Comedian [Konstvärlden]
Maurizio Cattelan
site-specific banana, 2019
Comedian i ett postmodernt perspektiv
Many works is being renovated now and then but here the banana is interchanged with a fresh banana every and then making the work last forever (with a fresh look allthewhile).
Comedian i ett essentiellt perspektiv
The artist is here transfering any innate value from himself (the artist) to the art work.
Comedian i ett institutionellt perspektiv
If the art world says it's art the art piece becomes art.
Comedian i ett pop art-konstperspektiv
The question here arrise if any substitution (to a fresh banana) is defined as a copy or not.
Comedian i ett outsider art-konstperspektiv
The notion is that of the artist being downgraded from artist to comedian.
Comedian [Kostnvärlden]
Maurizio Cattelan
found banana, 2019
Comedian i ett postmodernt perspektiv
The banana is here the banana.
Comedian i ett essentiellt perspektiv
The artist is here transfering any innate value from himself (the artist) to the art work.
Comedian i ett institutionellt perspektiv
If the art world says it's art the art piece becomes art.
Comedian i ett pop art-konstperspektiv
The banana is here a banana.
Comedian i ett outsider art-konstperspektiv
The banana is here not the banana and not a banana but some banana.
// Henrik VII
söndag 26 januari 2020
lördag 25 januari 2020
Santa Claus i ett kriminologiskt gudaperspektiv
Jultomten av Nyheterna
No sooner than later Christmas is being protected by a special Christmas court (3512) that will penalize Christmas offences. This is the story of some Christmases and some offences put on liable Christmas court proceedings.
First example of a Christmas crime came when 7-year-old 'Bertram Hollyfield' pulled Santa Clauses beard and for that he was penalized with 'no christmas candy to be eaten for 10 consecutive Christmases'.
Second example of a Christmas crime came when 8-year-old 'Sven Frickleghost' pre-opened (Santa Claus by now predelivered some gifts (delivered by some mere week before Christmas but to not open before Christmas)) some gifts and for that he was penalized with 'no dancing around the Christmas tree for 5 consecutive Christmases'.
Third example of a Christmas crime came when 8-year-old 'Hilda Gunnelsson' opened her little brothers Christmas gifts and for that she was penalized with 'no gifts to be recieved for next Christmas'.
Fourth example of a Christmas crime came when 26-year-old 'Beatha Newground' was doping herself (to be able to opened her Christmas gifts in superspeed) with rice porridge w/ sugar, cinnamon and amphetamine and for that she was penalized with 'only soft gifts to be recieved (indefinitely)'.
Fifth example of a Christmas crime came when 23-year-old 'Sewert Malmberg' virus-infected Santa Claus' digital naughty-list files to be held in a better day and for that he was penalized with 'no Christmas celebration (no Santa Claus home visits) for 5 consecutive Christmases' if it wasn't for 'Sewert Malmberg' to take under a Christmas crime solicitation meaning he would have his penalty cancelled after he began working for Santa Claus as an elf with technical skills working on the anti-virus infected naughty-list.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
And so the (new) technical elf (Sewert Malmberg) was yet victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
No sooner than later Christmas is being protected by a special Christmas court (3512) that will penalize Christmas offences. This is the story of some Christmases and some offences put on liable Christmas court proceedings.
First example of a Christmas crime came when 7-year-old 'Bertram Hollyfield' pulled Santa Clauses beard and for that he was penalized with 'no christmas candy to be eaten for 10 consecutive Christmases'.
Second example of a Christmas crime came when 8-year-old 'Sven Frickleghost' pre-opened (Santa Claus by now predelivered some gifts (delivered by some mere week before Christmas but to not open before Christmas)) some gifts and for that he was penalized with 'no dancing around the Christmas tree for 5 consecutive Christmases'.
Third example of a Christmas crime came when 8-year-old 'Hilda Gunnelsson' opened her little brothers Christmas gifts and for that she was penalized with 'no gifts to be recieved for next Christmas'.
