När Är Det Humor (Part 9)
Denna essän fungerar som en överblick (analys) över komikerparet 'Tim and Eric''s samlade produktion; med extra fokus på deras långfilm 'Tim and Eric Billion Dollar Movie'; med deras (unika) användande av den för komiken så viktiga straight man-aktualiteten (straight man vs. funny-man). Först presenterar jag ett exempel på 'extra straight man'; med 'Tom Goes to the Mayor' som exempel; sen presenterar jag exempel på 'meta-straight man' och 'periodisk straight man'; med 'Tim and Eric Billion Dollar Movie' som exemplifierad fiktion.
Extra Straight Man
'Tim and Eric''s pilotserie 'Tom Goes to the Mayor' får här exemplifiera en tidig straight man-synvinkel med Tim som spelar Tom som går till borgmästaren med idéer (ofta rationella) som sedan punkteras (eller görs absurbda) av borgmästaren. Här speglas Tom som en överdriven straight man (nervös, fidgety, dorky, menlös) men med bra (oftast) idéer för Jefferton's floriserande.
Meta-straight Man
Som meta-straight man infaller det typiska för 'Tim and Eric Billion Dollar Movie''s preface; när 'Tim and Eric' spelar sig själva som sig själva. 'Tim and Eric Billion Dollar Movie' ska säljas in till några höjdarexecutives och 'Tim and Eric' spelar här rollen som sig själva som om dem skulle ha kunnat sälja in 'Tim and Eric Billion Dollar Movie' men när filmen inte går att sälja in byter man snart narrativ till sig själva som sig sjäva som spelar sig själva.
Periodisk Straight Man
Här infaller det typiska 'Tim and Eric'-signumet; som jag väljer att kalla 'periodisk straight man'; med ett skifte; från scen till scen ('Tim and Eric Billion Dollar Movie'); av straight man respektive komiska agenter (figurer). Precis som ovan spelar här 'Tim and Eric' sig själva; som bara vill göra shopping-galerian för det bästa; men med goofyness nästa scen; sen spelar dem sig själva igen (med komiska karikatyrer som medaktörer); för att sedan (igen) generera goofyness; för att till sist producera både goofyness och straight man-material. Ett exempel på detta är när Tim gör 'Tim and Eric Billion Dollar Movie' till halvmusikal med återkallande av sin son från en av shopping-gallerians original crew.
// Niclas VI & Niclas VII
fredag 28 februari 2020
onsdag 26 februari 2020
Top 50 Murderers [47]
47. The Dnepropetrovsk Maniacs
Serial killers
Viktor Sayenko and Igor Suprunyuk with a killing toll at 21 most of them with a hammer.
// Henrik*
Serial killers
Viktor Sayenko and Igor Suprunyuk with a killing toll at 21 most of them with a hammer.
// Henrik*
söndag 23 februari 2020
Dan Wolgers - Untitled
Untitled [Konstvärlden]
Dan Wolgers
sculpture, 1987
Verket består av en kyrka i miniatyr med hundöron och är rikt på fantasi men lågt på kreativitet.
Untitled [Kyrkovärlden]
Dan Wolgers
church with dog ears, 1987
Verket består av en kyrka med hundöron och är rikt på kreativitet men lågt på fantasi.
// Niclas VII & Henrik VII
Dan Wolgers
sculpture, 1987
Verket består av en kyrka i miniatyr med hundöron och är rikt på fantasi men lågt på kreativitet.
Untitled [Kyrkovärlden]
Dan Wolgers
church with dog ears, 1987
Verket består av en kyrka med hundöron och är rikt på kreativitet men lågt på fantasi.
// Niclas VII & Henrik VII
Dan Wolgers,
Henrik VII,
Niclas VII,
onsdag 19 februari 2020
Top 75 Television Series [70]
70. Allt och lite till
Serie för unga (familje) av sketchtypy med bland andra Vanna Rosenberg.
// Niclas III & Niclas IV & Niclas VI
Serie för unga (familje) av sketchtypy med bland andra Vanna Rosenberg.
// Niclas III & Niclas IV & Niclas VI
Niclas III,
Niclas IV,
Niclas VI,
fredag 14 februari 2020
Santa Claus i ett julabstraktperspektiv
Jultomten med Christmas Day
Everything (the Christmas giftbearing) follows smoothly up until 3701 when Santa Claus finds himself in a mere turmoil. This year it was decided that Santa Claus should pre-deliver (under the Christmas tree (early hours (Christmas Day (Eve)))) some packages to some Christmas giftapplicants meaning he [Santa Claus] had to put in double hours visiting some giftapplicants twice (one in the morning and one in the afternoon).
