Jultomten till Boutros Ghali
Boutros Boutros-Ghali is thriving in his position as an undead diplomat overseing the United Nations all actions and endevours (2374) until one day the Boutros-Ghali family was about to inspire a family reunion. The Boutros-Ghali members of the family was a small contingent thue and so Boutros Boutros-Ghali changed his name to Boutros Ghali and inso could intervent with the Ghali-family's reunion (100+ members) (also pointing to the fact of their reunion commensing in bright shiny weather in Egypt (while the Boutros-Ghali family held their reunion in icey cold North Pole)).
One problem so persisted with the name of Boutros Ghali (former Boutros Boutros-Ghali) being already taken by several parties visiting the family reunion and so Boutros Ghali (former Boutros Boutros-Ghali) highlighted his name as Boutros B. Ghali.
All well one could perpose if it wasn't for the family of Ghali holding several family reunions all over Egypt with the one and another at a location with an increasingly warmer weather. Boutros Ghali (former Boutros Boutros-Ghali) then wasted no time in his hyperflous mode of attaining them all and so reawake several undead clones (of Boutros Ghali) naming them (all) B.B Ghali (installing them one after another at the different locations of family reunions).
Forward in time some while several Boutros-Ghali's bred with some Ghali's and so Boutros Ghali (former Boutros Boutros-Ghali) felt a need to interpolate both the Boutros-Ghali and the Ghali family reunions and so was sending his sonsonson (Boutros Boutros Boutros-Ghail) (a reknowned comedian) to one of the Boutros-Ghali family reunions and his sonsonsonson (Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros-Ghail) (a reknowded artist) to one of the other.
But it wasn't long after (its installment) the (newly installed) interchanged family reunions (Boutros-Ghali; Ghail) found troubles to hold conversations (as a common denominator was lacking thue to their forced companionship) and so Boutros Ghali was sending two clones (Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros B. Boutros-Ghail and (Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros B. Boutros-Ghail) (who at least could interact with eachother) to some of these reunions (the interchanged ones).
And so; at the contingent family reunions (Boutros-Ghali) the ones with the longest names (as an order of prizes awarded at family reunions) got to be awarded with a prize and so Boutros Ghail sent more clones to the designated locations (Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros-Ghali; Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros-Ghali; Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros-Ghali; Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros-Ghali; Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros-Ghali; Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros-Ghali).
But when a special guest appearance by Santa Claus was instilled (at the interchanged family reunions (Boutros-Ghali; Ghali) (with Christmas gifts awarded to all family members) Santa Claus mixed up the names (of the clones) and so delivered Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros B. Boutros-Ghail's gift to Boutros Boutros Boutros Boutros B. Boutros-Ghail (and the other way around) but as both contraptiots essentially was the same person the situation was soon solved.
Problems thue persisted at locations of the family reunions of the Boutros-Ghali's with the clones names being to long to label on the Christmas packages. This situation was soon solved thue by renaming the clones Boutros I-VIII.
And so Boutros Ghali (former Boutros Boutros-Ghali) (and his sonsonson; sonsonsonson; and all the clones) was yet victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
And so the family reunions (Boutros-Ghali; and Ghali; and the interchanged ones) was saved.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
tisdag 29 september 2020
söndag 27 september 2020
Cho Caril Auvinen
Set in a mutant engineering lab (long lost Tate Modern) to bring forward the deadliest spree killer.
// Niclas VIII
// Niclas VIII
tisdag 22 september 2020
Santa Claus i ett själavårdsabstraktperspektiv
Jultomten med Eternal Life
It was a difficult ride; that much can be said. But had it go to such length as adventuring the lifes of the men in charge of the giftbearing.
This is the tale of one Christmas (2680) that was severly difficult to embolish. Because of bad weather flights have been rearranged and now flows minutes-to-the-clock all Christmas over and so Santa [Claus] with his sleigh have to fly higher to not interact (intercept) the airline journeys.
All Santa [Claus] crew so went instrumental in its safety precautions and everyone on the sleigh (Santa [Claus] and his elves)/(including the reindeers) was so clothes in flame-impregnated costumes.
But the (perhaps foreseen) accident was there to be albeit with the head elf left with a hole in his flame-impregnated costume and so - going into the stratosphere - it came to be that the head elf went into flames leaving his body nothing more than coal and ashes.
Santa Claus so went into action post-stratosphere:
- I have to [contact the vice head elf]
- be alive. We can continue with the Christmas giftbearing, said the deceased head elf.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
The Head Elf was yet victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
It was a difficult ride; that much can be said. But had it go to such length as adventuring the lifes of the men in charge of the giftbearing.