Fourth example of a Christmas crime came when 26-year-old 'Beatha Newground' was doping herself (to be able to opened her Christmas gifts in superspeed) with rice porridge w/ sugar, cinnamon and amphetamine and for that she was penalized with 'only soft gifts to be recieved (indefinitely)'.
Fifth example of a Christmas crime came when 23-year-old 'Sewert Malmberg' virus-infected Santa Claus' digital naughty-list files to be held in a better day and for that he was penalized with 'no Christmas celebration (no Santa Claus home visits) for 5 consecutive Christmases' if it wasn't for 'Sewert Malmberg' to take under a Christmas crime solicitation meaning he would have his penalty cancelled after he began working for Santa Claus as an elf with technical skills working on the anti-virus infected naughty-list.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
And so the (new) technical elf (Sewert Malmberg) was yet victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona),
fredag 24 januari 2020
När Är Det Humor (Part 8)
När Är Det Humor (Part 8)
Jag kommer i den här essän diskutera humorteori enligt de fyra typiska konstteorierna (essentiella; traditionella; metafysiska; institutionella) för att (om möjligt) se hur väl de kan användas för att analysera humor. Jag presenterar först en överblick över representationer av teorin för att sedan visa på något (känt) (humor)verk inom respektive teori.
Den traditionella humorteorin
Till den traditionella humorteorin hör vitsar av olika slag (theoretical jokes) då oftast med något fast tema där kännedomen hos tematan (bellmanhistorier; Norgehistorier; alla barnen-skämt; sa flickan-vitsar m.m) kan sägas bedöma hur - med en typy av minsta gemensamma nämnare (allmän kännedom) - väl vitsen är humor.
Den institutionella humorteorin
Till den institutionella humorteorin hör all humor som humorvärlden har bestämt är humor - med exempel standup-komedi. Avsaknaden av reell kvalitetsbedömd humor (till skillnad från konstvärlden där det förekommer agenter (sammanslutningar) som bedömer vad som är konst eller inte) gör att humorvärlden lånar en subvärld (vardagsrealismvärlden). Bedömningen vad som - i det här fallet - gör standup till humor leds av den stora massan (även om humorkritik existerar i viss mån).
Den essentiella humorteorin
Till den essentiella humorteorin hör sådan humor som inte direkt appelerar till skrattet utan kan sägas inneha någon inneboende kvalitet som gör att den klassas som humor även utan ett bifallet skratt (se te.x Andres Lokko och dennes uttalande om att humor inte ska förväxlas med något som är roligt).
Den metafysiska humorteorin
Till den metafysiska humorteorin hör humor som kan sägas ligga i gränslandet till te.x konst där performance comedy kan vara det bästa exemplet där ett exempel på ett verk kan ges med en komiker (okänd) som gör scenen till sin födelsedagsfest med publiken som de invalda gästerna.
// Niclas IV & Niclas V & Niclas VI
Jag kommer i den här essän diskutera humorteori enligt de fyra typiska konstteorierna (essentiella; traditionella; metafysiska; institutionella) för att (om möjligt) se hur väl de kan användas för att analysera humor. Jag presenterar först en överblick över representationer av teorin för att sedan visa på något (känt) (humor)verk inom respektive teori.
Den traditionella humorteorin
Till den traditionella humorteorin hör vitsar av olika slag (theoretical jokes) då oftast med något fast tema där kännedomen hos tematan (bellmanhistorier; Norgehistorier; alla barnen-skämt; sa flickan-vitsar m.m) kan sägas bedöma hur - med en typy av minsta gemensamma nämnare (allmän kännedom) - väl vitsen är humor.
Den institutionella humorteorin
Till den institutionella humorteorin hör all humor som humorvärlden har bestämt är humor - med exempel standup-komedi. Avsaknaden av reell kvalitetsbedömd humor (till skillnad från konstvärlden där det förekommer agenter (sammanslutningar) som bedömer vad som är konst eller inte) gör att humorvärlden lånar en subvärld (vardagsrealismvärlden). Bedömningen vad som - i det här fallet - gör standup till humor leds av den stora massan (även om humorkritik existerar i viss mån).
