The Micro People
The Micro People's (fantasy creatures) origin is based upon quantum theory as every new and other old (and new) springs now and then with a life expectancy of a few seconds to some minutes. There are no (known) ways of predicting the origin and several fantasy creatures can be handled at the same time.
Micro People Guardian
A supervising guardian can be attached to the micro people prolonging their life expectancy by up to 5 - 10 times. While attached to this guardian the micro people work as predicted (or maybe rather not predicted) with the guardian's life stemming for the micro people (the micro people can only work so long as the guardian is alive). Please mark that this cooperative is not the same as a meta-narrative; narrative function.
Micro People and Telepathy
The telepathic mode of the micro people is non-existing even when attached to a supervising guardian. The guardian thue may work with telepathy even when attached to the micro people (the micro people allthewhile hold a non-existing telepathic channeling).
Micro People and Scarlet Witch
Scarlet Witch - at one time gaining fantasy creatures from where and elsewhere - seems to be at least somewhat interested in the micro people. Although she can controll wheather someone (or not) fantasy creatures (of her) can act as a supervising guardian to anyone micro people in hostage - she can not controll the core of the micro people (maybe this explains why she's not fully instructed to uphold the micro people).
Micro People and the True/True Origin Fantasy Creature
At first sight it might seem of the possibility that micro people can undergo transformation to a true/true origin fantasy creature. However; this is just mere illusion (the micro people can not transform to a true/true origin fantasy creature) even if the concept of true/true origin fantasy creatures is debated.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona) & Henrik III
söndag 28 april 2019
The Micro People
Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona),
Henrik III
måndag 22 april 2019
Santa Claus i ett kapplöpningskonceptperspektiv
Jultomten på Toto
The days went on and on until the next Christmas (3607) is in the perimeter and Santa Claus is now desperate for a new head raindeer - so desperate as to launch a test series of raindeer runs from the North Pole to some mayor big cities (New York; New Delhi; San Fransisco; Melbourne; Novosibirsk) around the world.
But upon testing his new big best (raindeer) some talent scouts from the big toto-races in New York got the word about the tests and thought they might include the big best (raindeer) on the toto market of said city.
Everyhing was seen as to - from the talent scout's perception - snatch the big best (raindeer) from the Santa Claus activities if it wasn't for one big obstacle - the totomarket is based around running horses and not raindeers.
But - all the while - some inflation have gone on since Mark Wallinger's 'A Real Work Of Art' (1994) with more and more horses turned art pieces (or the other way around) and maybe, maybe if it was to be hefted as a Christmas work as while as a Toto work it could be allowed on (lobbying on and on and on and on).
And then came the day - with the sky as blue as blue marble (?!); a crowd as hefty as in a football arena and the mud-type of underlining perfectly dried - everything was set for the big best (raindeer) to test its skills as a racehorse (raindeer).
And then, by the first corner; the voice from the loud speaker announced 'A Real Christmas Present' as the now actual leader and first among the confortments of the toto-track - but; just behind - where the top racehorse and the all-well favourite - the many-generations (count them) decendency from 'A Real Work Of Art' -- the 'True Classic Work Of Art'!
The race went on and more and more of its battle seem to be constringent to 'A Real Christmas Present' (Christmas World; Toto World) and 'True Classic Work Of Art' (Toto World; Art World) with the two horses nose to nose all the while going into the last corner of the first lap.
Then the high outer - as swiftly as pressing meat in a meat factory – laid it clieves on the leading position running apast every other horse on the outside -- this was 'Living Horse Meat (Good On Sundays)' (ICA World; Toto World) primetime on the racehorse track.
But everything came to be decided on the last corner of the last lap when every one and other child in the crowd as well as in front of its television apparatus took their wishes for a nice placement for their eveyones (!!) (every well-behaving childs (!!!)) big best (raindeer) and saw it cross the finish line one half nose in front of 'True Classic Work Of Art' and 'Living Horse Meat (Good On Sundays)'.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
And so Christmas (and the Toto World) was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
The days went on and on until the next Christmas (3607) is in the perimeter and Santa Claus is now desperate for a new head raindeer - so desperate as to launch a test series of raindeer runs from the North Pole to some mayor big cities (New York; New Delhi; San Fransisco; Melbourne; Novosibirsk) around the world.
But upon testing his new big best (raindeer) some talent scouts from the big toto-races in New York got the word about the tests and thought they might include the big best (raindeer) on the toto market of said city.
Everyhing was seen as to - from the talent scout's perception - snatch the big best (raindeer) from the Santa Claus activities if it wasn't for one big obstacle - the totomarket is based around running horses and not raindeers.
But - all the while - some inflation have gone on since Mark Wallinger's 'A Real Work Of Art' (1994) with more and more horses turned art pieces (or the other way around) and maybe, maybe if it was to be hefted as a Christmas work as while as a Toto work it could be allowed on (lobbying on and on and on and on).
And then came the day - with the sky as blue as blue marble (?!); a crowd as hefty as in a football arena and the mud-type of underlining perfectly dried - everything was set for the big best (raindeer) to test its skills as a racehorse (raindeer).
And then, by the first corner; the voice from the loud speaker announced 'A Real Christmas Present' as the now actual leader and first among the confortments of the toto-track - but; just behind - where the top racehorse and the all-well favourite - the many-generations (count them) decendency from 'A Real Work Of Art' -- the 'True Classic Work Of Art'!
The race went on and more and more of its battle seem to be constringent to 'A Real Christmas Present' (Christmas World; Toto World) and 'True Classic Work Of Art' (Toto World; Art World) with the two horses nose to nose all the while going into the last corner of the first lap.
Then the high outer - as swiftly as pressing meat in a meat factory – laid it clieves on the leading position running apast every other horse on the outside -- this was 'Living Horse Meat (Good On Sundays)' (ICA World; Toto World) primetime on the racehorse track.
But everything came to be decided on the last corner of the last lap when every one and other child in the crowd as well as in front of its television apparatus took their wishes for a nice placement for their eveyones (!!) (every well-behaving childs (!!!)) big best (raindeer) and saw it cross the finish line one half nose in front of 'True Classic Work Of Art' and 'Living Horse Meat (Good On Sundays)'.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
And so Christmas (and the Toto World) was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona),
fredag 19 april 2019
Christo & Jeanne-Claude - Wrapped Reichstag
Wrapped Reichstag [Konstvärlden]