This is the tale of one Christmas (2680) that was severly difficult to embolish. Because of bad weather flights have been rearranged and now flows minutes-to-the-clock all Christmas over and so Santa [Claus] with his sleigh have to fly higher to not interact (intercept) the airline journeys.
All Santa [Claus] crew so went instrumental in its safety precautions and everyone on the sleigh (Santa [Claus] and his elves)/(including the reindeers) was so clothes in flame-impregnated costumes.
But the (perhaps foreseen) accident was there to be albeit with the head elf left with a hole in his flame-impregnated costume and so - going into the stratosphere - it came to be that the head elf went into flames leaving his body nothing more than coal and ashes.
Santa Claus so went into action post-stratosphere:
- I have to [contact the vice head elf]
- be alive. We can continue with the Christmas giftbearing, said the deceased head elf.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
The Head Elf was yet victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
fredag 18 september 2020
Top 100 Movies [69]
69. Carrie (2002)
Fantasy horror

Fake Carrie turns outlashing while telepathically challenging the town. When Scarlet Witch is being jokingly adressed by a boy on a bike she uses reality warping to create an AK-47 and subsequently shoots the boy of his bike. Following that event Carrie then - a devout catholic - prays for forgiveness before releasing a total number of fantasy creatures and uses her powers of reality warping to cancel the school arson. Alice then hands out ant blood in jars to everyone involved.
// Niclas VIII & The Hendriks (Fantasy Creatures)
Fantasy horror

Fake Carrie turns outlashing while telepathically challenging the town. When Scarlet Witch is being jokingly adressed by a boy on a bike she uses reality warping to create an AK-47 and subsequently shoots the boy of his bike. Following that event Carrie then - a devout catholic - prays for forgiveness before releasing a total number of fantasy creatures and uses her powers of reality warping to cancel the school arson. Alice then hands out ant blood in jars to everyone involved.
// Niclas VIII & The Hendriks (Fantasy Creatures)
tisdag 15 september 2020
Santa Claus i ett livsrumsgudaperspektiv
Jultomten av Eternal Life
When Santa Claus have trouble differing between the universes with compeling new laws and the universes when Santa [Claus] is just poor and grumpy Santa Claus so finds a way into travelling inbetween institutional worlds with new versions of objects (2665).
One such object(ification) was the work 'Eternal Life' and so Santa Claus travels the five dimensional institutional worlds in his quest for new Christmas gifts.
First out; Santa travels to the medicine world ('Eternal Life' (anti-psychotic injection)) but as the abstractification here was transferred to medicine ordination the objectification was not granted (at all).
Second out; Santa [Claus] travels to the psychiatry world ('Eternal Life' (delusions)) but as the abstractification here is only seen as a (ungrounded) belief in the subjects mind this was not transferrable.
Third out; Santa [Claus] travels to the science world ('Eternal Life' (quantum mechanics)) but here it's unclear if the quantum mechanic's beholding of an object's whereabout as both non-existing and existing is transferrable to the macro world.
Fourth out; Santa Claus travels to the film world ('Eternal Life' (canon causality fictionalisation)) but as Santa [Claus] couldn't afford to administer a movie to all giftapplicants this transferred to null.
Fifth out; Santa Claus travels to the teology world ('Eternal Life' (metaphysical concept)) but as religions differ in the concepts of the abstractification this could not be transferrable (at least not to all).
Sixth out; Santa [Claus] travels to the music world ('Eternal Life' (transcendance music)) but as all giftapplicants doesn't use (have) a stereo this was not in compliance with a transferring (at least to some).
Seventh out; Santa Claus travels to the art world ('Eternal Life' (eastern art)) but as this was only made abstractificational with a portion of the world's population this was not meant to be transferred.
Eight out; Santa [Claus] travels to the Christmas world ('Eternal Life' (abstract hard medium package)) and so could deliver gift vouchers on open heart surgery and gift vouchers on cell treatments to giftapplicants.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
And so eternal life was yet granted (to the Earth's population).
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
When Santa Claus have trouble differing between the universes with compeling new laws and the universes when Santa [Claus] is just poor and grumpy Santa Claus so finds a way into travelling inbetween institutional worlds with new versions of objects (2665).
One such object(ification) was the work 'Eternal Life' and so Santa Claus travels the five dimensional institutional worlds in his quest for new Christmas gifts.
First out; Santa travels to the medicine world ('Eternal Life' (anti-psychotic injection)) but as the abstractification here was transferred to medicine ordination the objectification was not granted (at all).
Second out; Santa [Claus] travels to the psychiatry world ('Eternal Life' (delusions)) but as the abstractification here is only seen as a (ungrounded) belief in the subjects mind this was not transferrable.