Den essentiella humorteorin
Till den essentiella humorteorin hör sådan humor som inte direkt appelerar till skrattet utan kan sägas inneha någon inneboende kvalitet som gör att den klassas som humor även utan ett bifallet skratt (se te.x Andres Lokko och dennes uttalande om att humor inte ska förväxlas med något som är roligt).
Den metafysiska humorteorin
Till den metafysiska humorteorin hör humor som kan sägas ligga i gränslandet till te.x konst där performance comedy kan vara det bästa exemplet där ett exempel på ett verk kan ges med en komiker (okänd) som gör scenen till sin födelsedagsfest med publiken som de invalda gästerna.
// Niclas IV & Niclas V & Niclas VI
Niclas IV,
Niclas V,
Niclas VI
torsdag 23 januari 2020
Top 50 Murderers [49]
49. Ed Gein
Serial killer
American serial killer and grave robber - the inspiration for Buffalo Bill and Norman Bates.
// Henrik*
Serial killer
American serial killer and grave robber - the inspiration for Buffalo Bill and Norman Bates.
// Henrik*
onsdag 22 januari 2020
Top 100 Movies [97]
97. Rounders
Representation av pokerspel med Matt Damon och Edward Norton (som professionella spelare) som fungerar bra då det finns en metafysisk komponent i spelet (poker).
// Niclas III & Niclas VI
Representation av pokerspel med Matt Damon och Edward Norton (som professionella spelare) som fungerar bra då det finns en metafysisk komponent i spelet (poker).
// Niclas III & Niclas VI
måndag 20 januari 2020
The Knost World
The Knost World
In the knost world - all art is an idea; rectified or simpified. Rectified; the idea brings a new notion to the artpiece - which in this setting works in conjunction to the already apparent art world - and so guides it through an idea - while simplified; the idea is the artpiece - without any restrictions of the art world.
Conceptual art (world) and the knost world
In this case the conceptual notion brings a meta-perspective to the constant that is the art piece in the knost world without leaving any rendered function in the art world. This is a powerful weapon as this meta-perspective is hard to accomplish without the knost world - and - mimick the frame of mind of the artist whose conscioussness derivation often implies meta-narratives. While this is - under a postmodern era - achievable within the art world (with manipulated ideas attached to the restproduct) the knost world brings a shortcut; without the frames of the (art) world so easily anti-contructive (damaged).
Sculpture art (world) and the knost world
Oftentimes cited and applied with much controversy the classical sculptural notion (stricly representable) brings an anti-art notion to the art piece (with or without a comorbid art world) and so mimick the state of mind of the artist (anti or antianti) whom oftentimes shallow away from the endproduct which - in a postmodern era - is a tight notch of the artists concept and the endstate of the art piece (representable or non-representable).
The Miusk World
The miusk world is the music world's equivivalent of the knost world and - as it is implied with much more focus on the observer (the music piece listener) it implies switched narrations - that mimicks a relational art piece (the art world) - sometimes to the extent of both the music composer and the listener (the knost world) but mosttimes just the listener (the miusk world). As inclined; the surreal notion is applicable to any miusk world pieces but on the contrary not to any music world pieces (quite possibly to art music pieces thue (musique concrète)).
// Henrik Aronsson (Other World Persona)
In the knost world - all art is an idea; rectified or simpified. Rectified; the idea brings a new notion to the artpiece - which in this setting works in conjunction to the already apparent art world - and so guides it through an idea - while simplified; the idea is the artpiece - without any restrictions of the art world.
Conceptual art (world) and the knost world
In this case the conceptual notion brings a meta-perspective to the constant that is the art piece in the knost world without leaving any rendered function in the art world. This is a powerful weapon as this meta-perspective is hard to accomplish without the knost world - and - mimick the frame of mind of the artist whose conscioussness derivation often implies meta-narratives. While this is - under a postmodern era - achievable within the art world (with manipulated ideas attached to the restproduct) the knost world brings a shortcut; without the frames of the (art) world so easily anti-contructive (damaged).
Sculpture art (world) and the knost world
Oftentimes cited and applied with much controversy the classical sculptural notion (stricly representable) brings an anti-art notion to the art piece (with or without a comorbid art world) and so mimick the state of mind of the artist (anti or antianti) whom oftentimes shallow away from the endproduct which - in a postmodern era - is a tight notch of the artists concept and the endstate of the art piece (representable or non-representable).