Christo & Jeanne-Claude
Wrapped Reichstag
installation architecture, 1995
Verket postulerar en rationell (här används konceptet idé(er) istället för empririska data) vetenskaplig (humanioristisk) underbestämning (verket minimerar tillgängliga konstvetenskapliga teorier) (in architecture ((empiristic in art) här omdefinieras mängden tillgängliga konstvetenskapliga teorier till att gälla naturliga fakta om verket (t.ex 100,000 m2 tyg av typen polypropylene))).
Wrapped Reichstag [Arkitekturvärlden]

Christo & Jeanne-Claude
Wrapped Reichstag
berlin reichstag, 1995
Verket ställer frågan om byggnaden med emballage fortfarande föreställer riksdagshuset (neo-klassicism in architecture; surrealism in practice).
// Niclas VII & Arreality Reconfigurating Today (Fantasy Creature)

Christo & Jeanne-Claude
Wrapped Reichstag
installation architecture, 1995
Verket postulerar en rationell (här används konceptet idé(er) istället för empririska data) vetenskaplig (humanioristisk) underbestämning (verket minimerar tillgängliga konstvetenskapliga teorier) (in architecture ((empiristic in art) här omdefinieras mängden tillgängliga konstvetenskapliga teorier till att gälla naturliga fakta om verket (t.ex 100,000 m2 tyg av typen polypropylene))).
Wrapped Reichstag [Arkitekturvärlden]

Christo & Jeanne-Claude
Wrapped Reichstag
berlin reichstag, 1995
Verket ställer frågan om byggnaden med emballage fortfarande föreställer riksdagshuset (neo-klassicism in architecture; surrealism in practice).
// Niclas VII & Arreality Reconfigurating Today (Fantasy Creature)
söndag 14 april 2019
Santa Claus i ett klimatsmart reseperspektiv
Jultomten i Mallorca
By the year 3606 world's population hits the new roof as several metropolis' rules the world with billions of people each a piece and the demand for Christmas gifts is almost impossible to convey.
When things could not get more worse the head raindeer (Rudolph the Red-Nosed Raindeer) of the crowd of raindeer quits and moves to Palermo to come closer to his dad (Rudolph the Red-Nosed Raindeer's Father (former Vice Raindeer)) (who had relocated to South Pole) and - for the better part - this raindeer used to guide in warm weather (red light (mule) constringent to act to show in sunny weather) (working as the opposite - Rita the Yellow-Nosed Raindeer (new Vice Raindeer) guides in cold weather (yellow light)).
And then - totally out of the blue - came a new ice age to Santa Claus' rescue with every imaginable place on Earth hit with snow and ice - except; Mallorca; who acted under an ozon hole and so many more billions of people moved over there.
Now with a more trackable surface the gift-bearing could hit 100% again (except for Mallorca (who held the majority of Earth's population)).
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
By the year 3606 world's population hits the new roof as several metropolis' rules the world with billions of people each a piece and the demand for Christmas gifts is almost impossible to convey.
When things could not get more worse the head raindeer (Rudolph the Red-Nosed Raindeer) of the crowd of raindeer quits and moves to Palermo to come closer to his dad (Rudolph the Red-Nosed Raindeer's Father (former Vice Raindeer)) (who had relocated to South Pole) and - for the better part - this raindeer used to guide in warm weather (red light (mule) constringent to act to show in sunny weather) (working as the opposite - Rita the Yellow-Nosed Raindeer (new Vice Raindeer) guides in cold weather (yellow light)).
And then - totally out of the blue - came a new ice age to Santa Claus' rescue with every imaginable place on Earth hit with snow and ice - except; Mallorca; who acted under an ozon hole and so many more billions of people moved over there.
Now with a more trackable surface the gift-bearing could hit 100% again (except for Mallorca (who held the majority of Earth's population)).
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona),
torsdag 11 april 2019
Anna Odell - Okänd, Kvinna 2009-349701 i ett postpostmodernt perspektiv
Okänd, Kvinna 2009-349701 [Konstvärlden]

