torsdag 1 november 2018

Santa Claus i ett surrealistiskt konstperspektiv

Santa Claus i ett surrealistiskt konstperspektiv

Secret Government
Santa Claus
Jimmy Wales
Jesus (resurrected)
Hitler (good)
Easter Bunny
Grand Stork

Having spent several years in the Bahamas Santa Claus is so back at his residence on the North Pole (early 3200). Everything could have went back to normal if it wasn't for the Martian threat. Martians have some recently contacting of the secret government that governs earth in the dark and claims they need our TV-stations to start channeling Martian television.

The secret government then gathered a meeting and found some diplomacy from Hitler and Jimmy Wales lead to a new altered threat from the Martians - give us some episodes of 'My Little Pony' or we invade Earth. Some meddling and archivist activities found only the first seasons being broadcast in the nearest future. Fearing the Martians (possible) dislike of the earlier series would lead to an invasion none the less Santa Claus rescheduled Earth's collected 'My Little Pony' episodes (first series) to be scheduled at the 25th of December.

That way the Martians attack would succumb (the Martians was calculated to soften) when Santa Claus brings them Christmas (with 'My Little Pony' dolls as Christmas gifts.)

Santa Claus was once again victorious.

// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)

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