The Miusk World
The miusk world is the music world's equivivalent of the knost world and - as it is implied with much more focus on the observer (the music piece listener) it implies switched narrations - that mimicks a relational art piece (the art world) - sometimes to the extent of both the music composer and the listener (the knost world) but mosttimes just the listener (the miusk world). As inclined; the surreal notion is applicable to any miusk world pieces but on the contrary not to any music world pieces (quite possibly to art music pieces thue (musique concrète)).
// Henrik Aronsson (Other World Persona)
söndag 19 januari 2020
Ultra64 - Fever City [Miuskvärlden]
Fever City
Fever City
surreal, synth, ambient, 2019
Ultra64 (formerly Babylon Disco; IYOV) and the ghost of music (D-Trash Records) brings switched narrations and a rollercoaster of emotions that eventually ends up in a dream.
// Henrik III
Fever City
surreal, synth, ambient, 2019
Ultra64 (formerly Babylon Disco; IYOV) and the ghost of music (D-Trash Records) brings switched narrations and a rollercoaster of emotions that eventually ends up in a dream.
// Henrik III
Henrik III,
Surreal [m],
torsdag 16 januari 2020
Top 75 Television Series [73]
onsdag 15 januari 2020
Top 100 Movies [98]
söndag 12 januari 2020
Niclas Citron - Universe Generator [Konstvärlden]
Universe Generator
Niclas Citron
Universe Generator
found art studio, 2012
The crypt of a device that could create universes in a sort of a readymade installation - yet - some vintage computers in the art studio of the artist.
// Niclas III & Niclas IV & Niclas V & Niclas VI & Niclas VII
Niclas Citron
Universe Generator
found art studio, 2012
The crypt of a device that could create universes in a sort of a readymade installation - yet - some vintage computers in the art studio of the artist.
// Niclas III & Niclas IV & Niclas V & Niclas VI & Niclas VII
lördag 11 januari 2020
Top 50 Murderers [50]
50. Maksim Gelman
Spree stabber/Vehicular murderer
Killer skater known for the Maksim Gelman stabbing spree which involved both knife + car.
// Henrik*
Spree stabber/Vehicular murderer
Killer skater known for the Maksim Gelman stabbing spree which involved both knife + car.
// Henrik*
Spree Stabber,
Vehicular Murderer
fredag 10 januari 2020
Top 50 Murderers [Just outside the list]
65. Charles Whitman
Spree killer/School shooter
The Texas Tower Sniper.
64. Patrick Wood Crusius
Spree shooter
Attack on Dayton patriarchy.
63. February 9th Killer
Serial killer
Killings at February 9th.
62. Timothy McVeigh
Serial bomber
Oklohoma-dådets verkställare.
61. Richard Ramirez
Serial killer
The Night Stalker.
60. Anders Eklund
Serial killer
Mordet på Engla (-).
59. Gary Ridgway
Serial killer
Body count (+) - MO (-).
58. Gerald and Charlene Gallego
Serial killers
Soul-devouring couple.
57. Dennis Rader
Serial killer
The BTK killer.
56. Jeffrey Weise
Spree shooter/Mass murderer/School shooter
He might have Regret it.
55. Michael Francis
Single murderer
The Grand Psychopath.
54. Nathaniel Bar-Jonah
Serial killer
The Mad Short-Order Cook.
53. Peter Mangs
Serial shooter
Former musician turned killer.
52. Adam Lanza
Spree shooter/School shooter
Classically trained.
51. Steven Kazmierczak
Spree shooter/School shooter
Multiple personality disorders.
// Niclas III & Niclas IV & Henrik*
Spree killer/School shooter
The Texas Tower Sniper.
64. Patrick Wood Crusius
Spree shooter
Attack on Dayton patriarchy.
63. February 9th Killer
Serial killer
Killings at February 9th.
62. Timothy McVeigh
Serial bomber
Oklohoma-dådets verkställare.