Even if he [Santa] got the keys so he could predeliver gifts early morning (before everyone wakes up) some things were not as it should.
First off - in the early morning hours - Santa visits an apartment building meaning he (even if he have the keys) looses time running the stairs in the multiple floor building.
Second on; now moving on to the afternoon visits; Santa visits a villa with a chimney but going in the chimney-way only founds Santa Claus ending up in the bedroom (and not the living room) - Santa so looses valuable time again.
Third on; Santa Claus founds an apartment but going in the backdoor seems relected as the door was cieled and locked and so Santa Claus looses valuable time again.
Further on; Santa [Claus] so visits a semester house but also this time finds it shielded and looked but this time without any residents in the house (meaning Santa Claus have mistakenly looked up the house as a Christmas giftbearing vendor) and so Santa Claus loosing even more time.
Moving forward; Santa Claus once again finds an apartment building (w/ multiple floors) (as of the route of the Christmas giftbearing) but this time Santa finds a way with parking his sleigh on the top floor balcony meaning he only has to go through the stairs one time (downwards) but as Santa then gets penalized for illegal parking this means he looses even more time.
But things would prevail when Santa Claus then visits a block house meaning he could undertake multiple giftapplicants at the same time (the whole area of the block house combined in one visit) meaning he finally won some time translated into a situation that was so finding that he could undertake (and manage) the whole of the current year's Christmas giftbearing.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
Everything (the Christmas giftbearing) follows smoothly up until 3701 when Santa Claus finds himself in a mere turmoil. This year it was decided that Santa Claus should pre-deliver (under the Christmas tree (early hours (Christmas Day (Eve)))) some packages to some Christmas giftapplicants meaning he [Santa Claus] had to put in double hours visiting some giftapplicants twice (one in the morning and one in the afternoon).
Even if he [Santa] got the keys so he could predeliver gifts early morning (before everyone wakes up) some things were not as it should.
First off - in the early morning hours - Santa visits an apartment building meaning he (even if he have the keys) looses time running the stairs in the multiple floor building.
Second on; now moving on to the afternoon visits; Santa visits a villa with a chimney but going in the chimney-way only founds Santa Claus ending up in the bedroom (and not the living room) - Santa so looses valuable time again.
Third on; Santa Claus founds an apartment but going in the backdoor seems relected as the door was cieled and locked and so Santa Claus looses valuable time again.
Further on; Santa [Claus] so visits a semester house but also this time finds it shielded and looked but this time without any residents in the house (meaning Santa Claus have mistakenly looked up the house as a Christmas giftbearing vendor) and so Santa Claus loosing even more time.
Moving forward; Santa Claus once again finds an apartment building (w/ multiple floors) (as of the route of the Christmas giftbearing) but this time Santa finds a way with parking his sleigh on the top floor balcony meaning he only has to go through the stairs one time (downwards) but as Santa then gets penalized for illegal parking this means he looses even more time.
But things would prevail when Santa Claus then visits a block house meaning he could undertake multiple giftapplicants at the same time (the whole area of the block house combined in one visit) meaning he finally won some time translated into a situation that was so finding that he could undertake (and manage) the whole of the current year's Christmas giftbearing.
And so Christmas was once again saved.
Santa Claus was once again victorious.
// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)
Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona),
torsdag 13 februari 2020
Top 50 Murderers [48]
48. Tsutomu Miyazaki
Serial killer
Japanese serial killer with both multiple personality disorder (Rat Man) and schizophrenia.
// Henrik*
Serial killer
Japanese serial killer with both multiple personality disorder (Rat Man) and schizophrenia.
// Henrik*
onsdag 12 februari 2020
Top 75 Television Series [71]
torsdag 6 februari 2020
Top 75 Television Series [72]
onsdag 5 februari 2020
Top 100 Movies [96-91]
96-91. Star Wars (Hexalogy)
Space opera
Klassisk saga möter modernism - när Luke Skywalker (protagonist) - på jakt efter kraften - blir coachad av genial fantasy-esq varelse (Joda) - med 'I'm your father' (Darth Vader (antagonist)) plottwist (stilbildande).
// Niclas VI
Space opera
Klassisk saga möter modernism - när Luke Skywalker (protagonist) - på jakt efter kraften - blir coachad av genial fantasy-esq varelse (Joda) - med 'I'm your father' (Darth Vader (antagonist)) plottwist (stilbildande).
// Niclas VI
söndag 2 februari 2020
Niclas Citron - Mona Lisa Eats A Banana [Konstvärlden]
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