onsdag 27 februari 2019

Gilbert & George - Bend It

Bend It [Konstvärlden]

Gilbert & George
Bend It
performance sculpture, 1969

Verket blir på samma vis ett modernistiskt verk avspeglandes 00-talet (klädseln); ett abstrakt expressionistiskt verk avspeglandes omgivningen (video); och på samma vis ett postmodernt verk; dansen. Här finns också ett drag av klassicism med tvist; 'dancing sculptures'.

Bend It [Discovärlden]

Gilbert & George
Bend It
disco dance, 1969

Verket blir på samma vis ett modernistiskt verk avspeglandes 60-talet (låten); ett surrealistiskt verk (video); och på samma vis ett postmodernt verk; dansen. Här finns också ett drag av klassicism med tvist; 'konstnärer som dansar'.

// Arreality Reshapened Today (Fantasy Creature) & Arreality Reconfigurating Today (Fantasy Creature) & Arreality Reconnecting To (The Future) (Fantasy Creature)

måndag 25 februari 2019

Mark Wallinger - A Real Work Of Art [Psykiatritotovärlden]

A Real Work Of Art

Mark Wallinger
A Real Work Of Art
fantasy race horse, 2019

A Real Work Of Art i ett postmodernt perspektiv

Kapplöpningshästen är 'VästerBoOnTheNews' och kusken är 'Åke Turesson'. Totoarenan är Axevalla och spelet ligger på 'Stepping SpaceBoy'.

A Real Work Of Art i ett modernistiskt perspektiv

Kapplöpningshästen är 'Real Masterpiece' och kusken är 'Oskar J Andersson'. Totoarenan är Bergsåker och spelet ligger på svart häst.

A Real Work Of Art i ett surrealistiskt perspektiv

Kapplöpningshästen är 'BetOnTheRain' och kusken är 'Lars Wilhelmsson'. Totoarenan är Solvalla och spelet ligger på 'SoFarSoGood'.

A Real Work Of Art i ett romantiskt perspektiv

Kapplöpningshästen är 'OpenGrassRoots' och kusken är 'Göran L Bemeister'. Totoarenan är Palma de Mallorca och spelet ligger på 'FromThePerimeterIntoTheVoid'.

// Arreality ReTelevised Today (Fantasy Creature) & Arreality ReJuiced Today (Fantasy Creature)

torsdag 21 februari 2019

Santa Claus i ett musikaliskt konceptperspektiv

Jultomten på the Unofficial Fruit

It could be said that Santa Claus have a hefty schedule around Christmas - but one thing he always conveyed is the Christmas concert of his favourite punk band 'the Unofficial Fruit'. Just this Christmas (3402) the band kept a sort of a normal routine except for one thing - the cover on John Cage's '4'33"'.

This inspired Santa Claus to set up his own band; as '4'33"' (and variations) was their only repertoire Santa Claus could use elves as musicians with himself as the conductor.

Soon the band got up its start and following along that line would be more mute pieces with Santa Claus as composer - 'Dancing Nightowls in the Paradise' to name one of them.

The bands popularity soon grew and in particular young kids would enjoy their catchy rhythmies and easy (to sing along) texts. But it wasn't before '4 Car Tracks and 1 Action Fig' that the band saw its popularity peak.

Kids (of which held the most of the band's fans) now saw anticipation tagging along in [the bands] music pieces and so could withstand that Santa Claus would greet their house a little later than usual.

And then came [the band's] monster hit; 'Song Played by Another Band' which would see kid's anticipation increase even more and Santa Claus could then hit their house several days later which was enough for Santa Claus to be able to catch that year's Christmas concert by 'the Unofficial Fruit' playing 'Song Played by Another Band (the Unofficial Fruit Remix)'.

Santa Claus was once again victorious.

// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)

torsdag 14 februari 2019

Santa Claus i ett globalt reseperspektiv

Jultomten i Moskva

Seeing (2125) his old Delorean started to be rustled (and on a low top speed) Santa Claus have been starting to miss certain areas in his Christmas gift-bearing business. The solution could have been granted by the use of a Cessna (aircraft) to convoy Santa Claus in his activity.

Sadly, thue; out on one of his first Christmases post-Cessnawise Santa Claus finds some engine failure and is prompted to emergency land in Moskva (Russia). The situation was now even more intricate as Santa Claus (now without both his Delorean and his Cessna) counted his options. Without a vehicle Santa Claus then calculated that he would only be enough to carry Russia.

But soon enough Santa Claus finds an idea in governing the borderlines of Russia. This way he could convoy many more territories.

Santa Claus was once again victorious.

// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)

lördag 9 februari 2019

Henrik Aronsson - The Stealing Of The Beveclings [Psykiatrivärlden]

The Stealing Of The Beveclings

Henrik Aronsson
The Stealing Of The Beveclings
fantasy creature, 2014

I stole (loaned) some fantasy friends known as the Beveclings (Beveklingar) a few years past. Tell me if you are the original owner and we might arrange for them to be transfered back. (Or if they somehow got back to you).