61. Richard Ramirez
Serial killer
The Night Stalker.
60. Anders Eklund
Serial killer
Mordet på Engla (-).
59. Gary Ridgway
Serial killer
Body count (+) - MO (-).
58. Gerald and Charlene Gallego
Serial killers
Soul-devouring couple.
57. Dennis Rader
Serial killer
The BTK killer.
56. Jeffrey Weise
Spree shooter/Mass murderer/School shooter
He might have Regret it.
55. Michael Francis
Single murderer
The Grand Psychopath.
54. Nathaniel Bar-Jonah
Serial killer
The Mad Short-Order Cook.
53. Peter Mangs
Serial shooter
Former musician turned killer.
52. Adam Lanza
Spree shooter/School shooter
Classically trained.
51. Steven Kazmierczak
Spree shooter/School shooter
Multiple personality disorders.
// Niclas III & Niclas IV & Henrik*
Niclas III,
Niclas IV,
torsdag 9 januari 2020
Top 75 Television Series [74]
onsdag 8 januari 2020
Top 100 Movies [99]
99. Toy Story 2
Animated comedy
Andra filmen om leksaker med liv med roll av såväl en fiktiv Buzz Lightyear som en verklig Buzz Lightyear som en kopia av Buzz Lightyear som en verklig kopia av Buzz Lightyear som en fiktiv verklig Buzz Lightyear.
// Niclas VI & Niclas VII
Animated comedy
Andra filmen om leksaker med liv med roll av såväl en fiktiv Buzz Lightyear som en verklig Buzz Lightyear som en kopia av Buzz Lightyear som en verklig kopia av Buzz Lightyear som en fiktiv verklig Buzz Lightyear.
// Niclas VI & Niclas VII
Animation [f],
Comedy [f],
Niclas VI,
Niclas VII
söndag 5 januari 2020
Maurizio Cattelan - Comedian
Comedian [Knostvärlden]
Maurizio Cattelan
conceptual banana, 2019
Comedian i ett postpostmodernt perspektiv
The idea of the banana is the idea of all art pieces (that exist) and in the idea of the idea of the banana; the banana substitutes all existing art work.
Comedian i ett postmodernt perspektiv
The idea of the banana is the idea of all art pieces (of that specific artist) and in the idea of the idea of the banana; the banana substitutes all art work created by that artist.
Comedian i ett modernistiskt perspektiv
The banana substitutes all existing art works that is the banana constantly evolving with the replacement of the banana in action.
Comedian [Konstvärlden]
Maurizio Cattelan
site-specific banana, 2019
Comedian i ett postpostmodernt perspektiv
The banana substitutes all existing art works at this (that) museum.
Comedian i ett postmodernt perspektiv
The art work highlights trade and bananas in a way to raise ethical questions regarding the banana industry.
Comedian i ett modernistiskt perspektiv
In a way of perhaps the cheapest art work ever created it way sold for $120000.
Comedian [Komedivärlden]
Maurizio Cattelan
conceptual slapstick, 2019
Comedian i ett postpostmodernt konstperspektiv
Verket symboliserar hur konstnären halkat in på ett bananskal i konstvärlden.
Comedian i ett postmodernt perspektiv
The art work highlights trade and bananas in a twist of relational art.
Comedian i ett modernistiskt perspektiv
In a way of perhaps the cheapest art work ever created it way sold for $120000 in a Damien Hirst-esq twist.
// Henrik VII & Niclas¤
Maurizio Cattelan
conceptual banana, 2019
Comedian i ett postpostmodernt perspektiv
The idea of the banana is the idea of all art pieces (that exist) and in the idea of the idea of the banana; the banana substitutes all existing art work.
Comedian i ett postmodernt perspektiv
The idea of the banana is the idea of all art pieces (of that specific artist) and in the idea of the idea of the banana; the banana substitutes all art work created by that artist.
Comedian i ett modernistiskt perspektiv
The banana substitutes all existing art works that is the banana constantly evolving with the replacement of the banana in action.
Comedian [Konstvärlden]
Maurizio Cattelan
site-specific banana, 2019
Comedian i ett postpostmodernt perspektiv
The banana substitutes all existing art works at this (that) museum.
