fredag 14 december 2018

A Christmas

The Christmas Disco was well of to start instigating the Christmas aura in the first mental institution. But a disco erasing ray was well calibrated and on the heel of our Christmas celebrators. The Christmas Disco had to travel to a new mental institution only to be set aside by a Christmas Banquet alas the mental patients were undertakning the role of cooks and chefs. And so the Christmas Disco had to travel to a new mental institution where the patients had planted a wood of talking Christmas Trees with loud heavy metal music playing along. But a disc jockey erasing ray was well calibrated and on the heel of our Christmas celebrators. And so the Christmas Disco had to travel to a new mental institution with Scarlet Witch attendance impersonating a talking Christmas Tree who hands out presents to our Christmas celebrators with loud punk music playing along. But a (punk) disc erasing ray was well calibrated and on the heel of our Christmas celebrators. And so the Christmas Disco had to travel to a new mental institution where the talking Christmas Trees had undergone a dis calibrated ray. And so the Christmas Day had to travel to a new mental institution where the talking Christmas Trees had undergone a dis calibrated ray. And so the Christmas Disco had to travel to a new mental insitution where Scarlet Witch imperson- ating a talking ent and captured our Christmas cele- brators with a dis connecting ray.

// Arreality Recharacteristified To (Forever) (Fantasy Creature)

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