
Science World
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