Comedian i ett postmodernt perspektiv
The art work highlights trade and bananas in a way to raise ethical questions regarding the banana industry.
Comedian i ett modernistiskt perspektiv
In a way of perhaps the cheapest art work ever created it way sold for $120000.
Comedian [Komedivärlden]
Maurizio Cattelan
conceptual slapstick, 2019
Comedian i ett postpostmodernt konstperspektiv
Verket symboliserar hur konstnären halkat in på ett bananskal i konstvärlden.
Comedian i ett postmodernt perspektiv
The art work highlights trade and bananas in a twist of relational art.
Comedian i ett modernistiskt perspektiv
In a way of perhaps the cheapest art work ever created it way sold for $120000 in a Damien Hirst-esq twist.
// Henrik VII & Niclas¤
Conceptual Banana,
Conceptual Slapstick,
Henrik VII,
Maurizio Cattelan,
SIte-specific Banana
lördag 4 januari 2020
Top 75 Television Series [75]
fredag 3 januari 2020
Top 75 Television Series [Just outside the list]
81. Supersnällasilversara och Stålhenrik
Childrens superhero
SM i alliteration.
80. Kent Agent och de hemliga ställena
Kamp mot Tutti-Frutta.
79. Animaniacs
Animated comedy
Laugh till you collapse.
78. Monty Python's Flying Circus
Surreal sketch comedy
With Doctor (Comedy) Cleese.
77. Brainiac: History Abuse
Documentary entertainment
Historycentric version av Brainiac.
76. SpongeBob SquarePants (tyskt tal)
Animated surreal slapstick
SpongeBob Schwammkopf (animation).
// Niclas III & Niclas V & Henrik II
Childrens superhero
SM i alliteration.
80. Kent Agent och de hemliga ställena
Kamp mot Tutti-Frutta.
79. Animaniacs
Animated comedy
Laugh till you collapse.
78. Monty Python's Flying Circus
Surreal sketch comedy
With Doctor (Comedy) Cleese.
77. Brainiac: History Abuse
Documentary entertainment
Historycentric version av Brainiac.
76. SpongeBob SquarePants (tyskt tal)
Animated surreal slapstick
SpongeBob Schwammkopf (animation).
// Niclas III & Niclas V & Henrik II
Animated Comedy,
Animation [t],
Childrens Superhero,
Documentary Entertainment,
Henrik II,
Niclas III,
Niclas V,
Sketch Comedy,
Surreal [t],
Surreal Slapstick,
torsdag 2 januari 2020
Top 100 Television Series [Assorted]
The Simpsons
Animated sitcom
Camp Lazlo
Animated slapstick sitcom
Space Cadets
Prank science fiction
Last Comic Standing
Reality talent competition
Dokument: Humor
Comedy documentary
Surreal medical drama-comedy
I Shouldn't Be Alive
Survival biography-documentary
Work of Art: The Next Great Artist
Reality competition
The Lone Gunmen
Drama-comedy conspiracy fiction thriller
The Girls Next Door
Gummi Bears
Animated adventure-comedy fantasy
Brainiac: Science Abuse
Documentary entertainment
Sports reality
Nerds FC
Sports reality
Trigger Happy TV
Directed prank-reality
// Niclas III & Niclas IV & Niclas VI & Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
Animated sitcom
Camp Lazlo
Animated slapstick sitcom
Space Cadets
Prank science fiction
Last Comic Standing
Reality talent competition
Dokument: Humor
Comedy documentary
Surreal medical drama-comedy
I Shouldn't Be Alive
Survival biography-documentary
Work of Art: The Next Great Artist
Reality competition
The Lone Gunmen
Drama-comedy conspiracy fiction thriller
The Girls Next Door
Gummi Bears
Animated adventure-comedy fantasy
Brainiac: Science Abuse
Documentary entertainment
Sports reality
Nerds FC
Sports reality
Trigger Happy TV
Directed prank-reality
// Niclas III & Niclas IV & Niclas VI & Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
onsdag 1 januari 2020
Top 100 Movies [100]
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