Anna Odell
Okänd, Kvinna 2009-349701
conceptual psycho-social, 2009
Verket amplifierar en sekvens av händelser (fyrdimensionellt definierade)/(performances) som sammanbinder ett icke-moraliskt skäl (sjukdom) med ett moraliskt skäl (konstskapande). Sekvensen av händelser exekveras i en fyrdimensionalitet men är konceptuellt i en tid-rumslighet från en annan dimension (femte dimensionen)/(psycho-social) men utgör moraliska skäl (såväl icke-moraliska (sjukdom) som ultimat moraliska (skönhet).
// Niclas VII

Anna Odell
Okänd, Kvinna 2009-349701
conceptual psycho-social, 2009
Verket amplifierar en sekvens av händelser (fyrdimensionellt definierade)/(performances) som sammanbinder ett icke-moraliskt skäl (sjukdom) med ett moraliskt skäl (konstskapande). Sekvensen av händelser exekveras i en fyrdimensionalitet men är konceptuellt i en tid-rumslighet från en annan dimension (femte dimensionen)/(psycho-social) men utgör moraliska skäl (såväl icke-moraliska (sjukdom) som ultimat moraliska (skönhet).
// Niclas VII
söndag 7 april 2019
Santa Claus i ett abstrakt expressionistiskt-konstperspektiv
Santa Claus i ett abstrakt expressionistiskt-konstperspektiv
Going into the centuries Santa Claus has strenghten his position now holding the Christmas-giftbearing as sent in presents (art pieces) by the Christmas-celebraters. This is the story of one original Christmas in the beginning of the 37th century.
3604-12-16 - Santa Claus is being sent the art piece 'Death Of Santa Claus'. He does not open it, as it says; Recommended from 3000 years old. Contains small peices. (On the lable).
3604-12-17 - Santa Claus is reindicting the Santa Elderly (as the new giftbearer (Santa Claus)) in the EverGlades woods and takes the art piece with him to this 3000+ years creature.
3604-12-18 - Santa Elderly sents art peice Santa Claus Mutiny (Longlasting Disease) to Santa Claus.
3604-12-19 - Santa Claus Mutiny (Longlasting Disease) is being dwindled away among the vast Christmas post, hitting some scientists at the South Pole instead of Santa Claus on the North Pole.
3604-12-20 - Santa Claus arrives with the earlier defined art piece ('Death Of Santa Claus') at the house of the Santa Elderly killing him instantly. Santa Claus is once again being reindicted as the Christmas gift-bearer thriving now that the threat to his positition is vanguished.
3604-12-21 - A new copy of 'Death Of Santa Claus' is being posted to Santa Claus. (UPS posting.) (Santa Claus was wrongful when he analysed the situation as a new copy of 'Death Of Santa Claus' could be reinstigated if its included with the special post-gate.)
3604-12-22 - Santa Claus is being sent the art piece 'Fiero (Grand Theft Auto)'. This package's contains is already released so it hits Santa Claus before he hits 'Death Of Santa Claus'. (Contains grants Santa Claus with one more life.)
3604-12-23 - Santa Claus hits 'Death Of Santa Claus' but survives. (As he was getting a second life the day before.)
3604-12-24 - Santa Claus was once again victorious.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
Going into the centuries Santa Claus has strenghten his position now holding the Christmas-giftbearing as sent in presents (art pieces) by the Christmas-celebraters. This is the story of one original Christmas in the beginning of the 37th century.
3604-12-16 - Santa Claus is being sent the art piece 'Death Of Santa Claus'. He does not open it, as it says; Recommended from 3000 years old. Contains small peices. (On the lable).
3604-12-17 - Santa Claus is reindicting the Santa Elderly (as the new giftbearer (Santa Claus)) in the EverGlades woods and takes the art piece with him to this 3000+ years creature.
3604-12-18 - Santa Elderly sents art peice Santa Claus Mutiny (Longlasting Disease) to Santa Claus.
3604-12-19 - Santa Claus Mutiny (Longlasting Disease) is being dwindled away among the vast Christmas post, hitting some scientists at the South Pole instead of Santa Claus on the North Pole.
3604-12-20 - Santa Claus arrives with the earlier defined art piece ('Death Of Santa Claus') at the house of the Santa Elderly killing him instantly. Santa Claus is once again being reindicted as the Christmas gift-bearer thriving now that the threat to his positition is vanguished.
3604-12-21 - A new copy of 'Death Of Santa Claus' is being posted to Santa Claus. (UPS posting.) (Santa Claus was wrongful when he analysed the situation as a new copy of 'Death Of Santa Claus' could be reinstigated if its included with the special post-gate.)
3604-12-22 - Santa Claus is being sent the art piece 'Fiero (Grand Theft Auto)'. This package's contains is already released so it hits Santa Claus before he hits 'Death Of Santa Claus'. (Contains grants Santa Claus with one more life.)
3604-12-23 - Santa Claus hits 'Death Of Santa Claus' but survives. (As he was getting a second life the day before.)
3604-12-24 - Santa Claus was once again victorious.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
måndag 1 april 2019
Mark Wallinger - A Real Work Of Art
A Real Work Of Art [Bondetotovärlden]

