Jultomten av Tribe
2127 is closing in and new opportunities (in the Christmas giftbearing) have arose. It all started when a plane carrying Coca-Cola bottles flew over Africa and mistakingly dropped some cargo (in the form of empty bottles of Coca-Cola (with Santa Claus' face highlightning)). These bottles landed straight at a non-civilized tribe (Kongho-Longhu) who then got a start in believing in both Coca-Cola and Santa Claus (Christmas).
This tribe then wanted more Coca-Cola (and a visit from Santa Claus Christmas time) and so Santa Claus saw to visit this tribe Christmas Day delivering Coca-Cola as Christmas gifts.
Atleast that's what he was supposed to be doing but when travelling there on Christmas Day he didn't know how to greet the tribe (Kongho-Longhu) or how to going about with his giftbearing procedure don't knowing the language. Originally; this was supposed to be cleared with the elf interpreter but he had skipped the Kongho-Longhu course when in university (when learning languages).
Santa Claus tried with mimicking the language greeting the tribe with 'Kongho long gron fronu esopo driongolo dasolongui' but that didn't struck a cord.
Next Santa Claus tried with initiating the giftbearing with 'Longho long molong serupongo gratifioungu' but that didn't work either.
The elf interpreter then struck a cord when highlightning a certain conceived pattern in the language from the medicine man of the tribe. It seemed their language used a certain versification - first syllable first line should rhyme with last syllable first line, fifth syllable of the second line and sixth syllable of the second line; first syllable in second line should rhyme with eight syllable second line; and second syllable in second line should rhyme with ninth syllable second line -- Kongho laghi grastyomgla esop drisglong, hulon melinponggrongpe puhon -- and as soon as this versification was cracked the giftbearing (within the tribe) could proceed.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)