// Henrik Aronsson (Other World Persona)

torsdag 7 februari 2019

Santa Claus i ett metamodernt konstperspektiv

Santa Claus i ett metamodernt konstperspektiv

Art Review Panel (3400)
Evening Of Beauty
Moving Sculpture
Useless Machines
Red Mobile
TV Bra For Living Sculpture
Concept Machines
The Love Robot
The Hybrid Cyborg
The Shapeshifting Alien

The Robot Art Review Panel

Coming into 3400 the art world is governed by a set of robots who acts as a review panel - getting your art approved is a complicated process as these robots has a hidden agenda of taking over the world starting with the art world. Thus - this robotic review panel - usually only accepts art pieces created by other robots.

Invention of the Flux-Time Machine

This could have left Santa Claus untouched if it wasn't for the fact that he uses art pieces as Christmas gifts. Thue; Santa Claus soon sorted abide with the invention of the Flux-Time Machine. With that invention he could travel time by recreating former artworks.

Moveable Art Pieces

Santa Claus used the concept of recreating former artworks to make copies of the art review panel by addressing specific moveable art pieces (moveable sculptures).

First; he recreated (living picture) Olga Desmond 's 'Evening Of Beauty' (1908) - which consisted of Olga posing in the manner of a variety of classical sculptures.

Second; he recreated Man Ray's 'Moving Sculpture' (1920) - which consisted of newly washed white sheets on a clothesline.

Third; he recreated Bruno Munari's 'Useless Machines' (sculpture) (1933).

Fourth; he recreated Alexander Calder's 'Red Mobile' (1956) (kinetic sculpture).

Fifth; he recreated Charlotte Moorman's 'TV Bra For Living Sculpture' (1969) (performance).

Sixth; he recreated Niclas Citron's 'Concept Machines' (2013) - which consisted of a machine-like structure with no mechanics but driven by belief (in art).

Seventh; he recreated David Freeland's 'The Love Robot' (2203) - which consisted of mechanic-sketches on top of the barechested artist while [he] goes around twisting gags (in a twisted gag) (searching for love).

Eight; he recreated William Chesterfield's 'The Hybrid Cyborg' (2659) - which consisted of a hybrid between man and cyborg thus having his first entity as man and his next entity parted between man and machine.

Ninth; he recreated Gerhard Morecambe's 'The Shapeshifting Alien' (3240) - which consisted of a real alive alien who could (shape)shift into a variety of human forms.

New Workings (of the Review Panel)

This new panel then substituted the old one and so it went alot more easy for Santa Claus to get his art collection passing by as art and therefor be eligible as Christmas gifts.

Santa Claus was once again victorious.

And so Christmas (and the artworld) was once again saved.

// Henrik Aronsson (Other Persona)

onsdag 6 februari 2019

Emma Sulkowicz - Mattress Performance (Carry That Weight) i ett modernistiskt perspektiv

Mattress Performance (Carry That Weight) [Konstvärlden]

Emma Sulkowicz
Mattress Performance (Carry That Weight)
psycho-social, 2015

Här blir konstvärlden likställd med lagväsendet och konstnären får sin dom mot sin påstådda våldtäktsman samtidigt som den påstådda våldtäktsmannen blir friad.

// Niclas VI

tisdag 5 februari 2019

Emma Sulkowicz - Mattress Performance (Carry That Weight) i ett postmodernt perspektiv

Mattress Performance (Carry That Weight) [Konstvärlden]

Emma Sulkowicz
Mattress Performance (Carry That Weight)
psycho-social, 2015

Här blir lagväsendet (meta-institution) underordnat konstvärlden. Konstnären får sin lag rättfärdigad samtidigt som debatten om våldtäkt eller icke-våldtäkt lämnas öppen.

// Niclas VI

måndag 4 februari 2019

Anna Odell - Okänd, Kvinna 2009-349701 i ett expressionistiskt perspektiv

Okänd, Kvinna 2009-349701 [Konstvärlden]

Anna Odell
Okänd, Kvinna 2009-349701
psycho-social, 2009

Verket blir här en objektifiering. Konstnären använder sig av flera (två) begreppsvärldar med gemensamma utryckssätt - psykiatriobjektet (psykiatrivärlden) och konstobjektet (konstvärlden) i vilka konstnären befinner sig i samtidigt.

// Niclas VI

söndag 3 februari 2019

Some mere fantasy friends

Scarlet Witch have released some more fantasy friends only to see them transformed to personality disordered ones. Aggressive Relations Personality Disorder (w/ manic features) got himself applying to 'Paradise Hotel' only to see him denied in because of dying public transports. Precognitive-Social Personality Disorder (w/ anti-social features) got himself applying to 'Friskis och Svettis Hotel' only to see him denied in because of dying-(haired) people. Fantasy (Creatures) Borderline-Social Personality Disorder (w/ autistic features) got himself applying to 'Foster's Hotel (For Imaginary Friends)' only to see him denied because of dying subsidies. Cross-Addressing Personality Disorder (w/ emotional disorder features) got himself applying to 'Bunker (Bucket) Hotel' only to see him denied as the ant war on television (dying red ants) held him occupied. They were then all united in 'Heavenly Creatures Hotel'.

// (Ar)reality Resistance Try (Fantasy Creature) & Arreality Reflective Toxic (Fantasy Creature) & Arreality Reconsidered Twenty (Fantasy Creature)