Third out; Santa [Claus] travels to the science world ('Eternal Life' (quantum mechanics)) but here it's unclear if the quantum mechanic's beholding of an object's whereabout as both non-existing and existing is transferrable to the macro world.
Fourth out; Santa Claus travels to the film world ('Eternal Life' (canon causality fictionalisation)) but as Santa [Claus] couldn't afford to administer a movie to all giftapplicants this transferred to null.
Fifth out; Santa Claus travels to the teology world ('Eternal Life' (metaphysical concept)) but as religions differ in the concepts of the abstractification this could not be transferrable (at least not to all).
Sixth out; Santa [Claus] travels to the music world ('Eternal Life' (transcendance music)) but as all giftapplicants doesn't use (have) a stereo this was not in compliance with a transferring (at least to some).
Seventh out; Santa Claus travels to the art world ('Eternal Life' (eastern art)) but as this was only made abstractificational with a portion of the world's population this was not meant to be transferred.
Eight out; Santa [Claus] travels to the Christmas world ('Eternal Life' (abstract hard medium package)) and so could deliver gift vouchers on open heart surgery and gift vouchers on cell treatments to giftapplicants.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
And so eternal life was yet granted (to the Earth's population).
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
tisdag 8 september 2020
Santa Claus i ett vattenfast konceptperspektiv
Jultomten på Pool Guardian
It was the day to end all days; coming into 2693 Santa Claus found himself w/o elves (which he had to release after not paying their wager for some time); w/o ability to sustain the demand for Christmas gifts; and on top of it all (the icing on the cake) Santa Claus had left himself head- and heartbroken in need of a rest.
But it was one thing he could do; one personnel that maybe could fill in for him; the solution; both grand and no land was hitting in Santa Claus' backyard where he leveled the icey (lakey) pool of Santa Claus -- the solution was the Pool Guardian of Santa -- the solution was the one of interchanged consciousness feeling (giving) the Pool Guardian the Santa Claus consciousness (in addition to his own).
So; out on duty this new Pool Guardian Santa hybrid managed to sustain his territories (as of Christmas giftbearing (and Pool Guardian)) to only include sites with both a duty for Christmas giftbearing activities and a pool cleaning duty.
Out on the field this new Pool Guardian Santa soon found demand and was in for a visit to a house (with pool) and Christmas giftbearing activities scheduled. One thing about this house stood out as outside the norm thue; the Christmas present (it was only one) delivered was several square meters.
The Pool Guardian Santa; using his ability to dig deep soon found out that the large Christmas gift included a 'Doomsday Device' (found conceptual relational installation). Furtheron; using his [the Pool Guardian Santa] ability to perfectly heat a situation under certain conditions he managed to get it open before the Christmas ceremony and then; using his ability to differentiate between the bait and the wheat the Pool Guardian Santa succesfully undid its functioning by disconnecting some cords (in the opened package of the 'Doomsday Device' ('The Pool Keeper Who Knew Too Much' (art film))).
Santa Claus (the Pool Guardian) was once again victorious.
And so the world was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
It was the day to end all days; coming into 2693 Santa Claus found himself w/o elves (which he had to release after not paying their wager for some time); w/o ability to sustain the demand for Christmas gifts; and on top of it all (the icing on the cake) Santa Claus had left himself head- and heartbroken in need of a rest.
But it was one thing he could do; one personnel that maybe could fill in for him; the solution; both grand and no land was hitting in Santa Claus' backyard where he leveled the icey (lakey) pool of Santa Claus -- the solution was the Pool Guardian of Santa -- the solution was the one of interchanged consciousness feeling (giving) the Pool Guardian the Santa Claus consciousness (in addition to his own).
So; out on duty this new Pool Guardian Santa hybrid managed to sustain his territories (as of Christmas giftbearing (and Pool Guardian)) to only include sites with both a duty for Christmas giftbearing activities and a pool cleaning duty.
Out on the field this new Pool Guardian Santa soon found demand and was in for a visit to a house (with pool) and Christmas giftbearing activities scheduled. One thing about this house stood out as outside the norm thue; the Christmas present (it was only one) delivered was several square meters.
The Pool Guardian Santa; using his ability to dig deep soon found out that the large Christmas gift included a 'Doomsday Device' (found conceptual relational installation). Furtheron; using his [the Pool Guardian Santa] ability to perfectly heat a situation under certain conditions he managed to get it open before the Christmas ceremony and then; using his ability to differentiate between the bait and the wheat the Pool Guardian Santa succesfully undid its functioning by disconnecting some cords (in the opened package of the 'Doomsday Device' ('The Pool Keeper Who Knew Too Much' (art film))).
Santa Claus (the Pool Guardian) was once again victorious.
And so the world was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
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