Mark Wallinger
A Real Work Of Art
cow horse, 2019
A Real Work Of Art i ett postmodernt perspektiv
Here goes a cow as equestrian sports.
A Real Work Of Art i ett modernistiskt perspektiv
Here goes a cow as a meathead.
A Real Work Of Art i ett surrealistiskt perspektiv
Here goes a cow as a mutated bull.
A Real Work Of Art i ett antiart-perspektiv
Here goes a cow as meatballs.
A Real Work Of Art i ett klassicistiskt perspektiv
Here goes a cow as a cow.
A Real Work Of Art [Totobondevärlden]

Mark Wallinger
A Real Work Of Art
horse cow, 2019
A Real Work Of Art i ett postmodernt perspektiv
Here goes a race horse as a bullfighter.
A Real Work Of Art i ett modernistiskt perspektiv
Here goes a race horse as a galloping horse.
A Real Work Of Art i ett surrealistiskt perspektiv
Here goes a race horse as a flying pony.
A Real Work Of Art i ett antiart-perspektiv
Here goes a race horse as sunday steak.
A Real Work Of Art i ett klassicistiskt perspektiv
Here goes a horse as a horse.
// Arreality ReBodyfication Fault (Fantasy Creature) & Henrik Aronsson (Fantasy Creature)

Mark Wallinger
A Real Work Of Art
cow horse, 2019
A Real Work Of Art i ett postmodernt perspektiv
Here goes a cow as equestrian sports.
A Real Work Of Art i ett modernistiskt perspektiv
Here goes a cow as a meathead.
A Real Work Of Art i ett surrealistiskt perspektiv
Here goes a cow as a mutated bull.
A Real Work Of Art i ett antiart-perspektiv
Here goes a cow as meatballs.
A Real Work Of Art i ett klassicistiskt perspektiv
Here goes a cow as a cow.
A Real Work Of Art [Totobondevärlden]

Mark Wallinger
A Real Work Of Art
horse cow, 2019
A Real Work Of Art i ett postmodernt perspektiv
Here goes a race horse as a bullfighter.
A Real Work Of Art i ett modernistiskt perspektiv
Here goes a race horse as a galloping horse.
A Real Work Of Art i ett surrealistiskt perspektiv
Here goes a race horse as a flying pony.
A Real Work Of Art i ett antiart-perspektiv
Here goes a race horse as sunday steak.
A Real Work Of Art i ett klassicistiskt perspektiv
Here goes a horse as a horse.
// Arreality ReBodyfication Fault (Fantasy Creature) & Henrik Aronsson (Fantasy Creature)
Arreality ReBodyfication Fault (Fantasy Creature),
Henrik Aronsson (Fantasy Creature),
Mark Wallinger,
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